Dying Doesn't Seem So Cruel

One Step Forward

"Sweetie, I'm home!"

I pulled on my long-sleeved black thermal and yelled down the stairs, "Coming!"

"How was school?"

"Good. I aced my Algebra test from Friday. Ninety-five percent."

"That's great, honey."

"Dad pulling another late night at the office?"

"He's doing this to help us out." She paused. "What in the world happened to your arm?"

"I. . .I fell in gym."

"Oh, darling."

"It's fine, Mom. It doesn't hurt."

"Are you sure? Maybe we should go see Dr. Cullen to make sure nothing's damaged."

"It's fine. How about this. If it hurts or looks worse tomorrow, I'll stop by his house and have him check it out."

"Fine. Have you already eaten?"

"Yeah. I'm going to go. . .be bored. . . or something."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you, too, Mom."

A cold finger pressed to my lips, and someone shut my door. Light flooded my room, and I saw what normally would have frightened anybody else: three Cullens and a Hale, sitting about my room. Edward was looking through files on my computer in the corner; Alice, fiddling with my stereo; Jasper was reading a book; and Emmett stood in front of me. I smiled at them before realising---

"Jasper, put that down!"

"But it's so interesting."

"It's my diary!"

A low chuckle ran through those gathered, and I ripped the diary from Jasper's hands. After shoving it into the back of my spacious closet, I faced them.

"How's your arm?" Emmett asked quietly.

"Fine." No thanks to you.

"I really am sorry."

For what? "It doesn't matter."

"I didn't mean to hurt you. Did I break anything?"

My heart? Yes. Or did you mean my arm? "No."

A wave of calm tenderly touched me and settled in my belly. I sighed softly and cleared a spot on my queen-sized bed. Emmett made sure not to touch my bare flesh as he covered me up with a blanket.

"I'm really sorry."

"Don't be. I'm fine."

"Let me see your arm."

I watched as he pushed the sleeve of my thermal shirt up wto reveal the bruise. A low hiss escaped him, and he ran his marble finger over the purple-black discolouration gently. He glanced up at me, his golden eyes filled with apology, remorse, and regret. Unblinking, hesitantly, I reached a hand up to touch his pale face, cradle his cheek. He smiled sadly and leaned closer to me. I noticed he wasn't breathing as he pressed his lips to my forehead; I held my breath as well.

"Your mom's coming."

In an instant, all four had disappeared from my room, and my door opened.

"Oh, Dahlia, you're all ready for bed?"

"Yeah. I-I was reading. Can you shut my door behind you?"

"Of course. Good night, dear."

"Night, Mom."

I cursed my red cheeks when she gave me a questioning look, but she pulled the door closed behind her regardless. I stood, walked to my window, and stared out. A pale figure stood at the edge of the forest; a white hand lifted in a good-bye, and I waved back. Emmett turned and ran through the woods; I lost sight of him only seconds later.