Status: Ongoing.

Jesus Had a Crown of Thorns

A Breath From Death


(Alacrity's Point of View)
The room I was forced to stay in for the duration of my kidnapping was nothing like I'd expected. There were no iron balls, no dank walls, and there was no dirty water leaking from the roof. It did, however, have no windows for me to escape though.

I was allowed to leave the room and to explore the mansion which was guarded at every exit and every window by random strangers who also appeared to be vampires and I was not the only other person living here. It was like a coven sort of. There were about thirty men and women in all; each took turns guarding and resting within the building's walls. They were all very close like a family; like the Cullens.

The one large difference between these people and the Cullens, though- aside from the number of members- was the fact that they fed off of humans. In fact, I was constantly in immense danger simply by being here because when one of the members of the family was hungry, they lacked the self-control that the Cullens did and could drain me at any time. They were, however, advised by Kaija not to as they would "suffer the consequences" if they did.

Oddly enough, they were all very accepting of me; fond yet condescending of the fact that I was a "cute, little human." They treated my like a toddler but, at least, not prey. Yes, everyone was rather friendly- everyone but Eric, the bad vampire whom had kidnapped me in the first place. He stayed locked in his room at all times except for feeding time and when it was his turn to guard. When it was, I would sit in the garden and watch him kill the flowers with cigarette smoke and a demeanor so cold, the flowers wilted, convinced it was winter.

I spent most of my time in the garden for many reasons. First and foremost, being in the garden made me the closest to calm I could be in the house. It made it easier to concentrate on lowering my shield- not to call for Edward but simply to send a message; to tell him I was safe and I would somehow make it home soon so that he would not try to find me and fall into the trap.

"What are you doing, shield?" I heard a cold voice behind me accompanied by even colder breath down the back of my neck. I whirled my head around only to brush my nose against Eric's and to meet those icy blue eyes with my own. I gasped and fell off of the rock bench I'd been sitting on as I was trying to take down my shield.

He offered his hand as I rubbed my head. I could tell he was simply trying to be polite; not that he cared about my well-being. I snapped my teeth at his hand and he whipped it back with wide eyes that quickly narrowed again. "Were you calling for Edward?" he asked.

"As a matter of fact, no. I kind of like it here. Maybe I'll stay forever and he'll never have to come get me." I responded, taunting as I stood up and brushed myself off.

He made a slight grunt. It amazed me how he could make one simple noise sound so utterly arrogant. "Well, there's a flaw in your logic. Even if you don't call him, he'll come for you. He found the car. All he needs is a scent. Since you asked him to make nice with the werewolf, that scent will most definitely not be hard to get. He'll come for you." he said and smirked. "Did that knock you off of your little pedal-stool?"

Outraged, I swung my right fist at him which he abruptly caught. Then, I swung my left which was caught in his tight grip as well. "I'm on a pedal-stool?! Are you kidding me?! You're head is so far up your ass that-" I began, feeling my heart race faster and faster by the second.

My anger was abruptly replaced by terror as the color of his eyes grew deep red. His rose petal lips hung open as those crimson eyes lingered on my neck and his fingers pressed deeper into my wrists. "Go." he growled as if I possibly could escape him. I couldn't move. I couldn't scream. When I'm scared, I simply freeze up.

He moved in closer to me, struggling to keep away. Why? I'm not sure. He was shaking as his cold lips pressed to my throat and his arms wrapped tightly around my body causing me to shake as well. I whimpered. "N-no.." I whispered.

Suddenly, he pushed me away and glared at me with ravenous eyes, snapping me out of my trance. "Run!" he screamed and I did as he said.