
Case 1: Cold Blooded...

Chapter 1:Cold Blooded...

The crackling of lightning on a dark stormy night awoke Alex with a startle. A bloody scream in the background sent shivers down his spine. He got up, grabbed his knife, ran down the stairs and out the door. He ran for about 5 minutes before getting to the woman who was lying in a pool of blood. He leaned over and lightly placed his fingers on her neck where her pulse should have been but was not, as she was already dead...

A man jumped out from behind a wall. Alex swung his knife and sliced the man's eye. The man fell down screaming in pain. Alex quickly ran to the police station, when he got back the man was gone all he could see was blood where the man had been lying.

The next day the detectives came to investigate the crime scene, there was one very good detective Roland Steele. He searched around and found a fingerprint on the dead body. He took a sample and sent it back to headquarters. A few hours later Roland got a call from James the medical doctor. He said that the fingerprint belonged to a man named Jake Moore. “He could have been the murderer...” thought Roland.

He asked the chief of police if he knew someone called Jake Moore.
He said “Yes, he used to be a police officer, But I fired him.”
“Oh okay thanks for your time.” said Roland.
He went home to think. “I have to find this Jake Moore and talk to him.” Roland calls James and asks him to do a search on Jake.

The next day James calls and tells Roland that Jack lives on 25 Crone Street in New York. Roland books a plane and he leaves at 14:30. He gets to the airport and boards the plane. It took 2 hours to get to New York. He then got off the plane and took a taxi to the address.

He knocked on the door.
“Yes?” Said a man.
“Are your Jake Moore?” said Roland.
“No... I am his brother Josh.” The man replied.
“Oh, is Jake here?” Roland asked.
“No he's at the shop,” said Josh.
“Okay, do you mind if I wait at the house until he gets back.?” Asks Roland.
“Yeah, okay.” Replies Josh

A few hours later.
“Josh I'm home!” said Jake.
“Jake this is Roland. What happed to your eye Jake?”Roland asked.
“A car hit me and sliced my eye.” he said.
“Oh, okay. Jake would you meet me tomorrow? I need to ask you a few questions.” asked Roland.
“Yes, okay where and when?” Said Jake.
“At the Derna Hotel,Room 1405, at 18:00 tomorrow.” says Roland.
“Okay, see you then.” Replied Jake.

The next day. *Knock, Knock, Knock*
“Roland it's Jake!” says Jake.
“Come in it's open.” Replies Roland.
“Jake I'd like you to meet The Chief of Police. He wants to ask you a few questions.” says Roland.
“Where were you on the 15thof August?” asks the Chief.
“I was visiting my sister in England.”Replies Jake.
“Okay...When did you get there?” Asks the Chief.
“Last week, I came back yesterday.” Replies Jake.
“Okay thank you, But I have to tell you something your sister's name is Cindy right?” Asks the Chief.
“Yes, it is.” Replies Jake
“Well your sister was murdered yesterday.” The Chief says.
“WHAT? How? Why?” Asks Jake with shock.
“Her Jugular vein was slit, We don't know why and by whom, but I'm very sorry for your loss.” Replies The Chief.
Jake is sobbing whilst Roland and The Chief leave.

Roland and The Chief of Police go back to England.
“The case is closed for now.”Said the Chief of Police.
“But sir what are we going to do about the---” Asks Roland
“Shut up! The case is close for now and that's final!” shouts the Chief
“Yes sir.”Replies Roland.

A few weeks later the chief opens the case again.
“Roland I am re-opening the case.” says the Chief.
“Yes sir!” Replies Roland.
Roland thought to himself “Over the past few weeks I've been thinking who the murderer could have been well it's not Jake, so it could have been Josh, now I'll have to go to New York again.
Hmm it costs 1000 Pounds to go to New York, I only have 750 so I need to ask the Chief if he can lend me some money.” After about 10 minutes of begging Roland finally got 250 Pounds from the Chief.

Roland flies to New York and takes a taxi to Jakes' house again. *Knock, Knock, Knock* Jake opens, “Jake where is Josh?” Asks Roland.
“He's in his room why?” Replies Jake.
“I think he's the one who killed your sister.” says Roland.
“Why would Josh Kill his own sister?Jake replies with confusion.
“He asked his sister for money and she didn't give it to him, I guess he got angry and was probably drunk so he murdered her.” Replies Roland.
“Josh! Come here now!” Shouts Jake.
“Yea, Bro?.” Replies Jake“Oh crap!” Jake says.
Josh runs away, Roland chases after Josh. Roland finally catches Josh after he runs into an alley with a dead end.

Roland arrests Josh and takes him back to England. Josh is accused of murder, and he is sentenced to 20 years in prison...
"Roland goes home. A few minutes later he gets a call.
“Roland I've got another assignment for you come to the police station immediately.” Says The Chief.
“Ugh... no time to rest...” groans Roland.

End of Case 1
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Please Enjoy...
It's my first story, i don't think it's that good....