Hello Beautiful

It Was Like, ‘Wow’

“Hey, why don’t you sing another song Laura?” said Zach.

I groaned inwardly. “Sure, but I only have two left,” I said as Jacob set me down carefully on the bed, as if I was fragile and made of glass. “My next song is called The Middle and it’s about Nicholas, Kevin, and Joseph. When they helped me get signed, it was like, ‘wow’, so I wrote this song to thank them.”

I knew
Where I was going
When you left
The room
The kinda guy
That makes me
Want to
Follow through
To you
I've been
Trying to leave here
For the longest time
The second
That I saw you
I just knew
I found my ride

I like it
I like it
I like it

I like it
I like it
I like it

I wanna crash
I wanna fall
I wanna be
Somewhere in the middle
Somewhere in the middle
It's better
Than nothing
I just need a little
I just need a little
Cause I
Don't wanna
Be nowhere
But something’s
Making me go there
Somewhere in the middle
With you

I like it
I like it
I like it

I like it
I like it
I like it

Losing my direction,
That's the way it should be
Feeling a connection
When you're
Standing next to me

I wanna be rolling
I just wanna
Be rolling with you

All of the things you say
Are taking me
Far away

I wanna crash
I wanna fall
I wanna be somewhere in the middle
Somewhere in the middle
It's better
Than nothing
I just need a little
I just need a little
And I
Don't wanna
Be nowhere
But something’s
Making me go there
Somewhere in the middle
With you

You saved me
You’re gonna take me
From this crazy place
Cause I just need a little
I just need a little
Somewhere in the middle
With you

I wanna fall
I wanna be
Somewhere in the middle
Somewhere in the middle
It's better than nothing
I just need a little
I just need a little
And I
Don't wanna be no-where
But something’s
Making me go there
Somewhere in the middle with you

I like it
I like it
Somewhere in the middle with you

I like it
I like it
Somewhere in the middle with you
Middle with you...

“AWWW!!!!! You love us!!” said Joe obnoxiously.

“Yes, I hate to admit it, but I do love you guys.” Everyone laughed “No, but seriously, you guys have helped me so much these past few months and I really do appreciate all that you have done for me. It means a lot.”

“Well, actually, I think, before, when Joe said something about how everything Laura touches, turns to gold-“ Nick began

“Oh no.” Here he goes again.

“I really think he had the right idea. Look at her music. Look at the movie. Look at the tour. Look at the magazine articles. For crying out loud, look at us! We look a million times better since we started hanging with Laura, and our music sounds a ton better too! She really does make everything she touches turn to gold. She’s an extraordinary person and I don’t know how she does all that she does, with music and touring and writing, and after all of that, still having time to beat all our butts at every sport known to man. Not kidding.

“When she goes home, she spends time with her friends and family, and runs errands for her mom, and babysits her brother. And when she’s in LA, she deals with interviews and photo shoots and clothes and recording and writing music and filming and her fans, and on top of all that, she deals with us. Now that takes talent.”

Nick smiled as he bragged about how amazingly fabulous he thought I was, when I know I’m not really that great. My face got hotter and hotter, until I buried my head in his chest and started sobbing. I couldn’t help it, Nick was just so sweet. It was the most wonderful feeling to know that Nick felt this way about me. He really was perfect.

“Nick,” I said, after I could talk without breaking down into tears, “I’m not that fantastic. I make mistakes just like everyone else.”

“Oh yeah?” Name one.”

“Biting Joe’s tongue off.”

“He deserved that.”

“Only a little bit.”

“Or a lot.” Joe laughed.

“How about some more music?” I asked my friends, trying to get Nick away from this dangerous topic. “I have one more song left. Anybody besides the JoBros know what it is?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, kinda short, but at least I posted?