When You Look Me in the Eyes


“You guys, we’re here,” Kevin called from the front of the bus. I ripped my eyes away from the TV screen, where the Dancing With The Stars hosts, Tom and Samantha, were about to announce who had won the competition. Kendall looked at me. We had already placed bets on who it was going to be. I said Shawn and she said Chuck. Before Nick had started acting all wacky, he had said it was going to be Melissa Rycroft, but she was already out; her rib injury had made her dancing suck and she had gotten eliminated last week.

“Coming,” I said, grabbing Kendall’s arm and turning off the TV; we could look up who had won on the Internet later. We walked off the bus into the bright sunlight. It was parked behind a hotel; we always had to use back entrances to avoid mob scenes, it was really annoying.

“NICK!” Kevin yelled loudly at the bedroom door, trying to get the crazy, diabetic, bipolar psychopath known as Nicholas Jonas to join us.

“I’m coming, sheesh...” Nick mumbled as he climbed down the steps and onto the asphalt. I groaned; it looked like his mood had gotten even worse. Maybe Kevin had interrupted him while he was writing a new song, God forbid.

Big Rob pulled open the back door of the hotel and me and Kendall skipped down the hallway to the service elevator, which we would take up to the main floor so that we could check in. Joe laughed and made fun of us, but we ignored him; boys don’t understand the skipping thing, they just aren’t smart enough.

As we walked through the lobby, we ducked our heads and pulled our various hats and baseball caps low over our faces, trying not to be recognized. It worked fairly well until we got to the check in desk.

“Hey. The reservation is under the name Jonas,” Kevin said to the receptionist at the welcome desk. She looked up from her magazine (which I noticed had the same picture of me and Nick kissing on the cover) and jumped a foot in the air.

“Oh my God, you’re... you’re...” She stared from Kevin, to Nick, to Joe, “You’re the Jonas Brothers!” she squealed. Then she looked at me, my face half hidden by my favorite scarf from Lucky. “OH MY GOD!!! You’re Laura Sullivan!” She pointed at the boys and then at me and then back at the boys. I guess she didn’t recognize Kendall because we haven’t recorded together and she hasn’t been on the radio or TV yet.

I sighed; we couldn’t even check into a hotel without people freaking out. Nick heard me and took my hand, rubbing his thumb against my palm; surprising, since he was in such a PMS-y mood.

The poor girl behind the desk was still stuttering, trying to form words through her shock. I suddenly had an idea.

“Ok, I’ll trade you an autograph for our room key,” I grinned at her and she stopped trying to talk. A smile spread slowly across her face. I grabbed a piece of stationary from the desk and signed my name, then passed it to Nick, who passed it to Joe, and then he handed it to Kevin and Kevin gave it back to Nick. As he handed the paper with all the signatures on it to the girl, Nick smiled and I saw her catch her breath. I laughed lightly when they both blushed, but inside I didn’t really blame her; whenever Nick smiled at me I couldn’t help but swoon, and I had known him for three months!

As she handed over the room key, I noticed that her hand was shaking slightly, and even as the boys, along with our massive bodyguard and my best friend headed for the elevator, I smiled at her. “Thank you,” I said, waving as I followed Nick, Kevin, Joe, and Kendall.