Sequel: Love's Curtain Call

Acting On Love


After about another hour, the fire was finally put out. We were told to return to our rooms immediately. I turned to Ville, who had stood silently by my side for the whole hour. His eyes were still fixed on the black ruin which used to be one of the dorms. All around us, people were returning to their rooms. Lisa waited next to us, watching our every move.

"Ville?" I said, shaking his shoulder gently. He finally brought his eyes round to meet mine. "I have to go..." I said, hearing how fragile my voice sounded, and hating it. But how could I calm myself, when his face was still flooded with fear and regret?

"Oh..." he whispered. He took my hand in his, but then dropped it as soon as he noticed Lisa was still with us. "Well...see you in class tomorrow..." he mumbled.

"Bye," I replied, but his back was already turned. He sauntered slowly towards his car down the dark street.

"Kristen," Lisa said, pulling my attention away from him. "Let's go," she said, watching me suspiciously. I sighed and followed her back to the halls.

As I unlocked my door, she stood next to the wall, opposite me, and continued watching me.

"I'll see you tomorrow..." I said, opening the door.

"Kristen, wait," she said suddenly. She sighed. "I've seen the way you and Mr. Valo look at each other. I'm starting to think you've been lying to me...."

"Lisa, now's not the time..." I sighed.

"When is the time, then?" she said, giving me an uneasy look.

"I don't know. But certainly not when there's just been a fire at the university..." I said, feeling the tension build up. I didn't want to lose her as a friend - if I did, I'd probably end up eating lunch alone from now on. But I already knew how she felt about me and Ville.

She sighed, looking a little betrayed.

"Ok, I'll tell you soon. But only on one condition."

"Go on," she prompted, looking a bit better.

"You need to promise me you wont tell another living soul. And also that you wont worry about me too much," I said, almost laughing at the last part.

She smiled, but still kept that guarded look in her eyes. "Alright. I promise."

"Good. I'll tell you tomorrow, then. Night, night."

"'night," she echoed, turning to go to her room.

It was a tough night that followed - I had my first proper nightmare in years. I dreamed that I was standing outside again, watching the fire. Ville was standing next to me. But no-one was putting the fire out. Then, all of a sudden, Lisa came walking through the smoke, with someone standing next to her. More and more figures appeared from within the smoke with her. Me and Ville didn't move, although I felt like we had a reason to. I wanted us to run, but neither of us did.

When Lisa finally reached us, I could see the angry look in her eyes.

"He's the one," she accused, pointing a finger at Ville.

"No!" Ville began to shout, as the dark figures advanced towards us. It was then that I realised who they were - policeman.

"You are under arrest...for the murder of Samantha Green." they all murmured together, almost like a chant.

As they dragged him away - towards the burning building - Ville continued shouting the same word.

"No!" he bellowed, watching me as he got closer and closer to the flames.

"What are they doing to him?" I asked, turning to face the only police officer who hadn't been dragging him towards the fire. Then I realised why they'd stayed behind.

It wasn't a policeman - it was Miss Green.

"You're dead..." I whispered, trying to walk away from her.

She smiled menacingly when she heard this. Her skin was pale - too pale. Her clothes were black, but it didn't take me long to realise that they weren't meant to be black. They'd been burned.

"Oh, am I, child?" she spat, before lunging at me.

Then I woke up.

My forehead was covered in a cold sweat; my heart was racing faster than usual. But at least it was only a dream. I looked at my alarm clock - I'd woken up ten minutes before the time it was due to wake me up. I crawled out of bed and got dressed.

I arrived at the theatre - early as usual - and eager to see Ville. My anticipation was stamped on as soon as I saw that the theatre was empty...except for Miss Green. She sat on the stage, looking at the floor in thought.

"Uh...where's Mr. Valo?" I asked.

"Ill," she said quietly, still looking at the floor.

"Ill?" I repeated, feeling my hopes of having a good day sink down to nothing. "Oh..."

I knew this was just a cover up, but a cover up of what?

"I'll be taking the lesson until he returns," she said, still looking at the floor. I was surprised at how I couldn't stand to be in her presence, even though she was acting totally normal now. If not even a little depressed.

"Why don't you sit down until the rest of the class gets here?" she suggested a little coldly. I sighed and sat down, wondering what Ville was doing.