

"Damn, this shit is nasty," I muttered while scrubbing the stained bathroom floor tile.

Apparently, someone had a little accident. Things like this gave me more reason to hate my job.

"Why are people such fucking pigs?" I exclaimed out loud, slowly intoxicating myself from bleach cleaner fumes.

I swear, I felt dizzier by the second. Cleaning these nasty ass hotel rooms was really a pain in the ass. Sometimes, I really regretted dropping my photography studies to come here and slave my life away. What was the point? I mean, really. But if I thought about my situation differently, it really wasn't all that bad. Sure, this job really sucked from time to time, but I wouldn't have met my best friend if it wouldn't have been for my working here. And, I wouldn't have met Ian. Contemplating my situation like this really set my hopes up. I knew I'd eventually end up picking my studies back up. Soon enough, anyway. Plus, when you take a putrid ass hotel room and transform it spotless clean, you actually feel pretty damn proud of yourself. After the long, agonizing hours of slaving away in each filthy hotel room assigned to me, I was finally done. Yes, done being a slave. At least for tonight, anyway. In between my steady loss of brain cells from bleach cleaners swarming their way up my nasal passages and my near incessant gagging and retching from how fucking gross each room was, I thought of tonight. Tonight was really the only thought that kept me going. If it weren't for the immense excitement of seeing Ian tonight, I'm sure I would have passed out. Today, the rooms just seemed nastier than ever. But enough about the reeking hotel rooms I had to clean. Tonight was the nigh. The only thing left that needed cleaning, was me. And badly, too. I knew from prior experience the room at the very end of the second floor was vacant. Always was. I knew I'd end up smelling like pure shit after my shift, so showering in the vacant room's shower became a priority for today. I even brought my own soap. I had to be mindful and try to avoid leaving evidence of usage. After setting my cleaning cart back and signing out, I discreetly made my way to the second floor through the employee staircase. Luckily for me, no one was around. I couldn't believe I'd made it through this whole day, slaving away, seeing as my hip was throbbing throughout it all. I now felt the pain more than ever. But I couldn't think about that now; I had to focus on hurrying. I needed to find out what time it was. I tried pacing my way to the room, but my hip was not letting me.

"Shit, I haven't even looked at how fucked up it is," I realized.

I just now realized I hadn't bothered to check my hip out throughout this whole day so far.

"I guess it's because I was thinking about Ian the whole time," I murmured as I basically dragged myself towards the vacant room.

My hip was now worrying me because of how bad it was now throbbing. After what seemed like hours, I finally made it to the room. As soon as I removed my clothes, I painfully lifted my leg to see the damage. What was revealed was an enormous bruise the size of a fucking mountain range. In the middle, was a dark brown, almost black hump, surrounded by blue-green patches mixed with different shades of purple. It looked as if I had a bad case of varicose veins. Ew. Luckily, nothing was fractured; it seemed that way. I snapped myself out of my trance and quickly leaned out of the bathroom entrance to see what time it was. It was now 5:45P.M. Yes, I really had to speed up. I'd usually be out of work by around 5:30.

"Shit, Ian's probably already down, waiting for me," I sighed as I got in the shower.

"Gotta make sure I look perfect. I can't let it look like I slaved for nearly eight and a half hours, cleaning rooms," I muttered as I slipped into the new wedges I got yesterday.

I was finally done getting ready. Looking at myself in the mirror, I could hardly believe the girl reflected was me. She looked nothing like me. Her hair was done up in a curled bun, her eyes were smokey black from eye makeup, her outfit, it looked great on her; a dark, shimmery blue tube dress with a matching scarf and wedges.

"Shit, I really outdid myself," I chuckled as I walked out of the bathroom.

I shot a quick glance at the clock; 6:30.

"Damn, kind of late. Oh well, I hurried enough."

I took one last glance at myself in the mirror, making sure my mountain range of a bruise was covered, and then made my way to the elevator. There was no way I was going down the stairs when my hip was hurting this bad. Standing inside the small elevator, I impatiently tapped my good foot on the ground. The damn elevator didn't seem to be going fast enough. And it was only one floor. I was tapping my foot so rapidly, my anklet came undone and fell on the ground. The man beside me instantly bent down to pick it up. His brightly coloured tattooed arms looked way too familiar.

"Here you go," Zack said as he handed it to me.

"Thanks, you didn't have to," I mumbled from under my bangs, which luckily covered my face.

The elevator door then slid open. Good, I didn't want him to recognize me. Perfect timing.

"Wait, Lyla? Is that you?" He asked, clearly confused.

"Thanks, Zack. Gotta go," I mumbled and stepped out of the elevator to eschew further confrontation.

"But wait-" Zack said before the elevator door slid closed, no longer revealing his perfect face.

Why was I running into him so much lately? I noticed every time I'd see him, I'd think about him a lot. But right now, I simply couldn't afford to think about someone that wasn't Ian. I was now literally only seconds away from seeing him after what seemed like forever. Geeze, why the Hell did I avoid him for so long? I felt like such an idiot for doing so. Once I made it to the hallway between the lobby and front desk, I stooped down to quickly slip my anklet back on and finally made my way out to the lobby. And there he was; waiting for me with the biggest smile I'd ever see come across his beautiful face. How did I stand not seeing him for so long? What the Hell was I thinking? The immense joy I now felt at seeing him couldn't be put into words. My stomach turned upside down, my heart was rapidly pounding in my chest; my knees weak and shaky. I already had a messed up hip; I didn't want to make it worse from falling face-down from the excitement.

"Adalia!" Ian called out as he quickly paced his way to me, embracing me in a tight bear hug.

I felt breathless. But not because of his tight embrace; just because I couldn't believe I was seeing him and this close to him.

"I missed you like Hell. You have no idea how crazy it was for me not seeing you at all these past weeks. Did you miss me?" Ian eagerly asked after releasing me from the hour-long embrace.

"Yes, of course I missed you. You look... perfect," I said, not looking at him in the eye.

He always made me feel so nervous, but comfortable at the same time. I really couldn't understand the feeling. It was odd.

"No, you are the one who looks perfect. Adalia, I've never seen you like this," He said as he eyed me from head to toe.

"Well, this is a special occasion, isn't it? I just wanted to look perfect for you tonight. You know, to make up for my idiotic avoidance," I said, feeling my ears get warmer with each second that passed.

"Forget about the whole avoidance. No come, I've got something special planned for us," He said with that perfect grin of his.

That grin, it never failed to make me melt into a puddle.

"Close your eyes," Ian said as soon as I sat in the passenger's seat of the car.

"Okay, may I ask why?" I asked, the slightest bit of excitement in my voice.

"Just do it, Adalia. I'm blind-folding you. I don't want you to see where I'm taking you just yet."

"Oh, alright. You win," I said and rolled my eyes closed.

After what seemed like at least a half hour, I felt the car come to an abrupt stop.

"Okay, Adalia. You're gonna need to let go of my hand for just a second. I'm going to lead you inside," Ian chuckled.

I just now realized had clutched my hand onto his and kept it there throughout the entire car ride.

"Sorry, I just feel really happy to be here with you."

"I know. I am too..." He trailed off as he made his way around the car to my side.

The car door then opened.

"Oh, Ian-" I started after he placed an unexpected peck on my lips and swooped me into his arms.

His right hand was right on top of my mountain range. It hurt like Hell, but that didn't matter right now. All that mattered right now was that Ian and I were together. I was in his arms, being carried somewhere unknown. I was thrilled to see where he had taken me. I felt my body steadily go up and down with each step Ian would take. We came to a stop. Ian released one arm and I heard the jingle of him searching for what sounded like a key. He still had me sustained, applying more pressure on my landscape of a bruise.

"Ah," I squealed from the jolt of pain I was now feeling.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Ian asked, a bit worried.

He couldn't know about my bruise. I didn't want to ruin the mood.

"No, nothing. Just excited, that's all," I said and puckered my lips, waiting for a kiss.

"Adalia, you're so cute. But hang on, let me unlock the door first."

Once we were inside, I instantly felt the bittersweet aroma of roses and smoke from lit candles.

"Okay, where are we? I wanna see!" I said and attempted to yank my blind-fold off.

The knot was too tight.

"No, no. Can't tell you that just yet. Be patient, we're almost there," He said as he went up with me through what seemed like a flight of stairs.

"Almost there?"

It seemed to drag on and on. My impatience only fueled with each step Ian took. After hearing a loud creak of a door, we came to a stop. Ian then gently set me down and put his arm around my waist, leading me inside.

"Alright, now you can see where I've taken you," He said as he slowly undid my blind-fold.

"Finally..." I whispered.

Once the blind-fold was off, I slowly scanned the room, taking in every detail of it. There were rose petals scattered all over the floor, as well as on the large bed in the center of it. Candles surrounded the entire area, all with a scent of what seemed like rose as well. How original. Champagne, or at least that's what it seemed like, was also scattered around the room. A plethora of bottles and glasses. A large, rectangular window was right above the bed, illuminating the room with the moon's shine.

"Wow, Ian..." I trailed off.

"Yes, Adalia? You like it?" Ian excitedly asked.

"It's gorgeous. But where are we? This doesn't seem like a normal room."

"I know. That's because it's not a regular room. It's an attic," Ian said with a cute smirk across his face.

"An attic? Where are we?"

"I rented a house just for you and I tonight. Sound good?"

"What? Ian, you're crazy. But yes, I do like it," I said as I felt my ears warm.

"Well I'm glad you do. Now come, let's get more comfortable," He said as he led me to the bed and sat me down.

"So, you like champagne?" He said as he brought me a bubble-filled glass.

"Um, I've never had it. But I guess I'll give it a try," I said as I slowly tipped the bubbly glass and took a small sip.

My nose stung and itched at the same time as I winced.

"Like it?"

"Eh, not bad," I said as I finished the glass.

"Pour me another one."

In between our catching up and drinking the champagne, I felt like tonight couldn't be going better. Ian let out a low chuckle and took the empty glass out of my hand, setting both glasses down on the ground.

"Ian, wait I want more-" I slurred before his lips were pressed to mine, not letting me utter another sound.

I responded to the kiss, bringing my hands up to his hair, ruffling it with excitement. He slowly pulled away.

"What was that for?" I chuckled.

"For not kissing you when you wanted to earlier, remember?"

"Ian," I started.

"Yes, Adalia?"

I didn't say anything. I just grabbed him and flipped myself on top of him, cascading kisses up and down his neck. I slowly made my way up to his mouth, gently sliding my tongue inside. He lifted my face off his, both of us panting hardly, and in turn, flipped us over so that he was now the one on top. He then smashed his lips against mine, only making me more euphoric with each touch. This felt so wrong and right at the same time. We kept smothering each other with passionate kisses non-stop. Ian then grinded his body on top of mine. I felt his erection sway against my inner leg from under his pants. Things were getting too far, again.

"Wait!" I said as I jolted up and slid off the bed.

"What is it?" Ian heaved.

"This, it's crazy. We're getting too far. So I have to go," I said as I dizzily stumbled my way to the door.

I heard Ian get up and click something shut.

"No, Adalia. You're not going anywhere," He said as he swayed me around and clasped a handcuff shut around my wrist...

♠ ♠ ♠
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