The Heart That Requires a Key

His Time Is Now

"Congratulations. You're back on top of the mountain," said Ana, Jeff's close friend.

"Thanks. I do feel on top of the mountain once again and now its better for me," Jeff replied.

"So I would guess that there is no more worry and issues for you any more," Jeff's other goof friend, Haley, presumed.

"Not exactly. Just because I kissed her doesn't necessarily mean that we are boyfriend and girlfriend. I mean as it may be of the fact that I kissed her, keep in mind that I kissed her on what she called the first date and that isn't really much on my list to do such a thing but I sensed a special chemistry between me and Serenity and I just couldn't withdraw myself from letting it happen," Jeff confessed.

"Well dude you need to hurry up and make a move because you never know how long the opportunity would stay open for you so you have to step up to the plate as soon as possible," Rich added as he joined in the three person phone conversation.

"Ok hold on a second. I have a few points to make here. Number one I just met the girl three weeks ago so I have no choice but to take my time. Second of all whatever happened to where all of you pushed me to do the exact negative of what you're saying now; how you always said don't worry about it and wait for my time to come," Jeff protested.

"Well we just want to see you happy and the best way is to keep your spirit moving happily is to boost your confidence," Haley stated.

"I appreciate it and I thank you all for the support but now that its in my hands I'm sure I can take it from here. Anyway I have to go for now so I'll talk to you all later."

"Bye bro," said Ana

"Later dude," said Haley

"Catch you in a few," said Rich.

After the conversation of four had been ended, Jeff is found writing a poem, in his mind set to affect Serenity's heart in a way that he'd hope that would help her feel further affection in the relationship they are seemingly beginning to build. The poem was titled "Come open my heart” and this was the way it was that it went:

"Two weeks ago I wouldn't have guessed to meet you
Two weeks ago I wouldn't have guessed for reality to be this true.

I was weak with terror in mind that nobody would come along
But you stood over me out from the open and immediately brought me back strong.

I've had my doubts with girls in the past that would verbally kick me out to the curb
Even more, I've had my doubts that I wouldn't feel cupid's healing herb.

But now you've walked into my heart and has left me happy
For now I see that you are that one to my heart that I call, the key."

The poem may have only consisted of a quatrain stanza piece; however it was perfect and felt so right to know that Serenity has opened the eyes to his heart and the clouds from the darkened thunderstorm puffs hanging above his head.

"What ya got there?" Jeff's mother asked.

"Poem...for Serenity," he replied.

"May I see it?" she requested.

He handed the piece to his mother as she briefly skimmed by the words, fascinated with her son's work and dedication to express his feelings for a girl so dear to him though it has been not long they've been in each others prime time.

She handed the paper back to him "So you see now that you've waited your time, look how happy you are now. You're dedicating a poem to a girl that you feel is the one but not only that, to one that accepts you out of the rest from the past," his mother recited.

"Thanks mom I appreciate your help and encouragement."

"When are you going to present it to her?” she questioned.

"I don't know. We'd have to schedule a day for us to meet. I'm assuming Monday would be fine...she did say she would be staying home all day cleaning and relaxing as her usual routine goes when I spoke to her,"

"Hm well I have to work Monday so if you want I can drop you off to her house in the morning this way you can get a head start on hanging out with her." his mother offered.

"Thanks again mom; I call her to confirm if that sounds like a plan."

"Oh by the way have you met her mom or anybody on behalf of her family?" she questioned

"Well the very first day I met her...when she was set to go home and her ride came for her, I saw her mother. She was on the phone though but I did wave a hello to her and she smiled...I guess happy for her daughter's quick success to make a friend...and you won't believe it when I tell you they have a red corvette, it looks so awesome," Jeff explained.

"Well then you know what that means they have a fortune like we do," his mom spoke on.

Jeff sighed "please don't gloat like that if you happen to meet them," he pleaded.

"What’s there to gloat about if they appear to be just like us," she questioned.

"All I'm saying is don't be an embarrassment on my behalf if it ever comes down to you meeting her and her mom."

"Aww hush up you're so dramatic...that’s my son Mr. dramatic,"

"Well I didn't join the school's drama class last year for nothing," he joked.

"Ok now you're just being smart,"

"Thank you and have a good night, tip your waitress...not really," he joked again.

As his mother left his room he called up Serenity to schedule their third encounter.

"Hello is Serenity there?" he questioned when he heard a slight different voice from the one he expected.

"Yes she is. I'm presuming this is Jeff?" said the slightly familiar voice.

"Yes ma'am,"

The unfamiliar voice chuckled “Hello Jeff its her mother. Give me one second I'll get her for the way she likes you I hope you know," her mother secretly shared.

"MOM! Give me the phone!" Serenity busted out.

Jeff laughed for a moment

"Sorry about that. How are you my dear?" she questioned.

"I'm fine. I can't talk long but I was wondering would you care for company on your relaxing/cleaning day on Monday?"

"Jeff I can't begin to tell you how lovely that sounds. Its a deal. I'll text you my address later tonight because I'm busy doing some minor chores for my NOSY MOTHER WHO NEEDS TO GO IN HER ROOM OR SOMETHING," Serenity said in reference to her mother.

Jeff laughed again "Ok talk to you later."