Sequel: Love's Curtain Call

Acting On Love

Heaven Tonight

I went back to the halls as quickly as I could. As I ran through the dimly lit site, a few snow flakes began to flutter to the ground around me. By the time I reached the building my room was in, the snow was falling heavy all around me, and my hair was damp with the white flakes. I ruffled up my hair a little as I trod on up the stairs, and to my room, hoping it would dry itself a bit.

I attempted to dry my hair some more with a towel. I was sat on my bed, when a sudden thud at the window startled me. I dropped the towel and went over to the curtains, which I pulled back. A clump of exploded snow clung to the glass, sliding down it slowly. Ville was standing below my window, on the snow-covered grass. His black jacket was covered in snow flakes. He looked up at me and waved upward. He wanted me to open the window. I unlocked it and pushed it open as far as it would go.

"Ville, what are you doing?" I shouted down to him.

"What does it look like?" he shouted back, before looking around. There was a large oak tree which spread its branches out not far from my window. His eyes fixed on it.

"Ville, don't be stupid!" I shouted as he began to walk through the snow towards it. But he didn't listen to me. He continued walking to it, until his feet were standing on its roots. I could only watch in horror as he lifted up his foot and tried it on a bump on the tree. When he found that his foot settled nicely there, he reached up, grasped a branch, and pulled himself up from the ground. I watched silently as he pulled himself further and further up the tree, until he was just level with the branch that lead to my window. His eyes ran along it, until they met mine. He grinned at me, like a madman.

Then he knelt down to the branch, sat down on it, and began to pull himself along it slowly.

"Ville. . ." I whispered to myself. I only then realised how tightly I was gripping my window-sill with fear. I let go of it.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," he called to me, with that same grin on his lips. He was enjoying this!

"Be careful!" I shouted, biting my lip.

He laughed. "Oh no. . . the branch! It-it's breaking!" he mocked, looking back at the body of the tree. He began to laugh even more.

"Don't do that. . ." I sighed, folding my arms.

It was only a few seconds later that he was right outside my window. But he had encountered a problem. Getting from the tree to my room. He looked at the gap between the two, unsure. He wasn't going to jump, was he?

"Kristen, push the window open as far as it will go," he said.

I did as he said, although the window wouldn't go open much more. He grabbed hold of the branch and began to lift himself up, until he was almost kneeling on it.

"Kristen, get back," he said quickly. I did as he said, but only because of the urgency in his voice.

In half a second, he was in the air, leaping from the branch, to my window. My whole body raged with panic seeing this. But he reached my window easily - he had jumped too far, even. One foot landed on the inside of my window sill, while the other was gripping to the brick outside. His hands were holding onto the open window. He pulled himself inside and landed on the floor quite loudly. He picked himself up, looking exhilarated.

"There's something I never thought I'd do," he chuckled, brushing off a few snow flakes from the shoulders of his coat. His hair had tiny beads of water and snow caught in it, giving it a near-sparkling effect. It made him look even more stunning.

"You know you could have just sneaked in using the door. . ." I said, unfolding my arms.

He smiled - his more normal smile this time. The smile that drove me out of my mind.

"And what would have been romantic about that?" he asked, beginning to step towards me, so our lips were only inches apart. He gently pushed me back, so we were slowly making our way to the bed. My heart began to beat faster and faster as I realised what was about to happen.

"Climbing a tree, Ville?" I whispered, trying to laugh. But his lips were so close to mine that all I felt stupid to laugh at such a moment.

He smiled, placing both hands on my shoulders before he turned me round and gently pushed me against the wall. He suddenly pressed his lips against mine, as if that was what he'd been waiting the whole time to do. We both started off gentle with each other, but with each movement of our lips, we hungered for more, until both our lips were restless on the other's.

I felt his hands move down to my hips, where they held onto my jeans, and pulled my body to his abruptly. There wasn't a pocket of air between us. I loved the feeling.

"I've been waiting for you," he whispered inbetween kisses.

"You're not the only one who's been waiting. . ." I whispered back, pulling my lips away from his.

He took one step backward and slipped off his coat, casting it to the other side of the room. He quickly pulled off his shirt, to reveal his bare chest that had always been hiding under the clothing. He was very slim, but slenderly toned.

He stepped towards me and put his arms around me. He began to kiss my neck, while his hands were starting to take off my shirt. I waited as he pulled it over my shoulders and my head. He let it drop to the floor, then he encased me in his arms again.

"You're beautiful," he whispered into my neck.

Together, we stepped towards my small bed. I lay down on the sheets, still in his arms, as he held himself above me. He was still kissing my neck. I reached down to my jeans and unzipped them, pulling them down a little. He took his lips away from my skin and crawled back on the bed a little. He slid down my underwear, before unzipping his own jeans.

I reached over to turn off the light as he pressed his body against mine.
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'tis always awkward writing these scenes. . .