Status: Ongoing.

Jesus Had a Crown of Thorns

A Prison with the Glamor of Heaven


(Alacrity's Point of View)
I felt the metal walls closing in on me as the bad vampire tried to fix up my leg. The images from outside flying by made me sick when I'd never been car sick in my life. At least my leg didn't hurt as much anymore. Still, I'd rather feel the intense pain then the weird sensations that his fingers gave me. Dirty vampire trick. Finally, the car slowed to a hault after what seemed like an eternity in the small vehicle.

"Alright, come on, shield." the bad vampire said and picked me up bridal style again.

I struggled in his arms. "I have a damn name and I can walk on my own!" I growled, pushing at his chest and smacking him in the head.

I heard a low roar come from his throat rather than his lips and he dropped me right there on my ass. "Fine." he hissed and began to walk away. I was stunned. I'm not sure why- I mean, he was a bad guy. And I did imply that I wanted to be put down. Still, I didn't think he would simply drop me on the ground. If he didn't want me to escape, why would he simply let me down?

I took the slight opportunity (knowing it wasn't going to really be an opportunity and that I was going to be caught and yelled at again- it would simply be part of the redundant cycle until I could indefinitely escape) and ran, feeling the pain in my leg a lot less than I had before. Unfortunately, I ran straight into a cold body and almost fell over again only to be caught be equally as cold arms that helped me to my feet again. It was the driver.

"Excuse Eric. He's just.. flustered. I'm Kaija. And you are...?" he asked so politely I almost forgot he was a part of my kidnapping. I narrowed my eyes at him and refused to speak. He shrugged. "I understand. I wouldn't want to talk to me if I were in your position either. But no one wants to hurt you, honestly. And we'll try to make this experience as comfortable as possible for you. I assume that would involve us calling you by your name instead of the very affectionate, "shield."" he said. "Are you sure you don't want to tell me your name?"

I thought for a moment. I suppose he was right- in certain cases, at least. I definitely liked him more than the bad vampire. But Kaija was still bad. And I had to keep that in mind. Still, knowing my name couldn't be that bad, could it? I mean, I know his now. "Amity." I replied. "My name is Alacrity."

He smiled. "Its a pleasure to meet you, Alacrity." he said and kissed my hand like a mid-evil courtier. "And welcome to our humble abode." He placed his hands gingerly on my shoulders and turned me around so that the biggest building I'd ever seen was in my view. It was huge, well taken care of, thoroughly shaded by lush trees and right beside a small body of water. It was, as hard as it was to believe, even more beautiful than the Cullens'. I couldn't help but gasp.

"I'm sure you won't hate it here as much as you thought you would. Now, let's go." he said and pulled me in by my hand. I knew there was no point in trying to escape; I'd simply be caught again, so I went willingly. I could plan my escape from inside the building with more luck than I could right now, outside and weak. With rest, maybe my mind would work better and I could more easily concentrate on letting down my shield-

But, wait! That's what they want! They want Edward to come find me and they are ready for him. I'll have to edit my plans. But, then again, so would they. They now know that Edward will have no idea where I am or that I am not safe. He won't come because he won't know where to go. They'll have to find another way to let him know. This will buy me time.
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I will be updating again.