We Do It In The Dark, With Smiles On Our Faces

Please, Please Me Like I Please You.

“We can’t be doing this,” Laura said in between kisses.

“Says who?” Justin protested guiding her through the closet door he had opened, and kissing her again.

“No, really,” Laura said pushing him away from her a bit.

“Oh, come on,” Justin pleaded, slipping his large hands over her small waist, guiding her all the way into the dark room, and kissing her once again, only this time more aggressively. He knew Laura couldn’t fight him because she wanted his kisses just as much as he wanted to get into her pants.

They kept on kissing for a while, and then Laura started to get playful. She nibbled Justin’s bottom lip, and knotted her small hands in his hair. Justin was bored at this point.

He moved to her soft delicate neck. He did so slowly. Kissing her lips first, lightly dragging them across her jawbone to her ear, he kissed that too. He finally got to her neck, he kissed it, hard. A soft moan escaped Laura’s lips, a sure sign of her letting her guard down. He smiled to himself as he kissed her moving to her collarbone and back to her neck.

Laura was on her tippy toes at this point, she wanted nothing more than for him to keep going. Justin moved his lips to her ear, and whispered the words that would help him get exactly what he wanted “I love you” he said.

Justin kissed her lips slowly and seated Laura onto the table she was propped against.

He moved to her neck once again and started working expertly on a hickey.

When Justin was done he kissed Laura once again, passionately. He slowly eased his hands up her shirt.

Laura hesitated at first, but she swallowed her fear and let Justin un-hook her bra. He had no trouble of course. Without bothering to take the bra off Laura, Justin slipped his large hands over Laura’s small B cups.

Laura inhaled deeply, obviously enjoying the feel up she was getting.

The pair continued to make out while slowly removing each other’s clothes. Sweatshirts had been shed long before they even got into the closet, but Laura’s bra was off, Justin’s belt was somewhere on the floor and Laura’s shit was slowly being unbuttoned.

Laura did her best to please Justin. She nibbled his ear and kissed his neck in a passive aggressive style. She was much more timid than him and he was going to take advantage of that.

Justin stopped Laura after a few minutes of her kissing his neck , if she wasn’t going to give him a hickey, then this was boring. “Come on babe,” he pleaded

“Come on what?” she insisted.

“You know” he said trailing off and grabbing her waist so he could kiss her.

“Justin! No, we’re in a closet!” Laura wisper-shouted.

“Come on baby,” Justin said, kissing her all over he neck. “You know I’ll take care of you,” he slid his hands into her half-opened shirt and kissed her once again.

Laura was giving in a bit at this point. Justin smiled to him, and finished un-buttoning her shirt.

Laura resisted helping him for the fear of showing her eagerness.

When He finished, Justin let Laura’s shirt fall open. He stopped a moment, and stared at her. Laura blushed pink in the dark room. Justin kissed her once again and moved down gradually. Laura had goose bumps, and her head was tilted back in enjoyment. He got to her belly button and made his way back up. Their lips met once again, now it was Laura’s turn.
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Eh, it's not that great.

though feedback is nice.