Status: Ongoing.

Jesus Had a Crown of Thorns

Down For the Count


(Alacrity's Point of View)
I decided to stop struggling. Maybe, if I could lure him into a false sense of security, I could strike when he least expects it, catching him off guard. It would be the best chance I had at a successful escape. I overheard him say, "She didn't teleport." into his phone. Well, no shit. For the love of Ala, what is this man on? Teleporting?

Ding, ding, ding. It finally hit me. Just as Edward could read minds, this man could teleport. The fact that he expected me to teleport with him proved that he had no idea I was a shield and further proved that he was truly after Edward; not me. But.. I was confused. Why? Edward didn't seem like the kind who could instigate anyone- and especially not to the point of kidnap.

Apparently, while I was running a marathon though my thoughts, he had finished his conversation with the stranger on the other line and had begun to examine me. When I looked up, his eyes were on my leg which, at this point was probably going to be the death of me. "I forgot how fragile you guys were. I'm sorry." he said and frowned slightly. He took of his jacket and advanced on me, causing me to force myself further in to the trunk of the tree I was leaning on for support.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I didn't think you'd get hurt in the crash. I haven't dealt with humans in a while, alright? Just relax." he said and gently took my leg, winding his jacket around it. It felt as if my leg was swollen and numb at the same time; cold and throbbing. "A friend of mine is on his way to pick us up. Hopefully, Alice will predict where we're going and send your boyfriend after you." he said and stretched his arms out, yawning as if this whole kidnapping thing was a walk in the park. I wanted so badly to burst his bubble. So I did.

"Alice won't be able to see us." I said and narrowed my eyes, grinning. He looked over at me. "What do you mean?" he asked, clearly taken off guard.

"I'm a shield. You couldn't teleport me, remember? She can't see me. She might be able to see you but she'll have no way of figuring out what you are doing. She may even see the car but, I doubt it because, well, I am getting better at shielding and, as it turns out, I am pretty sure she can't see anything within a few yards away from me either. Looks like you could have planned this out better." I replied.

He stared, lips pursed. "Yeah? Well, its not like we can't edit the plan a bit. For example, I could just kill you right now. That would, in turn, kill your boyfriend and I'd get what I want anyway." he muttered, looking away. "The more you talk, the more tempted I am to follow through with that plan."

"I'd like to see you try." I said, lifting myself to my feet and thanking fate that this tree was behind me. He watched me out of the corner of his eye. "Come on." I taunted. "I thought you said you could kill me. Go ahead, creep." I growled, irritated at his calmness. He didn't flinch but said, "Please. You can't even walk the four feet to me." His eyes were still on the dirt road.

I summoned all of the rage I had in my body and jolted my body forward, slamming my fist into his jaw and falling to my knees in the process. The pain was unbelievable. But it was worth it to see his arrogant body lying on his back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment, please.
It kind of sucks when your work on something and no one responds to it...
And check out Metal Saint.
Its really good. (: