Status: Ongoing.

Jesus Had a Crown of Thorns

Mute; Because No Words Can Heal


"I told you-" Bella began and coughed a deep, hearty cough causing Alacrity's eyes to darken once more. "-not to come.." Bella seemed to be thankful for her sister's presence although she was scolding her.

"I know. You even seemed pretty convinced that I wouldn't, too. You know me better than that." Alacrity whispered and faked a smile. Everyone else in the room seemed silent, just watching as if even a breath would kill Bella in her fragile state. Bella's throat made some sort of strangled noise, like a failed laugh. I could tell she wanted to laugh but her body wouldn't allow it; she was too weak.

"Feel my stomach, he's kicking!" Bella cried, grabbing her sister's hand and placing it on her stomach. I could see the baby's feet bulge on the inside of her stomach. Alacrity whipped her hand away and, in response to Bella's sad face, she replied, "Yeah. It is beautiful." She was horrified, though. Everyone but Bella and Rosalie was horrified.

"Listen, Bella, do you remember Toby?" Alacrity whispered, quietly. Bella nodded although I could tell it was difficult for her to do in her condition. "And how I he was sick and, when I took him home, he made me sick?" she continues. Bella nodded again. "And how it wasn't his fault but I still couldn't keep him because he hurt me? Bella, this is the same kind of situation."

"No, ghost, it isn't." Bella replied, I guess referring to her sister as, "ghost." I thought it suited her well. She was as pale as the rest of us. However, I assumed it was due to the horror she felt watching her sister slowly die. "He's beautiful. I can feel it- He'll be wonderful. I'll live. I am strong, just like you. Trust me, ghost. We'll both be fine."

Alacrity's face fell. "You are so stubborn." she said, defeated. Bella chuckled and coughed at the same time in an odd, strained noise. "Coming from you." she replied, weakly.

"Listen, Bells, I am going to talk to Edward for a moment. You are too tired to explain to me everything and I think I need to know what's really going on." she said, turned, took my wrist and led me out of the room. She began to pace once we entered the living room and she closed the door behind her. "Its killing her, am I right?" she asked, averting her eyes to the ground. Why couldn't she look at me?

I nodded, hesitantly. I didn't want her to strike out at me or anything. Although it was obvious that I could defend myself, I didn't want to have to. "Good God, can't you speak?!" she cried. I knew she wasn't actually angry at me. She was more scared than anything although she didn't seem like the kind of person who would admit it. Even without the ability to read her thoughts, I could still understand her.

"Yes, I can speak. I just don't know what to tell you to make you feel any better. This is the situation. All we can do is try to keep her alive." I replied, quietly.

Her eyes rested on me sharply as she spoke words even sharper. "Oh, that's what you were doing when you had that dagger above her chest? I am not stupid. I can put two and two together. And if you ever try to hurt my sister again, I will find the only possible way to end your immortal life." I could tell she was determined to try. To be honest, it sort of scared me. Something about her was too dark for a regular human. What is she?

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go make sure none of your buddies eat my sister." she hissed and headed towards the door, which I opened for her by natural instinct. She stopped and her voice filled with ugly sarcasm. "Chivalry. I wonder if that's how you got my sister into bed."
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