Status: Ongoing.

Jesus Had a Crown of Thorns

So Many Secrets


(Alacrity's Point of View)
I screamed. It was all I could think to do in the situation. I was terrified that Edward could be hurt yet I was also, for some reason, scared that Eric would be hurt as well. Either way, both would be injured by the other in some way. I just hoped the damage would not be too horrible for either of them. Eric kidnapped me but he had a soul- well, figuratively, of course. He turned out to be.. sort of sweet; like a friend who was simply too brooding and locked up inside himself to express his warm nature until it was necessary; like when he almost, you know, killed me... I didn't want Edward to hurt him but, if it came down to Eric's hand over Edward's I would need for Edward to bounce back and save himself, even if it meant Eric would die.

I felt a strong arm take a gentle hold of me shoulder. I jumped and turned to see Emmett, who towered over me. "Alacrity, we have to get you out of here." he said. Alice stood beside him with a terrified look in her big eyes. They knew something I didn't. Emmett threw me over his shoulder and took Alice's hand, running through the many corridors until we reached the garden and met up with Rosalie.

Emmett put me down and took Rosalie a few feet away from Alice and I so that I couldn't hear them. They glanced at me while they spoke to each other and it irritated me that no one was telling me what was happening. "Are you okay, honey? Did they hurt you?" Alice asked, with fake concern. They only reason she would ever not be concerned about me in this kind of situation was if she knew I was okay and that Eric's coven would not hurt me. But how would she know that? What had she seen?

"Alice, what's going on?!" I cried, shrugging her petite hand off of my shoulder and turning to face her. She was quiet for a moment. I began to tap my foot, impatiently. It wasn't as if we had the time for her to hesitate. It was obvious that we were all in great danger, especially Edward, and that it was all my fault for getting caught.

She averted her eyes from my own so that she could lie. "The vampires who took you are.. bad vampires. They don't follow our traditions and they drink from people.." she began.

"Yes, I know! What don't I know, Alice? What don't you want to tell me?" I cried.

"They don't like Edward-" she began again but Emmett and Rosalie had appeared, almost spontaneously, at our sides again. "Alright, come on, we have to meet Jasper at the great hall." Emmett said and tossed me over his shoulder again.

"Put me down, Emmett! I'm not a god damn rag doll!" I screamed, struggling. "And tell me what the hell is going on!" My kicking and screaming did not bother any of them and they moved through the halls of the mansion as if they knew every crook and crevice; as if it was their own home. Then, it hit me. They had to have lived here before- with Eric's clan. And something had to have happened between Edward and Eric to force them to leave and put such a grudge between the two.

We were, suddenly, in the great hall and Emmett placed me on my feet. "Jasper,-" he began and I turned to Jasper who looked tired and worn. From behind me, Rosalie and Alice fended off two of Eric's clan, faces I'd seen once or twice in my time here. "Get her out." Emmett finished and ran off to help Rosalie and Alice.

I was immediately thrown over Jasper's shoulder and he ran out the door. I was passed onto him because he was the quickest and, for some reason, it was top priority to get me out. There was more than just the grudge between Edward and Eric and, whatever it was, it involved me.

"Jasper," I began, trying to speak over the roaring wind that blew passed us as he ran. "What is going on?"

He stopped abruptly and placed me gently in the back of a black car. "Alice had a vision. Eric changed his plans; he wants you and he wants you forever." he said and closed the door beside me.

Forever meant an entirely different thing to me after vampires were introduced into my life. Forever stopped meaning a long period of time and started to mean immortality; vampirism. Eric wanted to turn me. Edward wanted desperately for me to stay human. Still, I wasn't sure what the big deal was. There still seemed to be so much more that I didn't know...
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Comments would be nice since I have no idea what you guys are thinking...