Maybe Memories

Maybe Memories 01

"Kali, come on. You need to move, now."

"No!" I shouted crossing my arms in a final statement.

For seventeen years I have been living in the same house. For seventeen years I've come accustomed to this town. I have my own room that I have grown fond of, friends that I love and live close to, and a school filled with kids I've known since kindergarten. Everything I have known and loved in this town apparently means nothing to my parents.

Today we are supposed to be moving from Virginia halfway across the country to Utah for my father’s new job.

Well I don't care what kind of job my father has. He could be President of the country and I still refuse to move. I've been protesting the move every since I found out about it, which was about a month ago. I refused to pack all my things up but my sneaky parents got that all done when I spent a weekend over at my friends. I swear they are worse then the cupcake stealers.

So now it's time to go. Everything has been packed up but I will still not move from my front porch.

"For the last time, Kali, get in the car!" My mother shouted from the driver’s seat.

"In the immortal words of Twisted Sister, we're not gonna take it!" I shot back with a glare.
And by 'we' I mean me and my troll doll collection. Which let me tell you is pretty large because troll dolls rock and you have to collect them all. Or was that pokemon?

Either way I was prepared to stay here all night. I had a jacket to keep me warm, a bottle of water and as for food, well who needs food anyways when you're battling for your homeland!

However it seems that no matter how prepared I was, supernatural powers of the unknown would not keep me seated. Okay so really it was just my dad who took it upon himself to lift me up and carry me to the car.

"Up we go champ." He grunted as he lifted me into the air as if I was some seven year old. And like a seven year old I began a tantrum.

"Put me down! I don't wanna go! You can't make me! Wait until my lawyers hear about this..."
Oh man, where are my troll dolls to attack when I need them. Lousy, no good, toys.

Against my will I was sat in the car and buckled in. It is here I begin my silent protest. Why bother talking if I have nothing nice to say?

"Oh grow up and stop acting that way. You'll like it Orem. And if you don't then too bad," my mother said trying to be funny.

I made faces at her behind her back.

"I can see that!" she yelled.

Oh, rear view mirror. I forgot about that.

"Look Kali," my father began, "I know moving for you is difficult, what with leaving all your friends behind and having to start a new school in a town you're not familiar with."

Way to stab the stake deeper in the heart, dad.

"But it won't be all that bad. Think of it as like an adventure. You'll be going to a new school were you'll meet new people and make new friends. This will be good for."

I snorted in response.

I don't want new friends. I like the ones I have. Besides I hate people so what good will it do me to meet more of them.

Leaning my head against the window I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. Maybe if I get lucky I'll wake up and this will all just be some crazy nightmare. Oh, if only life loved me like that.

For the next 32 hours I drifted in and out of sleep. We stop at a few rest places for food and to stretch our legs. Mom was too stubborn to turn into a motel so we continued driving all through the night.

I think I get my stubbornness from her because I still refused to talk. Sure it may have been a little childish but I stop caring back in West Virginia. All the anger and depression I had I put into sleeping. It ended up killing my neck but at least I got to spend time in dream land with Ozzy Osbourne instead of facing the sad truth of moving to a boring Mormon state.


"Kali, wake up," a voice said over my head.

"No Ozzy I don't want any bat head thanks," I mumbled.

"Kali wake up!"

My eyes shot open only for me to close them again. Man the sun was bright today!

"What was that for?" I said rubbing my eyes.

I could hear my dad chuckling from his seat.

"I just thought you should wake up now since we're here."

Oh no, we are?

I looked out my window to see that we had pulled into a neighborhood filled with houses that all looked the same. We pulled up to one two story house that looked exactly like the ones surrounding it aside from a window poking out over top of the garage.

Ewe, could this get any worse.

"Look hon, there's some kids who look to be your age," my mom said pointing off down the street.

It was a group of teenage boys wearing dirty looking clothing and ripped jeans. They were skateboarding and trying to do tricks off a small ramp. I noticed one of them had long black hair and he looked to be laughing at another boy with blonde hair who had just fallen off the ramp.

Great, now I'm living around a couple of punks. God, what other nightmares does this town have?
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Right so
I didn't see many Bert McCracken fanfics that I liked soooo
I decided to make my own!!!
Hopefully you like it.
And I'm sorry that Bert or any of the other guys aren't really in here yet.
But I promise that they shall be in the next one!