Dying Doesn't Seem So Cruel

Proving Otherwise

"Christie, what's wrong with you?"

"It's like you've ditched me for the Cullens."

"I haven't."

"Where were you Friday?"

"Sick. I went home early on Thursday. Ask Angela."

"I believe you. I'm sorry. It's just that Emmett didn't show up on Friday, and the others all left right after lunch."

"I didn't know that."

"It's okay. I kind of over-reacted."

"I forgive you."

"Good. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Why is Edward staring over here?"

"I don't know. Is he?"

He was. His gaze dropped to the table when I turned to look at them. Alice was staring at the scenery outside, a glazed expression in her eyes. Unexpectedly, a smile spread over her face, and Edward's eyes snapped up to meet hers. He whispered something, and she nodded excitedly.


Emmett rose to his feet. "No!"

Everybody stared at him, and Alice began pleading; he ignored her and stormed over to my table.

"Excuse me, Christie, but I need to speak to Dahlia for a moment. She'll be back."

"Um, okay?"

"I'll explain later," I murmured before hurrying after the broad back pushing through the cafeteria doors. "Emmett!"

He stopped abruptly, and I crashed into him. His cold hand shot out and caught me before I hit the ground. His teeth were clenched; a dark cloud covered his face. I perched on a bench and waited for him to speak.

"I will not let it happen."

"Let what happen?"

"Alice---this is not the time to talk about it. No. This is the time, but it's not nearly private enough of a place. Come with me."

"As if I have a choice," I mumbled sarcastically.

We sat in Edward's silver Volvo, silent except for his angry breathing. Finally, he faced me, and his narrowed gold eyes bored into me.

"Alice saw your question, your request if you will. She knows the outcome but also the stipulations."

"I'm confused."

"Of course, of course. Just remember that I do not agree."

"Damn it, Emmett. What am I going to ask?"

"Ask Edward. Why do you like me?"

"Excuse me?"

"You like me. Why?"

"Do you mind explaining yourself?"

"Explain yourself. You have a 'crush' on me; you like me. Why?"

"Did Jasper tell you?"


"Then how do you know?"

"Your diary."

"You read my diary?"


"How dare you!"

"How dare I? How dare you! You keep secrets from me---"

"For good reason!"

"Not for good reason. I'm a monster, Dahlia. Does that not matter to you, that I'm not human?"

"You're not a monster."

"Then prove it."


"Prove to me that I'm not a monster, a freak."

"You walk away when the blood-lust is high, you've never hurt me an intentional and permanent manner," I added when he glanced at my wrist pointedly, "and I wouldn't kiss a monster."

"You've never----"

I pressed my lips to his firmly, shivering at the frozen mouth beneath mine. "Don't say I didn't try."
♠ ♠ ♠
mkay. i have this whole damn thing written out on paper, 49 chapters, 116 pages. now the only task is typing/posting it. =]

i'll update at least one chapter a day, maybe two or three.

now i'm off to update She Waits For Me

ta-ta-for-now =]