"Worth Fighting for, Worth Lying for, Worth Dying for."

Chapter two; Aphonia \A*pho"ni*a\, Aphony \Aph"o*n

Chapter two; Aphonia \A*pho"ni*a\, Aphony \Aph"o*ny\, n. [NL. aphonia, Gr. ?, fr. ? voiceless; 'a priv. + ? voice: cf. F. aphonie.] (Med.) Loss of voice or vocal utterance.
“What a horrible fucking day…” Blake moaned he entered his room, chucking his bag on the bed.
“Hey, hey!” Someone said.
Blake stared. “Keef, why are you here?” He said, watching his friend push the bag off of him.
“To see how you’re first day we- What the hell happened to your nose?” Jacob said, staring at Blake’s face.
“Some fucker punched me.” Blake muttered, flopping down on the bed between Keef & his other friend, Mike.
“Ouch.” The latter said, cringing.
Jake came in the door, holding an armful of coke’s. “Oh, look who’s back! Hey, how’d you break your nose?” He asked, passing out the drinks.
“I see you’re all using the keys I gave you well… & its not broken, thank god. Some jock dude punched me.”
Jake pulled a face. “Owwie. Lets go practice!”
Blake grinned. Jake knew that would cheer him up. The boys all bounced up & out of the room, & down into the basement.

While everyone got set up, Jake bounced around the room, finishing his coke. When he was done with it, he tossed it on the ground.
“Thanks for respecting my basement, man.” Blake said, looking up from his guitar stand when he heard the clink.
“No problem, buddy.” Jake said, bouncing in front of the mic with his back to everyone else. “We ready?”
“Yup!” Keef said, throwing his drum sticks in the air then catching them.
“Ready.” Mike said, throwing his bass over his shoulder.
“Ready!” Echoed Blake & Jacob, holding their guitars.
Jacob & Blake started, & off they went.

Do you remember the time?
We were sitting in that blood stained room for you?
& you turned to me, and you said...
how broken bones, they turn you on, but I ain't got shit, so don't turn to me anymore.

Hold up tight.
Check me out one more time.

Everytime you look this way, I just can't take anything....anymore.

After playing “Love by Way of Hollywood”, they played “Go for it, Falcor”, “Tell it to the Dead” & “Result of a Murder”.

“So, hey, Blake, how was school, other than being punched?” Jake asked as everyone else packed up, tightening the bandana around his head.
“I missed all my classes, so I really don’t know. But the other kids were assholes.” Blake said, flopping down on the couch.
The others did to, & they ended up watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
After that, the other guys went home, leaving Blake to take the painkillers the doctor has given him, & watching tv. Which was what he did.