Status: Ongoing.

Jesus Had a Crown of Thorns

Good Cop; Bad Cop


(Alacrity's Point of View)
I leaped over the small fences of garden, trying desperately to keep my balance so that I would not fall and be a sitting duck for Eric although, if we are going to be logical and face the facts here, even if I ran so fast I perspired from every pore, I'd still be at a disadvantage. He has vampire speed; I have the speed of a humans which, in comparison, is a turtle to a cheetah. If he wanted to kill me, he would kill me.

I also tried to tame my drum of a heart. It resembled the bump, bump, bump of heavy metal music, fast, out of beat and loud as hell. It would make it that much more easy for him to find me and make me an even more tempting treat for him. Unfortunately, I could not muffle the noise even when I covered my breast with my right hand. It would not stop.

Suddenly, I felt my upper torso slam into a solid object as my eyes were blinded by the watery tears that developed due to the wind and I could not see what was in front of me. I flew a foot backward onto the soft, soggy mud. Thankfully, it was not hard enough to hurt me and I scrambled to my feet again, assuming the object was inanimate until it spoke.

"How many times must you run into me?" the voice asked in a teasing manner. The voice belonged to Kaija. "Wait- what's wrong?" he asked, now serious.

"I ran- he-" I wheezed in between tight gasps. "Eric."

"You're running from Eric?" he inquired. When I nodded, still gasping for breath, I saw his brow furrow in confusion. For some reason, it calmed me to be in his presence although he was in alliance with Eric and one of the vampires holding me captive. He simply didn't have the same dark air they did. He was like the peace keeper. "I don't understand." he said. "Why would he try to kill you?"

"He was hungry." I said, able to catch my breath finally.

"Oh." he said and nodded, enlightened. "Its your blood. He likes it. That's why he's locked himself up. He can tolerate it for a while but not for days at a time. Did you cut yourself or something?"

"No.. he did piss me off, though. I guess my heart-" I began, trying to rationalize a vampire's reason for trying to kill me. Then, I realized he was, you know, trying to kill me. Angrily, I narrowed my eyes. "Fuck him." I growled and stormed back to my room.

How could there be sweet vampires like my lovely Edward and Kaija but such crappy vampires like Eric. Then again, they are just like us; (aside from the blood-sucking which, figuratively, we do as well) there are some good and some bad. On top of that, it depends on your morals and what you consider good and bad. There is so much skepticism when it comes to people and vampires alike. I just wish they were all good. Then, I wouldn't be in this damn situation in the first place!

I sighed and took a deep breath, calming myself. Being so angry all the time was bound to kill me young. I laid back into the pillow behind me, counted my breaths and thought of Edward.

Suddenly, the room became brighter and clearer as if a transparent film was being peeled from over my eyes. They widened. I knew what had just happened. I knew what I'd done. I'd taken down my shield!
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Sorry for not updating over the weekend; I probably never will, in all honesty.
Maybe Sundays.