Status: Ongoing.

Jesus Had a Crown of Thorns

Different Paths Leading to the Same Result


(Jasper's Point of View)
"Jasper, can you go tell Alacrity that everything went smoothly? I am sure she'll be thrilled to know that her little sister is okay." Alice said, smiling. I returned the smile, thinking things over. I knew that Alacrity was actually a year younger than Bella; 17- just the age Edward was when he was turned.

My heart fluttered slightly when Alacrity and Edward inhabited the same thought bubble and I wondered to myself how they could so easily ignore what I couldn't. I could feel everything they did and, for each other, the emotion was something so new to me. I love Alice- honestly, I do, but what Alacrity and Edward feel for each other is stronger than anything I have ever known. Its almost as if the higher power had created them for each other. Still, they fought such a strong emotion.

"Jasper?" Alice questioned, interrupting my thoughts. Right. I stood up, kissed her cheek and left the room to find Alacrity sound asleep in Edward's arms. She was frowning in her sleep and I could feel her sadness but it wasn't strong. It was balanced out with her happiness for Bella's life. Edward looked up at me with hopeful eyes. I smiled and nodded causing him to gently shake Alacrity.

She was a bit disoriented but, as soon as she realized where she was and the situation, she asked me how Bella was doing. I saw Edward's eyes on her, constantly, never leaving her frame. "She's doing fine." I said.

Carlisle entered the room and examined the closeness between Edward and Alacrity. "But she's exhausted as you can imagine." he said. "I think it would be best if she stayed here at least one more night."

I know he was speaking for Edward's benefit and so did he. He sent him a grateful smile while Alacrity remained oblivious and nodded, relieved. "Okay. Thank you.." she whispered and smiled slightly. It was rare for her to smile to any of us- even if we did make her any bit happy- because we were what she'd tried to protect her sister from. I wondered for a moment how difficult it must have been for her to have so many vampires interested in her ability and to not understand it so much herself. Now, she knew but there had to have been a time when she didn't.

She stood up and asked, "Can I see her?" Carlisle nodded and led her into the other room, leaving me alone with Edward. He ran a hand through his hair and stared at the ground intently. I assumed he was thinking. "Edward?" I asked, getting his attention. He looked up. "What are you planning on doing?"

He knew that I was asking about what he planned to do about Alacrity but chose to play dumb. "About what?" he asked, sighing heavily. "About your heart." I replied. He looked up and frowned. I don't think he really knew what he was going to do. There really weren't many choices. But, maybe, if he told her how he felt, she'd stay. Maybe Edward would finally be ale to be as happy as Alice and I or Rosalie and Emmett..

He breathed a deep breath and let it out before choking, "I am going to let her go."
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