12:30 AM

Chapter 2

“You look like hell.”
“Love you too.”
“I know you do. Everyone does.”
Vain Mr. Smith strikes again, whore of the century. The most fucking annoying guy on the planet, I want to hate him so much but he always does something to win me back over. My best friend. In some aspects.

“You ok?”
“Yeah... Just tired, fucking horrible time getting to sleep last night.” I always tended to swear more when I was tired, I’m just so much more irritable and frustrated.
“Alright then. I’ve got to get up to Maths. I’ll see you later.”
A quick wave and Matt was gone. My best friend emotionally, it may seem weird but we told each other most things.

Footsteps slapping down on the floor, I don’t even know what it’s made of, least it’s not polystyrene like the tiles on the ceiling, all broken and scattered. The paint scratched walls, the loose door handles and the ratty hand rails. This school’s a mess, fifty years old and a plain mess. The loud sound of rowdy year 7’s screaming and running up and down the narrow corridors overrides anything else, the idle chatter of year 10’s as they wait to go into English the next sound. Ah good old English. Sort of... Mr. Wright’s a laugh though so it makes it a bit better.

“Alright Pop tarts, get on with the Romeo and Juliet stuff, you’re gonna be performing tomorrow, so you have this lesson and the one later.” I knew he wasn’t going to distract me from my thoughts with his wit and humour, his constant ridiculing of Luke, it was gonna be pure focus. Urgh I don’t care Snoz and Joel can do it. I’m just gonna slack off and talk to Rhys, I’ve done most of the work anyway. I’m just better with words than them.

“What’s wrong?” Ah the typical question, I knew it was coming but he got to the bloody point a bit quick didn’t he?
“Everything! Georgia’s doing my fucking head in, I can’t bloody sleep at night and I’m sick and tired of this fucking repetitive life I have.” Beating around the bush was pointless; he knew something was wrong I might as well get on with telling him.
“Any idea how to change it?”
“No, Urgh I’m just so tired, I don’t wanna do this anymore, who the fuck needs Romeo and Juliet? Why will I ever need to know how to times a bloody fraction and do I really need to know about Physics, with the most insanely boring fucker in the world.”
“Calm down alright? No one needs to swear that much in a sentence.”
“I’m just tired alright?” The desk’s cool, it helps with my pulsing headache, the headaches which rip right through me, I hate them but they always keep coming back. I don’t need this; I don’t need to know why someone got murdered in a book that’s just old. I want to go home and I want to go home now. Plus I don’t want to see Matt again, even if it’s not going to be til lunch. I don’t want him to see how fed up I am, I know it upsets him when I’m upset or pissed off. I’m passed frustrated now, I just want to go to sleep and never wake up... Or at least not wake up for a month or so.
Urgh I need Matt, but at the same time he’s the thing I don’t need.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm terrible with updating... I know I'm so sorry.
forgive me please?
I've just seen The Blackout, hahah I can hear the ringing in my ears, it was more than immense.
