"Worth Fighting for, Worth Lying for, Worth Dying for."

Chapter eleven; & How you Change my Moods Like th

Chapter eleven; & How you Change my Moods Like the Keys on a Machine.

Wynter had loved them.
Now it was four months later, & she had been to every practice, made her own shirt, & fit right in with the guys.
& Blake was happy. For the first time in months, he was truly happy. But there was something else there, something he had never felt before. But all he knew was that it had sparked up inside him the day he met Wynter.
“Its love!” Jake at told him, batting his eyelashes. Blake had just laughed him off. But now, barely a few hours later, he wasn’t so sure.
So, he sat on his couch for most of the rest of the day, wondering what the hell was wrong with him.
Later, Wynter came over, as usual, overdressed for the warm June weather. She was wearing jeans, with a black UnderOath zip-hoodie unzipped to reveal a black-&-pink striped shirt.
He smirked. “Boiling?”
She nodded, pulling off her hoodie & throwing it down onto his couch. “Watcha up to, Blakey-boy?”
“Ahhh, nothing.” He said, smiling. Normally he hated people calling him ‘Blakey’ but coming from Wynter, he really didn’t mind.
“Excited for tomorrow?” She asked, & randomly started head banging.
He laughed at her. “Fuck yes!” Two hours of school tomorrow, then we are d-o-n-e!”
She stopped & looked at him through her now messy hair “But that means no more Drafting & Design…”
He sighed. “I know…” But its not like we’ll not see each other anymore, right?”
“That’s right!” She said, giving him a hug.
He smiled, & pulled her closer to him. They stood like that for a minute before awkwardly moving apart.
She smiled at him, “Well, I’ll just leave you to do whatever, then. See you tomorrow.”
He stared into her eyes for a second, then caught himself. “Uhh, what? Oh. Yeah. See you.”
She quickly smiled again, grabbed her hoodie, & left.
He sat himself back down on the couch for a second, then stood up. He grabbed the phone, & called Jake.
“Hello?” Jake asked, unsure why Blake would call him after seeing him only a few hours ago.
“You were right. Now how do I tell her?”