So Many Nights Spent With You in the Beginning

Wake up, your a drama queen

She choked, opening the front door and stepping outside into the cold, clear air of Maryland. Alex had disappeared ages agosurprise there.

“Hey gorgeous!” Some drunken stoner said from the steps, grabbing onto her pants leg and pulling her down beside him.

“Ugh, get away from me.” She said pushing him away and walking down onto the lawn filled with couples who were whispering and giggling at things no one else could hear.

Alex and I use to be like that. She thought sadly.

“Ohh Erin!” Someone yelled from the roof, she turned and looked up to the beaming face of her friend who was sitting on the roof, a red cup in hand, sitting in between a bleach blondes legs.

“What the hell are you and Kyle doing?!”

“Sitting on the roof! I saw Alex about ten minutes ago if that’s who your looking for.” She nodded and walked back into the shitty house party that they’d all been invited to. That’s what high school is though right? Shitty house parties and fucked up relationships. She was stopped by someone, a hand on her arm, she turned and met the eyes of Jack Barakat, her best friend, the reason her and Alex even knew each other.

“He’s upstairs! Second room on the left. He wanted to get away!” He yelled over the noise. She didn’t believe him for a moment but at least she knew where he was. Her hand hovered over the knob, afraid of what was waiting for her behind the door. He was on the bed, a brown haired, skimply dressed bitch Erin recognized from home room underneath him. They had on colthes on…. Not that it made it any better. He pulled away feeling the draft from the hall way and saw her, his mouth hung open and he jumped off, trying to “fix” his hair. He was a mess like always, nothing more than a drunken mess.

“Wait Erin! Come back it wasn’t what it looked like!” He yelled stumbling down the stairs, people turned and watched them, it didn’t surprise many of the guests. They’d all been victims of the infamous Mr. Alexander William Gaskarth.

“No Alex get the fuck away from me, I don’t need this anymore! I’m sick of you and your shit!! It‘s the same thing every single party, Jack drives you home after a party, you reek of some other girl and alcohol and I let it slide! All about the wanna be rockstar image!!” She yelled jerking the keys out her pocket and making it to the black car that sat against the grassy curb.

“We’re better than that!” He slurred drunkenly.

“No, Alex. I’m better than that! I gave you chance after chance and you just keep proving me wrong. I should’ve listened to them when I had the chance. I’m going home.” She said turning to walk away, his hand shot out and held her arm.

“Erin, don’t please! I need you here. I love you!” She jerked away.

“Go back to that slut you were just all over.” She said, biting her bottom lip to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill over.


“Alex, it’s over I’m done.” She whispered jerking away and climbing into the car. He stood on the curb watching her drive away.
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Chabam!! Yeah I did it! I called out Alex Gaskarth's habits! And for anyone who says he doesn't drink, he's admitted to drinking too much at times so go suck it :]