


The steady weight over my eye lids was slowly loosening, causing my eyes to slowly awaken to the blurry, shadowed light. A bright ray of sunlight made me squint as I tried to embrace my surroundings. I felt somewhat contortioned in an unnatural position. Beginning to feel a hint of claustrophobia, I moved my leg.

"What? What's that lump under my leg?" I muttered under-breath and lifted the sheet.

"Holy fuck, Ian; you're naked!" I yelled and shoved him out of the bunk.

I instantly wrapped the sheet around my body, not even acknowledging the thud caused by Ian's falling on the ground.

"Ugh, Adalia. Fucking nice way to wake someone up," Ian muttered as he struggled to get back on his feet while rubbing his knee.

"Ian, put some clothes on, damn it. What are the rest of the guys gonna think?" I hissed and shut the curtain closed.

"Wouldn't be the first time we've unwillingly seen his junk," I heard Jaime call out from the front of the bus.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I called out in response.

"Well, it's just that he would always bring g--"

"Shut it, Jaime. And mind your business," Ian warned.

"Kind of hard to do so when all you can hear is a bunch of moaning and heavy breathing," I heard Stu mutter.

"You too, Stu. Now look, Adalia; I really don't understand why you're throwing such and overdramatic fit over what happened between us last night, when we're a--"

"Exactly what happened last night?" I hesitantly asked as I peeked my head through the opening.

"Are you seriously asking me that, Adalia? Isn't it perfectly obvious?" Ian sarcastically said as he slid a pair of boxers on.

"Well yes, I know we both woke up naked next to each other, but I was hoping you could offer an entirely different explanation in regards to what might have happened."

"What might have happened? Oh, just stop it, Adalia."

"Stop what?"

"Being immature. You want to hear what happened between us from me? Well, we had sex. There, now you don't have to act doubtful and try to make up pretend scenarios like you always seem to want to do," He shot out as he nodded.

"Pretend scenarios? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, just get dressed; we're heading home," He sighed.

"No, really. Tell me what you mean by pretend scenarios."

"I don't know. It just always seems like you want to find an easy exit out of situations you're not comfortable with. Just an observation," Ian pointed out, now slipping a shirt over his head.

"No, I don't, actually. You offend me by saying that. I thought you weren't mad at me anymore. I could tell you what happened yesterday, if you want," I offered.

"No, I wasn't mad anymore. That is, until you gave me the awakening of my life! Now I'm all sore and annoyed. Thank you for making something amazing and natural seem completely awkward," He said and rolled his eyes at me.

"I'm sorry. I guess I just need a little more time to process what happened lat night. It's just that it was so sudden and--"

"Don't say anything else about it. What's done is done," He cut me off.

"Well, I know that, but--"

"Shh, just hurry up and get dressed. Wouldn't want any of the boys to see you like this."

"Yeah, I don't think I even want you to see me like this."

"Oh, please. I've already seen all there is to see," He chuckled and leaned in to kiss my forehead.

"Damn it," I painfully muttered as I stubbed my toe against the ground after hopping out of the bunk.

I slowly limped my way towards the couch where Ian and Mike were sitting. It just seemed to me like I was getting hurt way too easily and often lately.

"What's the matter? Why are you limping?" Mike asked as he stared at my foot.

"Nothing, I just stubbed my toe as I was slipping out of the bunk," I groaned.

"Ouch. Well, it must be that you hopped out instead of carefully slipping out," Mike remarked with a sympathetic grin.

"Yeah, you're right; I did hop out. Now I know to be more careful next time," I chuckled.

"There won't be a next time," Ian suddenly interjected.

Mike instantly shot him a confused look. I knew all the others had definitely heard him, but were acting oblivious. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lee irritably nod his head.

"What do you mean, there won't be a next time?" I asked, panic rising in my tone.

"I don't believe I need to explain why there won't be a next time. The situation yesterday speaks for itself," He dryly responded, not bothering to even look at me.

"I already told you that I could tell you exactly what happened and--"

"I don't even want to hear it. What I saw is enough."

"You know what? I'll just go ahead and leave you two alone right now," Mike said as he began to stand up.

Ian instantly took firm hold of his arm, not allowing him to go any further.

"Okay, maybe not," Mike said and sat back down.

"But really, I can explain," I nervously said, feeling my ears steadily heat up to a flaming heat.

"No, I already told you to drop it, so just do it, okay?!" He shot out.

"Fine, whatever you say, gosh," I muttered and sat next to him.

He immediately stood up and walked towards the front of the bus.

"So, how much longer until we arrive, Jaime?" Ian sighed, as if frustrated.

"I'd say about three more hours, give or take a few," Jaime sighed in response.

The rising tension was starting to worry me. Just the way Ian's mood would shift back and forth aggravated me. If he would have let me explain things, perhaps he would have lightened up a bit. But maybe it would have been better not to tell him anything. He would have most likely ended up asking all sorts of questions and I didn't want him to know about Zack and I by any means. It suddenly came to me that I had barely eaten anything since the day before. Occasional growls emerging from my abdomen only reminded me more of just how intense my hunger was getting to be. Judging from the was Ian was acting, I knew he might have been likely to get annoyed if I asked to stop and get something to eat. I then hesitantly walked towards Ian.

"Uh, Ian?" I asked as I tapped his shoulder.

"Mm, what is it?" He replied, his back still turned to me.

"I'm starting to feel pretty hungry."

"Really? And what do you want me to do about that?"

"Well, I was wondering if maybe we could stop somewhere and get something to eat," I shyly said.


"Uh-uh, what?" I nervously questioned.

"Doesn't seem like a possibility," He dryly responded.

"Why not?"

"You want to get home soon, don't you? Well then why drag out the trip more, when we can get home sooner with no stops?"

"But I just heard Jaime say there are still more or less three hours left of the trip," I insisted.

"Well, go look in the mini fridge, or something," He sighed and flung his arm in the air.

"Uh, okay. Down there, right?" I asked as I pointed.

"Yeah, go check."

"Ian, there's nothing in here but water," I said as I stared into the fridge.

"Well, better to be hydrated than nothing, don't you think?" He sarcastically chuckled.

"Well yeah, but I'm serious, Ian; I really am quite hungry," I sighed as I felt yet another growl emerge from inside my abdomen.

"Fine! Jaime, stop at the first gas station you see. Adalia's hungry."

"Alright," Jaime muttered.

"A gas station? I was kind of hoping we could stop by somewhere more casual. Like a sit-down dinner kind of thing," I said in disbelief.

"You're the one who wants to go straight home," Ian accused.

"I never said that. I mean yeah, the idea of getting home early to finally take a shower does sound appealing, but I also do want something to eat!"

"And you are getting something to eat, so what are you bitching so much about? I already told Jaime to stop at the nearest gas station."

"I know, I heard. But aren't you hungry, too? And also, the rest of the guys must be starving as well."

"They're perfectly fine. So am I. We're just going to drop by a gas station really quickly and get whatever you need so we can head to Seattle already. Is that alright with you?" Ian asked, sarcasm piercing through his tone.

"Fine, whatever. We don't have to stop at a stupid gas station. I'll just wait," I angrily muttered and sat back down on the couch, slumping all the way down.

"Oh no, we're going. After you insisted all those times, it would be ridiculous if we didn't."

"Oh, look at that sign. It says there will be a Racetrac gas station at the next exit. Want me to stop at that one?" Jaime questioned.

"Yeah, any gas station will do," Ian replied while intently staring at me, as If I had done something wrong.

I wasn't sure how much longer I would be able to stand being inside the bus with all the surrounding tension. I was beginning to regret the situation as a whole.

"Alright, here it is," Jaime said as he parked the bus in front of the entrance.

"Alright, just hold on while I go inside and get the stuff," Ian said and got up.

"Well, shouldn't I go? I'd like to see what I want," I said and stood up to follow him out.

"No, you stay here. I want to make this quick."

"But I'll be quick. I won't take long or be indecisive, I promise," I insisted and shrugged my shoulders.

"No! I already told you to stay put. I'll be back shortly," He said and walked out the door.

I then angrily stomped my way back to the couch, throwing myself on it. Lee then appeared and sat down next to me.

"A lot of tension going on around here, isn't there?" He sighed and tapped my knee.

"Yeah, you noticed?" I sarcastically replied as I felt a knot form at the base of my throat.

"Yeah, pretty hard not to."

"Can you tell me what Ian's problem is? He says one thing and then acts the total opposite."

"What do you mean, the total opposite?" Lee questioned.

"I mean that he told me several time he's not angry anymore about yesterday. But then on the other hand, he won't stop treating me like crap," I angrily muttered.

"I already told you that Ian is very temperamental. He always usually says on thing, and then ends up doing another. It's just the way he is."

"Yeah, well if he'd let me explain. I really wasn't doing anything bad. You believe me, don't you, Lee?" I hopefully asked.

"Why do you even ask such a question? Of course I believe you, Adalia. I know we know each other briefly, but you seem like a great girl. And up to this point, I personally don't think Ian is treating you very well," Lee sternly remarked.

"Well, I can understand his attitude. I should have shown up at the signing. I realize I acted completely inconsiderate and irresponsible."

"But he still shouldn't be that way with you. I know I already told you this, but just be careful of your actions in his presence. Don't do anything you think might upset him, okay?"

"Oh, Lee, you make it sound so threatening. Like as if Ian were dangerous, or something," I retorted.

"All I'm saying, is don't upset him. Or at least, try not to. I know what I'm talking about," He warned as he nodded.

"Okay, fine. I'll take your word for it. I must say, I'm feeling a bit intrigued about what you just said. Should I be scared of Ian, or something?"

"Well, I wouldn't--"

"Yes, mate. You should be. He's been know to--"

"Shut it, Jaime. Don't listen to him, Adalia. He's just trying to build fear in you, that's all," Lee said and shot Jaime a stern glance.

Jaime rose his hands in the air and nodded.

"Why didn't you let Jaime finish, Lee? Tell me what's going on. What's wrong with Ian?"

"Okay, well you see--"

"Back," Ian said and slammed the door shut.

Lee then shot a glance at me, as if warning me not to speak of our conversation. I then nodded back to let him know I wouldn't.

"Why so silent, everyone? Oh, here. Got you something," He said and tossed a small package towards me.

"A honeybun? You got me a honeybun?" I questioned as I stared at the wrapper.

"Well yeah, what did you expect; a buffet?"

"See? I knew I should have gone in with you. I'm starving, Ian!" I complained.

"Well if this isn't good enough for you, then I'll be happy to eat it myself," He said and roughly snatched the package from my hand.

He then began to fumble with the wrapper, attempting to open it.

"Okay, no! I'll take it back, my gosh," I said and snatched the package back.

Ian then shot me a resentful glare and turned around towards the front of the bus.

"Yep, this is gonna be a long couple of hours..." I muttered under-breath and opened the wrapper.

"Finally, took a proper shower," I sighed as I slipped into a towel robe.

I now felt relaxed and more at ease after that long, rocky trip. As soon as we had arrived to the house, Ian immediately stormed inside and that was the last I'd seen of him up to this point. He didn't even bother to help me with my bags. I knew I had screwed the trip up with my not showing up to the signing, but at this point, I just felt like Ian was completely over-reacting. With the large size of the house, I really had no idea as to where he could have been. I didn't know my way well enough around the house yet, so I was not even going to bother trying to look for him. As soon as I opened the bathroom door, Ian was revealed, standing with a bouqet of roses in his hands.

"Ian, where were you? You disappeared as soon as we arrived," I curiously said.

"Well, I just needed some time to think. I realize I acted like a complete jerk throughout the whole trip. I know I have been acting way too overprotective over you and that you need your space. So let's just forget that yesterday happened," He said after revealing his face from behind the roses.

"Well, we don't entirely have to forget about yesterday. I mean, it was our first time together," I said and took the roses from his hands.

"These are beautiful. The smell really nice, too."

"Yesterday wasn't a proper first time. I personally think we should have a true proper first time, don't you? Put those down," He said and took the roses from my hands, setting them down.

"But, they need to go in water and--"

"That can be taken care of later," He said and led me to the bedroom...
♠ ♠ ♠
So, what do you think?
Hope it was worth the wait.
Favourite part//line?
Ian's a bitch.