The Heart That Requires a Key

A Stop Sign In Romance

You ever wonder what it takes to gain a chance to feel Cupid’s creation known as pure love. It doesn't take much to gain love…actually all it takes is a little faith and determination in yourself that you won’t stand to let an oppurtunity pass you by. However it surely takes a toll for you to reach that pinnacle to reach and obtain possibly the greatest obstacle known to man. Unfortunately for one by the name of Jeff, living in the uptown section of New York, simply has a hard time figuring out why it takes such a long journey to get to the point where he wants and that happens to pick off his story as he goes step by step by beginning in the comfort of his own school.

"Check it out, Amy is sitting over there all alone at her lunch table and is it me or is she looking very beautiful today? I think this would be a perfect time for you to take a shot," said Rich,

"Rich Don't push me into this. I refuse the embarrassment." Jeff replied to his friend.

"Just play your cards right like how I do. It couldn’t hurt.".

Jeff sighed with hesitation. “You love seeing me embarassed and my time wasted don’t you?.”

"Stop your complaining and get over there…make a move," Rich said with a push.

Jeff walked over to where one of the most attracting girls in the school, Amy, who was sitting eating a sandwich and writing in her personal journal.

"Hi," Jeff said as he said down across her area.

"Hi Jeff what’s up?".

"What do you have there?" he questioned.

"Nothing really, just entering random journal entries about the day," she said as she clicked her pen and let it lay on her ear.

"Oh that’s nice. Hey listen how long have we known each other?"

Amy thought to herself "It’s only been a year how could you forget? Why you ask?"

"Have you ever seen me in a way somewhat more as a friend?" Jeff questioned.

”To be honest Jeff, you're sweet…you’re cute but more as a friend is not the way I see things between us.” she said with a low tone.

Jeff sighed once again but this time with disappointment “Just like the rest.” Jeff said as he rose from the table and made his way back to Rich hanging with other friends.

"How'd it go?" he questioned his friend.

With a strong glare Jeff answered "How the hell do you think it went?"

”It was that bad?”

”Did I not say that it would be a successful attempt!”

"Well I honestly am not sure what I can tell you man, I just wish you the best of luck with any possible future trys," Rich said with a pat to his friend's back.

”After that ridiculous scene that went down the drain? Hell no there is no further LUCK, as you put it. I’m not putting myself through that crap again. I quit this stuff” Jeff ranted

The period bell rang, signifying the end of lunch and onto the last period of the day before the weekend had come.

Haley, Jeff and Rich's female best friend called out to Jeff but he just continued on walking furiously on the opposite side of the hallway, in which taking the long way to class, purposely being late.

"What’s wrong with him," she asked Rich

"A load of bad luck flowing out of the dark clouds landing on his head," he replied.