Status: Ongoing.

Jesus Had a Crown of Thorns

Sounds Like a Plan


(Edward's Point of View)
"I couldn't possibly leave my sister." she began. The only thing that kept my emotions clam after those words was the fact that she wasn't done speaking. I hoped that she'd say more that guaranteed that she'd stay. "But, if we could give her a reason to want to stay in Forks.. maybe we could both stay..." she added and smiled largely at me. I could tell there was more to it than that. This lead me to ask,

"So, what do you plan on doing to make her want to stay?" Her immediate quietness told me one of two things: She either had no idea or she did and just didn't want to say it out loud. Her nervous cough and chuckle told me that it was the second option. "Alacrity, what do you have in mind?" I repeated, knowing I really didn't want to know.

"Jacob loves her and Bella used to like him at one point and, maybe, we can make it happen again and they'd both fall in love and get married and have babies and buy a house.. all here and-" she ranted, not breathing, stopping abruptly to cough on her own spit.

"Maybe you could say more if you took breaths in between words, love." I said and pinched the brim of my nose. I wasn't too excited to work with a werewolf- or for one for that matter. I knew my family wouldn't be either. Still we all loved her- or, at least, enjoyed her company- and my family did love me and I am sure they all knew how important Alacrity is to me. I am sure they'd participate if I asked.. which brings me to the fork in the road. Should I even ask?

"Please..?" I heard her soft voice whisper as she placed a kiss on my throat. My body tingled with sensations. I guess that settled it. I'd do anything for her. She smiled smugly, knowing she won. I closed my eyes, irritated with myself. I've asked myself this question before but, at times like these, it always comes to me again: Why am I putty in her soft, warm hands? "Fine." I said, finally. "What do you plan to do about this? She's sort of lying in a hospital bed at the moment, Alacrity. And he's- probably licking himself somewhere." I said and scowled.

She punched my arm and said, "I know you hate werewolves but Jake is my friend so.. bleh." She stuck her tongue out and sat up. "I don't really know. Maybe, if we can get him to come here and visit her again-" she began. I sighed as I recalled how pissed off Rosalie and Emmet were when the mutt showed up the first time, uninvited. "We can make it happen." she said, in response to my sigh. "And, if you don't help, you know I am just going to do something stupid and make it all worse because I'm an idiot." she said and tilted her head in a slight smile.

"You aren't an idiot." I argued. "but you do have a point. You're too impulsive-" I began.

"And that's why I need you to be my anchor." she interrupted.

"And you don't think things out-"

"So, be my brain."

I sighed again. "You want to me to talk my family into allowing Jacob here?" I asked, for clarification. She nodded causing me to groan. "Fine- but I don't control them.They don't have to listen to me and, chances are, they won't." She frowned. "But, I'll talk to them." I added and pressed my hand to her cheek. She smiled at the gesture. "I love you." she said.

"I love you, too."
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry for hte late update.. again.
And this isn't a great chapter bu its going to be important so.. (:
I'll be updating regularly again.