Hello Beautiful

I Scream At Nick Jonas’ Underwear




“Damn it, what is that noise?”



Oh. It was my phone. What time was it? Nine in the morning! Crap, I really need some more sleep. Better see who’s calling first.

Mr. President

Omigod, it’s Nick!


“Hey, Laura. Did I wake you up? I’m really sorry!”

“It’s fine. I needed to get up anyway. I have practice in an hour. What’s up?”

“I called to see if you could come over to mine and my brothers’ room for a minute. I have to tell you something."

“Yea, sure. Just give me a minute. I’m still in my pajamas.”

“Ok, cool. See you in a sec.”

What could he want? Don’t think about it, just get ready, I told myself as I pulled on my Lucky Brand skinny jeans and my Abercrombie and Fitch blue, white, pink, and navy striped collared shirt and my black converse. My hair was fine, since I had fixed it so well the night before and slept on it so little. I put on a little makeup so that I looked like I had actually gotten enough sleep to be presentable and slipped out the door quietly so I wouldn’t wake anyone else. All my friends were still asleep. Apparently they had been awake almost as late as I had, but they had been trying to figure out what I was up to.

I closed the door softly behind me and walked the two feet between my room and the JoBros’. I knocked softly. I didn’t know if Joe and Kevin were awake yet. Nick answered the door immediately. He stepped aside and gestured for me to come in and sit down. Their suite was almost identical to mine, but with three bedrooms instead of five and a few less bathrooms.

“How did you sleep?” asked Nick.

“Not very well,” I admitted. “I was much too excited for some reason,” I smiled.

“I also had a restless night. The cause of my excitement was a piece of news that Kevin gave me when I came in. Do you remember your show last night?”


“Well, Kevin just happened to have a video camera with him.”

“Oh no.”

“What?” Kevin asked. He walked in from another bedroom, “You were amazing.”

“Yea, you totally rocked it,” said Joe, coming in from the bathroom.

“That was one of the worst performances I’ve ever given in my life! My dance partners Austin, Michael, and Alex kept stepping on my feet and I was really pitchy and I sang wrong notes and for one song, I was a whole octave off!!! I thought it was horrible!”

“Well, apparently Gary Marsh didn’t.”

“Gary Marsh? President-of-Disney-Channel, Gary Marsh?”

“Yup. Congratulations Laura, he wants to sign you.”

“OMG, are you serious? Like, seriously serious! Omigosh, you guys, I’ve wanted to do this my whole life, but I’ve never been able to push myself to!!! Thank you so much!!!” I hugged all three of them.

“Laura, you’re awesome, you deserve this,” said Kevin as best he could with me squishing him to death.

“And all we need you to do is come with us to California to sign the contract,” said Nick, still slightly breathless from my rib crushing hug.

“No we don’t,” said Joe, rubbing his side, “Gary faxed it over this morning.”

“Could you guys hang on for one second?”

“Sure” said Kevin.

I walked into the bathroom. It smelled like the inside of an Abercrombie and Fitch store. It must have been Nick’s. I closed the door and kicked his green and navy plaid boxers over towards the wall. I made sure the door was shut tight before I screamed as loud as I could. When I came out the guys looked at me with concern, but they must have seen how red my face was and they started cracking up.

“I can tell you’re pretty excited,” said Nick, between bursts of laughter.

“Just a little bit,” I managed a grin.
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Ok, Laura got signed by Hollywood Records. I know where I'm going with this, trust me, it gets better.