Status: Ongoing.

Jesus Had a Crown of Thorns

I Hate Her


Her body was at rest above mine, bruised and broken due to my loss of control. When did I become so human? When did I become so weak? I wondered how she could sleep with the dark discolored marks tainting that perfect white skin. I wondered why I was so in love with it. Why couldn't I stop myself from tasting it and, ultimately, bruising it?

I felt her soft skin slide softly against my own as her breathing changed. She was waking up. What was I going to say? I wasn't ready to face her yet. She lifted her shin up and those green eyes met my own in a disoriented glance that quickly became a shame that blackened the green irises. I frowned.

She lifted her body off of my own and laid beside me. It was quiet for a moment until she spoke. "Your sperm better be in tip-top shape because that fucking hurt." It astonished me that she could look so much like an angel but speak like a crack addict on the streets of New York- and so derogatorily, too. She was only insulting to me, though. Just me and I was sick of it.

"It did wonders for your sister." I replied, bitterly, causing her to swing her body over in attack. I caught her arms and flipped her over but her struggling still made it difficult to hold her down. "Don' talk about her. You don't deserve to." she hissed, teeth gritted together tightly. I sighed. She was right. I shouldn't have brought Bella up

I let go of her arms and she immediately jumped out of the bed, wrapping the blanket around her body and headed towards the bathroom, slamming the door as she did. Anti-social, annoying, stubborn, instigating, hard-headed human.

I closed my eyes in an attempt to relax but the image of her bare body beneath mine and the look of pure pleasure on those angelic features of hers crossed my thoughts again, causing my breathing to speed up. I groaned. Now, I can;t even find safety in my own thoughts. She's like a damn tic draining the life out of me. I hate her. I hate her. I-

I heard her voice beyond the sound of the running shower water, smooth, sweet and melodic. Sorrow laced every note in a sad kind of perfection as she sang beautiful words that had to have been of her own creation. I felt my heart tighten as I recalled the reason why she was so hard-hearted. I was the reason for her innocent, little Bella dying a few rooms away. I was the reason why she was in so much pain. And I understood. Why be in pain if you can inflict even more pain on the person who caused it.

It wasn't like I didn't deserve it. Still, I wish she didn't torture me so much with her petite body and cruel tongue.