Status: Ongoing.

Jesus Had a Crown of Thorns

Even the Dogs Were Mourning


I watched her stare intently down at Bella as she slept. Her smooth, white jaw was tight and her long hair was up in her messy bun once again. Rosalie didn't trust Alacrity with Bella on her own- especially after she called Carlisle a quack and threatened to take Bella to someone who would actually do his job and save her- and she charged me with the responsibility of keeping watch in order to regain her trust I'd lost when Alacrity revealed my previous plans.

She seemed to be concentrating as hard I was was. However, she was most likely concentrating on her sister while I was concentrating on her.

Why couldn't I figure her out? Carlisle, it seems, has generally tamed her. She allowed Esme to help her dress Bella although she rarely lets anyone too close to her beloved sister. Jasper can, now, calm her just by placing a hand on her shoulder. She really talks to Alice. Originally, they'd only speak of Bella's condition but, now, they discuss music, literature and, oddly enough, the future. When she grew curious about hunting and followed Emmett without his knowing, they returned home laughing.

She's even told Rosalie that she understands her pain and her reasons for wanting Bella's baby. Although the two still dislike each other, there is now a level of respect between them which is equal to the bitter tension that previously filled the gap. She admitted that we weren't all bad-

All but me, of course. She can't stand me. I guess it makes sense, though. I mean, my family didn't put Bella in this situation. I did. Still, I just wish she'd shoot that hard glare of hers at someone else for once...

I sniffed the air and sighed. A werewolf. Most likely, Jacob Black. He seemed to be interested in Bella- Well, from what I'd witnessed at the party Alice had forced me to that night, I mean. He seemed to really like her and, due to his association with the rest of the weres and his hatred for us, I assumed it didn't take long for him to pick us out as the evil animals behind the disappearance of his lovely Bella. We did, unfortunately have some.. history.

Alacrity tilted her head up, torn from her thoughts, as if she could smell him, too. Of course, she couldn't but it was amazing that she was as aware of the new presence as I was. She stood up from the chair that held her small frame and began to speak just as Jacob entered the room. I was rather impressed. These were things only vampires could do but she was able to do them as well. I wondered what she was although I wouldn't ask. I was now convinced that it was impossible for her to be a human. She was too graceful; too quick.

"You were supposed to protect her, Black." she hissed, her voice dripping with venom. As if she wasn't difficult enough to figure out already, she had to know Jacob Black. I bet she was probably president of the Vultori or a past American Idol as well. Although I was being sarcastic, I truly wouldn't be surprised at this point.

"I know," he replied, quietly, eyes averted to the ground in shame. "but I-I-"

"It doesn't matter anymore, Jake. The past is in the past. All we can do now is try to help her." Alacrity responded and glanced up at me for a moment. I could have sworn her eyes softened for a split second when they rested on me but she looked away too quickly for me to really tell. "So, let's brainstorm here. She can't be convinced and neither can Carlisle-" she began.

"Ghost, there is a Cullen in the room. Don't you think we should wait to "brainstorm?"" Jacob interrupted, a bit uncomfortable.

Her eyes rested on me once again and she shook her head. "No," she replied. "because Edward here wants her out of here as much as we do. We all want the same thing- Just for different reasons. He wants to protect his family from this.. thing. We want to protect her from it. Isn't that right, Edward?" she asked me as if I were an elementary student.

She was right, though. She smiled, not needing my response. I tried to remember ever seeing her smile before and I couldn't. "He won't say a word." she said. Jacob was still hesitant, though, and glanced over at me multiple times as Alacrity silently ran ideas through her head.

"What are you?" I blurted out suddenly. That wasn't the kind of thing I did. I just lost control of my own speech. Not knowing her was eating at me. I wanted to know everything about her.

She raised an eyebrow at me slightly in confusion. "You haven't figured it out yet?" she asked, quietly. I shook my head. Did everyone else know? Why wasn't I informed?

The simple but beautiful smile that I'd just recently grown accustomed to returned and she replied, "I am a shield- a special kind of shield. I can block you from my thoughts, Jasper from my emotions, Alice from my future- but I can also protect myself from physical things as well. For example, when I followed Emmett hunting, he lost control because, apparently, I shouldn't have been there.." she trailed off embarrassed for a moment before carrying on. "And he attacked me but he couldn't hurt me."

"Some vampires has been.. interested in it." she said and looked at Jacob. "And werewolves alike." Jacob chuckled slightly as if there were some sort of inside joke between them. "That's how I know so much about you guys. That's why you can't figure me out." She smirked slightly as if she could read my mind.

"What else does your ability provide you?" I asked, suddenly out of breath.

"Nothing." she replied and shrugged. "Nothing else." So, her unnatural beauty, the strange way she mad me feel- that was all her? Not her ability? She was the cause of this. Even without her ability, she would still do this to me...
♠ ♠ ♠
If anyone has any good pictures that could suit Edward Cullen or are Edward Cullen, please link them to me.
I can't really find many good ones of Robert and it is difficult to find ones of any good looking guys with brown hair and pretty brown eyes.
Oh, and I am also looking for something good to read as well.
If anyone has written any stories or knows someone with some good ones, I'd love to read them.