Status: Ongoing.

Jesus Had a Crown of Thorns



(Alacrity's Point of View)
"Hi, dear. You must be very confused. It will all be explained soon. When Edward comes to find you, he'll explain everything." Esme said from the passenger seat and offered me a smile. I rejected it with my hard eyes. Even though she was such a sweet person and I felt bad for being mean to her, I felt that it was the only way she would tell me anything.

"Esme," I began, in a stern tone. "I'm not a child. Maybe I haven't lived for as long as you have but I am still an adult and I am not stupid. I don't need to be sheltered from the truth. Just tell me what is going on." My voice was cold and unwavering but so were her soft eyes as she whispered,

"Edward will tell you. You aren't in danger."

"Really? Then why, Esme, is it so critically important that I was out of there? If I'm not in danger why did Jasper, the fastest, have to get me out? If I'm not in danger, why am I being so damn... protected?" I asked, losing my composure. I tried to keep calm but I was becoming infuriated- not as Esme but at the situation. As a hothead, impulsive person, it was my habitual nature to take out the anger on whomever was closest and whoever was, in a sense, provoking me.

Esme turned to face me again and sighed. I could tell from her eyes that she didn't want to tell me a thing and that she wasn't going to tell me the whole story. What she did say, however, was a fact as horrifying as I imagine the whole story would be. She said, "Because, sweetie, if Eric gets to you, you will be a danger to everyone around you, including us."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry this is so short; I'm still sorting out the exact storyline. ha
I'll, most likely, post another chapter tonight so it explains a bit more.