Sequel: Love's Curtain Call

Acting On Love


Ville drove us silently to his house, with a smile on his face. I was excited to finally get to see where he went home to every night. But at the same time, I couldn't help but wonder if that was the only reason that he'd invited me over. My stomach rumbled with nerves. I didn't know if I was ready for that yet. What if things changed between us after he'd seen who I was in the bedroom?

"I'm perfectly willing to wait," I remembered him saying.

Just relax, I told myself.

I looked out of the window and watched the city flash past us. I liked being in Ville's car. It smelled like a mixture between leather and him. It was always warm, too.

After a short while, the car slowed down to a stop, as Ville parked it in an empty spot at the side of the road. We were just outside a row of apartments. I couldn't see much from the dim light of the street lights, but it looked like a very nice spot.

"The most my teacher's salary can afford..." Ville sighed, opening up his door.

I was still staring at the apartments in awe when he opened up my door for me. I followed him round the car and towards the black, metal gate, which he held open for me as well. He punched in the code at the door and took my hand as we stepped inside the warm apartment.

"My place is the top floor," he said as we headed for the stairs.

After following him up 4 sets of cream-carpeted stairs, we finally reached the door which lead to his apartment. He pulled out a bunch of keys from his pocket, found the right one, and opened up the apartment. He stepped in and set his keys on a wooden table. He watched for my reaction.

I took a few curious steps into the apartment, and wandered in through the rooms. His kitchen was small, yet welcoming. I smiled when I got the impression that he didn't do much cooking.

"Do you want to see my bedroom?" he asked, putting his hands on my shoulders. I suddenly went tense under his hands.

"Ok," I whispered.

He lead me through an open door into his bedroom. My eyes immediately landed on the massive collection of CDs and records he had on his shelf. Then they drifted towards his double bed. It was easy to tell which side he slept on by the side of the duvet which was pulled back and crumpled. Just above the bed was a big Black Sabbath poster.

"Nice poster," I noted, with a smile.

"Thanks," he said, leaning into my neck so his hot breath ran down my skin. He leaned in to press his lips against my neck. I felt my heart begin to beat faster. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes as his lips drifted further down. Maybe I was ready?

I felt his hands move from my shoulders, down to the buttons on my shirt. He took his lips temporarily off my skin, and let his teeth graze my neck, driving my heart wild. He began to loosen the top button, but stopped. It surprised me that I was disappointed.

"Is this what you want? Now?" he whispered into my ear.

I turned around in his arms and nodded, making him grin.

"I'll try not to disappoint you...since your expectations are probably as high as they possibly can be right now," he said, laughing.

I laughed, too, and wrapped my arms round his neck. "It doesn't matter to me. It's with you. That can't really get much better..."

He smiled in disbelief, and leaned in towards me to press his lips to mine tenderly. Then he lifted me up, and wrapped my legs round his waist, so I was up from the ground. I almost screamed, thinking I would fall to the floor. He laughed, again, and placed his hands round my waist.

"I've got you..." he whispered.

He slowly stepped forward, towards the edge of the bed, and lowered me down gradually until I reached the soft duvet. I loosened the grip of my legs round his waist, although I almost didn't want to. One of his hands trailed down from my waist to my thigh. The sound of my phone ringing in my pocket made us both jump. He took his hand off my leg as I reached into my pocket to retrieve my phone. Way tp ruin a perfect moment, stupid phone, I thought.

"It's Lisa..." I said, frowning as I looked at the caller ID. "Why would she be calling me at 10 o'clock..." I wondered out loud.

Ville shifted his weight off me and lay down on the bed next to me. I answered the call.

"Oh, Kristen! Where are you?!" Lisa called frantically down the phone.

"I...I..." I stuttered, looking to Ville. "I'm...just in the town. Taking a walk," I said, cringing at my unconvincing lie. But she didn't question me on it.

"Oh, thank God you're ok. I thought you were still... well, it doesn't matter..." she babbled.

I heard the frantic voices of others at the university all around her. Something was definitely wrong. Ville watched me with growing concern.

"Lisa, what's wrong?"

"There's a fire. It started in one of the halls - they reckon someone was trying to prank someone or something stupid like that. But it's spreading, Kristen. I'm really worried. All my work is in that room..."

Fire? At the university?

"I'm coming," I said, hanging up on her.

"What's wrong?" Ville asked. His eyes were desperately serious; penetrating mine for information.

"There's a fire at the university," I said, feeling a lump form in my throat.
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This is a picture of where Ville's apartment is. It's actually in London, but we can pretend, right? ;)