Between Empty Space

Lost In Growing Termoil

Gerard's POV

"What the hell are you trying to do?" Mikey asked, his body inches away from mine. I smiled coyly, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What are you talking about?"

"Out there." He snapped, anger flooding into his brown eyes as he glared down on me. He had grown and now stood about an inch above me. I couldn't help but wonder what else had grown.

"Oh. You mean with my boyfriend?" I asked, causing him to nod, his hair shaking in front of his face. "Well, I believe that stopped being your business about three fucking years ago." I said shoving him away from me so that I could leave. As I reached the door he groaned in defeat and grabbed my arm.

"Look...I'm sorry about that?" He said, for some reason triggering an anger spike.

"Fucking sorry?!" I asked, throwing his grasp off of me. "You have no idea what you did to me!"

"I'm sorry, it was wrong..."

"WRONG?" I asked venomously causing him to look down out of guilt and shame.

"Yes, didn't deserve that." He said, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at me apologetically. I was trying so fucking hard not to forgive him that I'm sure this was hurting me a lot more than him. I sighed, trying to make it as angry sounding as possible. Mikey stepped forward and engulfed me in another hug, I hugged him back with my unhurt arm, knowing that if I didn't I would never get out of this room. He pulled away, looking at me with a familiar look.

Don't fall for it this time. I screamed in my head as his head turned and his lips caught mine. He wrapped his arms around me as I kissed back a little, then shoved him away. He wasn't gonna get me back that fucking easy, he was gonna work for that shit. He looked at me confused, his arms at his sides.

"I don't think your whore would like that very much, bro." I said, fucking up his hair and walking out of his bedroom with a smile of success. I just denied the most beautiful man on Earth.

"She isn't a whore!" He argued from behind his closed bedroom door.

"Then prove that the fucking kid is yours." I fought back. There was silence. "Exactly." I said before walking away and making my way back out to Frank, a little too proud of myself. I had a plan, if he was really so fucking sorry he was going to have to prove it to me. I wasn't gonna be his second place whore like I was before. If he wanted me bad enough, he'd have to wait.

"Hey, Gee." Frank said as I sat up on the counter next to him. I smiled and crossed my legs, resting my arms on them.

"Your father should be home from work soon, Gerard." My mother said, tapping me on my knee. "You better be ready for that."

"Oh...yeah..." I said. I was sure that my father wasn't very happy with the fact that I ran off with my best friend who is now my boyfriend and possible soon to be husband. He would tell me that wasn't very responsible or mature to bail out on your family like that and he would be right. I'm sure my mother wasn't very happy with my choice either, but I knew that she wouldn't say anything about it in fear of me running off again.

Almost as if on Que the door opened and heavy footsteps echoed in the living room. My mother pressed her finger to her thin lips, signaling me to keep quiet. I nodded as she patted the top of my head and entered the living room to confront my father. I was scared about what he would do, would he yell at me for leaving? Or be glad that I returned? Frank must have sensed my fear because he grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers with mine as I held on in a death grip, I felt as if my very survival depended on his hand.

There were whispers in the living room as two pairs of footsteps came closer to the kitchen, I let go of Franks hand, getting off the counter and standing my ground on the kitchen floor. My dad came around the corner, a look of confusion, shock and disappointment overtaking his eyes. I looked him straight in the eyes, trying to remain and look as strong as possible. He stepped up to me with an eyebrow raised, and extended his hand. I grasped his hand and shook it strongly, trying to show no sign of weakness. My dad was always very clear on how he wanted his sons to grow up. Like men. Like him. Strong and unmoving. Sadly neither me or Mikey turned out that way.

"Good to see you again." He said blankly before turning and leaving without another word. I knew better than to chase him, it would only make things much worse. I looked to mom desperately for a signal, a sign of how I did. She just shrugged and whispered.

"Give him some time, he'll come around." I nodded, sitting back up on the counter as the beautiful Mikey made his way back out to the kitchen.

"I gotta go mom." He said, stealing a quick glance at me as he hugged her.

"So soon? You've only been here an hour son, plus, dinner isn't even done yet." She stated, looking at Mikey out of worry.

"Yeah, well, Jenny and Jake need me to be home." He stated, zipping up his jacket.

"Well, they can stay for dinner too. I haven't seen my grandson for a while." Mom said with a hopeful smile.

"Mom, I don't think we're welcome here." He replied, shooting an angry look in my direction.

"Nonsense, you are always welcome here. Dinner should be done by five, be back before then, love." She said, kissing Mikey on the cheek. Mikey nodded and stepped out the door, his car keys dangling from his fingers.

"I swear, that boy just hates my dinners." Mom said, shaking her head as she returned to the oven to check the dinner muffins.

Well, how the fuck am I gonna get out of this one? The fucking whore and her spawn are coming over for dinner. I felt bad for poor little Jake though, it's not his fault he came out of the vagina with teeth. He probably wasn't even Mikey's. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the kid as I sat on the counter. How many times has he had to lie to Mikey about who mommy had over when he was at work? How many times has he seen her kiss other men in front of him? That's just something that a child his age shouldn't go through, he's three, he knows when something is wrong.

"Gerard, dear? Can you help me set the table?" My mother asked kindly. I nodded with a smile and got up, Frank following close behind me. Frank whispered a sorry to me as he grabbed a stack of plates. He felt bad for bringing me here, and he should. I would have come here on my own fucking time, but I guess I deserved this. I grabbed a stack of forks, laughing at the thought that one of those might be placed firmly into one of Jenny's eyes by the time the night is done. Let's hope it's something sharper.
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Sorry about the crappy chapter guys, you know you deserve better. The next one will be explosive to make up for it. :)

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