Status: Ongoing.

Jesus Had a Crown of Thorns

Masochistic Ways

(Alacrity's Point of View)
Before I could bask in my success or escape, he was on his feet again, obviously taken aback. I'd gotten this far, maybe I could jsut- I don't know, crawl my way back to the Cullens'..

This irrational idea was proven impossible when he took me by my arm and dragged me back the two feet to the tree. "A shield, you said? What else are you?" he asked, fire in his eyes. They were, strangely, as gorgeous as Edward's but in a different sense. Edward's were a calm, smooth gold as his were a cold, mesmerizing blue. Blue is a common eye color among humans but one could immediately tell he wasn't human by looking into his eyes. Just like Edward would be given away if you looked into his eyes when he was hungry.

I compared Edward to this animal. Assuming his eyes only changed color when he was hungry like Edward's do, I guessed he hadn't fed in a while which would explain why he was so irritated- Well, that and the fact that I just punched him in the jaw..

"What are you?" he repeated, even more frustrated than before.

"Bleeding to death." I replied.

He bent down so that we were almost face to face and hissed, "I'm not playing games. What are you?"

"A- A shield. That's it." I answered, terrified. He was the first to scare me in a long time. It was probably due to the fact that he had the upper hand. He had every possible advantage he could have. And he very well could kill me at any time he wanted to. If I wanted to live, I had to comply.

"That's it?" he growled, not believing me. "It's offensive to punch someone; not defensive. If you really had no special offensive talent, that punch you through wouldn't have made me flinch. But it did. Now, you expect me to believe that was just pure human strength?"

"Yes." I choked out. His eyes softened and he backed up a bit from me.

He muttered obscenities and leaned against the hunk of metal that used to be Alice's car. I let out a breath that I had, apparently, been holding in for quite some time. His moodswings made it hard to stay confident. I mean, he's relatively calm now but, based on his previous actions, I assumed he could suddenly become ravenous and rip me apart piece by piece. I couldn't instigate him; I had to keep him calm.

So, I didn't speak. A few moments later, I heard tires skating across the dirt road I'd recently been driving on before the mess occurred and turned to see a dark, stealthy vehicle spreading towards me. His friend.

When the car parked, he picked me up bridal style in a way that didn't hurt my leg- and even made it feel slightly better for the moment- and placed me in the backseat before climbing into the passenger seat.

The driver said nothing but, instead, glanced at me through the mirror and smirked. He shook his head and returned his eyes to the road.

"Shut the fuck up, Kaija." the kidnapper I was familiar with growled. Apparently, they understood each other while I remained confused and desperate for escape in the backseat.

I memorized every turn we made since i got in the car, just in case I had to find my way back. Left at the yellow sign, right at the fork...

And the car slowed at the stop sign. I had my chance. I open the door and jumped out as the car was slowing down, causing my leg even more pain. Now, that I was out, I could call for Edward. I could figure out how to drop he shield with the few seconds I had before hte two could come and get me.

I called and called. No response- Well, none from Edward. Instead, baffled cries came from the bad vampires' lips. "Are you fucking insane?! You could have- died or something!" he screamed, pulling me harshly into his arms again. I couldn't have died. It could have been worse than hurting my leg, though. It was a dumb move- the only thing that came out of it was more cuts and bruises and, now, instead of just my leg aching, my whole body did.

I continued to call for Edward, though. For some reason, I felt to.. claustrophobic in the car to concentrate on removing my shield. Maybe it was due to the fact that I was trapt with dangerous kidnappers. Just a thought.

The driver's laugh interrupted my thoughts. "She's not even listening. You act like you are chastising a child. She's scared of you. Its only natural for her to want to get away at any cost. You're just pissed because she's the only girl who has ever ran from you." the driver spoke, a lightness in his voice. Me?

"You aren't funny." he replied and glanced over at me. "And you-" This time, he directed his words at me. "-are insane. You don't even look like you hurt. You can't be human. I'm onto you. I'll figure it out whether or not its from you." he threatened and glared out the window.

And I am the insane one?

Well... I did jump out of a moving vehicle...
♠ ♠ ♠
From now on, I won't update unless asked to because I assume no one really cares unless they ask for updates.
Listening to: Motion City Soundtrack <- So cute!