Status: Ongoing.

Jesus Had a Crown of Thorns

No Feelings Are Safe Feelings


(Alacrity's Point of View)
The water was arm as it ran over my body, cleansing me of the sin I'd just committed. I sighed knowing that not even the warmth of the water would make me clean again. I'd betrayed my sister and she'd been nothing but loyal to me. I was supposed to help her and here I was sleeping with the man who was the danger to her. What am I doing? Why can't I control myself?

I ran my fingers over my stomach slightly. Maybe it would work, though. Still, I felt ashamed of myself. I mean, I could not have anticipated the amount of pleasure I felt last night. It was supposed to be the driest form of sex in the entire world but it was the hugest adrenaline rush I'd ever felt in my life. I silently wondered if Edward felt any bit the way I did about last night.

I quickly shook the thought away, turned off the water and dressed. Before I finished, though, I stopped, catching my battered refection in the mirror. I'd placed my wet hair in a messy bun and could vividly see the dark bruises on my throat that had been caused by Edward's harsh teeth and lips. My eyes trailed down my frame, examining more bruises from his fingers, hands and mouth. Much to my dismay, the bruises didn't stop me from wanting more from him. How horrible am I for wanting more?

I sighed and finished dressing before exiting the bathroom, cautiously, into Edward's room. Luckily, he wasn't there. I made my way to the kitchen and, immediately, Alice's eyes brightened and she smiled widely. I raised an eye brow at her. "Why are you so happy?" I asked, opening the fridge and taking out some celery.

She shook her head, still smiling widely. "Nothiiing." she sang in her childish way. I closed the fridge, making eye contact with her. Oh, she was hiding something. "Really? Nothing? Nothing at all you want to tell me?" I asked, chewing on the stick of celery I'd taken.

She shrugged. "Well, its something you already know." she replied, hopping off of the counter top. "You love him! You love him!" she sang and began to dance around me.

It didn't take long to figure out who she was talking about. "What? Are you mad? Of course I don't, you insane-" I began, unable to finish.

"Jasper told me." she interrupted. "He said that you get butterflies when you are with him. Mmhmmmm." she said, her voice as light as a bird. I raised an eyebrow. "Jasper can't-" I began, once again getting interrupted by her fluttery voice.

"Yes, he can- just not as much as if you were human. You let your guard down slightly because you trust him. His power isn't offensive so you don't block his as well. Edward's isn't really offensive either and neither is mine but it still invades your privacy a lot more than Jasper's does so I guess you can consider it-" she began. It was my turn to interrupt.

"What? Jasper knows how I am feeling?" I asked.

She nodded. "it isn't a bad thing, you know." she said. Easy for her to say. Her smile reappeared. "You. Love. Him." she repeated, giggling.

"So not true." I countered, ready to throw the stick of celery at her head. "There is no possible way I could love that- that-" I began, trying to find something insulting enough to show my distaste for his blood-sucking ass. "-Rapist!" Wow. I settled on rapist? Did that even make any sense at all?

Alice's thin brows furrowed together but she shrugged it off and smiled again. "Want to know a secret?" she asked, perkily.

"Humor me." I muttered.

"He loves you, too."
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Just in time for Christmas! :D