My Heart Is The Worst Kind of Weapon



The party cleared out after a few hours of dancing to Kari's American music. Once everyone was gone, I had to help my brother and Amy clean up any stray trash - including booze. Hannah and Georg were still nowhere to be found.

"Where are they?" Kari asked

"Most likely upstairs." Kristine replied

Kari's eyes widened, "Who is gonna get them?"

"You want to?" Tom laughed. Kari glared back and grimaced.

Surely enough, Hannah and Georg were running downstairs in a matter if minutes. Both adjusting their shirts.

"Well that answers my next question." Kari giggled. No matter how hard she tried to calm herself down, she was still shaken up from what happened with Tyler before. But I honestly don't blame her.

"Everyone ready to go?" Kristine asked, throwing away the last few plastic cups that were on the table.

"Uh. Sure. I guess." Kari murmured.

"Look its just us. Nothing will happen. I promise." Said Kristine.

"Alright." She sighed, grabbing her bags from the coat closet.

-Time Elapse-

-Gustav's Point of View-

Two. Oh Clock. In. The. Fucking. Morning.

And I'm still up?

This hasn't happened in the longest time, insomnia. I couldn't get to sleep for anything anymore. Ever since Kari moved in, anyway.

I turned on my iPod, listening to the Foo Fighter's "The Pretender", staring at the ceiling until I actually fell asleep.

As if that worked.

Music wasn't helping me get to sleep at all tonight. Ever since Kari moved in, I've been losing serious sleep. Her smile, her eyes. In all honesty, she was beautiful. But I have been miserable ever since Sarah, surely my friends saw that.

My thought were cut off by the obnoxious sounds of the rustling blankets on the floor. I didn't want to look down from the couch, afraid to see what it was happening on the floor below me. Hannah and Georg again, most likely possible.

I turned to face the inner cushions of the couch, just about to finally fall asleep.

But no, a small whimpering woke me up. And it wasn't Kristine's dog.

"No. Stop. Please, no."

It was Kari, tossing and turning in her sleep, small tears running from her eyes. I jumped off the couch and gently shook her.

"Kari. Kari, get up." She still stirred in her sleep.

"Kari, come on, wake up!" I whisper-shouted

She opened her eyes and let the tears flow freely.

"It was terrible, Gusti," She cried

"It was only a dream though," I tried soothing her. Nothing seemed to calm her down.

"I wish it was," She said, leaving me confused

"Come here, tell me what happened," We sat down on the couch, and she still continued to cry for a good few minutes, then she spoke.

"I- I keep having this reoccurring dream of my ex. H-he was abusive." She took a deep breath, trying to hold back her tears, then continued, "One day when I went to his house, he was home alone. I went downstairs and it was pretty dark. I figured he was playing video games or something. But when I turned the l-lights on, he was just standing there with a knife and, h-he -" her words cut off, tears started welling in her eyes again - "He tried killing me." She sobbed.

I couldn't believe what I heard, but then again, it would help explain how she reacted when Tyler grabbed her. I pulled her close in a hug, allowing her to cry on my shoulder.

"It's alright, he's not here, he can't hurt you anymore, "

"I-I just want to forget. But my dreams wont let me," She stuttered

She lay down on the couch beside me as I wrapped my arm around her. She had finally stopped crying again and fell asleep in my arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have had this scene planned out in my head before I even had a plotline down for this story.
Im not sure how much I like it.
Oh well, you're my readers- YOU TELL ME : D

Do you Love? Do you die? Do You bleed for the Fantasy?,