‹ Prequel: Standing In The Crowd

A Not So Sweet Fairytale

Emtpy Promises

*Three Weeks Later*

Surprisingly enough, Gerard and I hadn't fought since he got back. He hadn't mentioned Tre` or anything that went along with him at all. I was impressed. Apollo was still in the dark, and that was the way it was going to stay. He didn’t need to know how badly mommy had fucked up.

That morning I had another 'doctor's appointment' so I'd gotten up before everyone-except for Mikey. Once again he had his sketchbook out, but this time he wasn't doodling in it. This time he was sipping on some coffee and munching on his seemingly endless supply of sushi.

"So, what are you still doing here?" I asked him as I sat down with my own cup of coffee in my favorite mug, the giant purple Eeyore one I'd gotten when I'd gone to Disneyland with Apollo, Billie Joe, and Tre`.

"Well geeze, I just woke up. Excuse me for not leaving the house immediately so you and Gerard could have your pick of the best room to-" He started.

"Shut up, would you Mikey? Apollo's in the house so we wouldn't do the nasty. I was asking why you're still at this house. You've been her for over a month now. What gives?" I clarified, taking a searing sip of the coffee in hand.

"I just wanted to make sure you guys were totally fine. I want to know that as soon as I leave all hell won't break loose and my big brother won't end up on my sofa for the next month,” he concluded.

"Well, no offense, but you can go home. Everything's fine now. We've worked everything out,” I told him.

"Ouch. Kicking me out are we?" He asked, pretending to be hurt.

"No. It's just things can go back to normal as soon as you go home,” I told him, putting one hand on his shoulder so he would know I really wasn't trying to hurt him.

"You never know when all hell's gonna break loose,” he shrugged, taking a slow, careful, calculating sip of his now cold coffee.

"What's going on?" I asked, pulling my hand away from his shoulder and tensing up immediately. There was something he wasn't telling me. Maybe he knew where Gerard had gone, who'd he'd been with. Maybe he knew a deep dark secret about Gerard that would get me mad.

"Nothing,” he shrugged, looking at anything but my eyes.

"Liar,” I hissed, "What the fuck is going on?"

"I took out the trash a few weeks ago Torrie. I was curious to see what women throw away-"

I gave him a look of concern. Why would he want to know this something like that? Little boy instincts?

"What? I'm weird like that. Get it from my brother. Ask him about the flag made out of bras that he hoisted in the middle of a boy scout camp up in the mountains we went to the week when-well that major week,” I gave him another look of concern, "Well anyways, I kinda found something I wasn't supposed to find in the trash,” he told me with a clearly guilty look on his face.

"And what, pray tell, did you find?" I asked, sighing.

"I kinda found this thing with a blue line on it,” he told me, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pregnancy test-wait-my pregnancy test.

"But? I? No-" I shuttered.

"And this,” he told me pulling out the second test, this one with a smiley face on it.

"So what? I’m pregnant. Whoop de doo. It's not like Gee and I aren't getting married anyways,” I told him, rolling my eyes.

Might as well put on a show, or pay the price.

"I know it's not Gerard's,” he sighed.

"How do you figure?" I asked, hoping the question could be interpreted as 'where did you get that idea?'.

"The timing, it was just too perfect. I know you and Gee hadn't had sex for a few weeks before that cause he complained about it to me. And you guys didn't have time between the fight and him leaving to make one. You would have taken the pregnancy test sooner if it was his,” he concluded.

"Nice job, Sherlock. But everything will be fine. Just don't go firing off that big mouth of yours about this, alright?" He nodded, "Especially not to Gee."

"Fine. But I'm coming with you to your doctor appointment,” he grinned.

"Why would you even want to?" I asked.

"I'm curious,” he shrugged.

"Curiosity killed the cat,” I reminded him.

"But satisfaction brought him back,” he grinned.

"What makes you think I’d even think of letting you go?" I asked, defeated by my own nursery rhymes.

"Well, you could always leave me here to tell Gee about-"

"-Alright. Fine. You can come. Tre` can't come today anyways,” I sighed.

"Why not? And Tre` knows? What did he say? Ohmygod! Ohmigod! Ohmyg-" he screamed and I was afraid of him waking up the entire house, so I silenced him with my hand over his mouth until he stopped prattling on.

"Let's go to car now Mr. Motormouth. Shall we?" I smiled and he nodded, clearly scared since my hand was still over his mouth.

"Now march,” I ordered.


Gerard got up about an hour later to find Apollo jumping on the bed. Gerard did his best to not let Apollo notice he was naked. Too many questions would have to be answered.

"Morning buddy. What's happening?" Gee asked him, his head bobbing up and down in time to Apollo's jumps.

"Where are mommy and Uncle Mikey?" Apollo asked and Gerard shrugged.

"I dunno. Probably went out to get something to eat or groceries or something. I don't know,” Gerard sighed. He really didn't have any idea where we were or what we were doing.

"Well I'm hungry daddy. Can you make me some French toast?" He asked with his big blue eyes he'd inherited from me and his unruly mop of black hair he'd unfortunately gotten from his –ahem- sperm donor.

"I'll see what I can do,” he grinned, then waited for Apollo to get off the bed and out of the room before he got up and pulled on a clean pair of boxers and a white shirt.


"So, Tre` knows?" Mikey asked once we'd gotten into the car.

"Yeah, he knows. I kinda told him when I found out."

"And yet you didn't tell me?! The only one who was there for you?" He asked in disbelief.

"Well sor-ry, but I was scared, okay? I didn't know what the hell to do and I had yet to talk to Tre` so I thought it would work out,” I shrugged.

"Fine. Whatever helps you sleep at night. How'd he react?" Mikey continued, sounding like a little school girl. I was waiting for the annoying giggling laughter to come.

"Ehhh… Once he got over the shock he was fine. Came with me every single doctor appointment,” I shrugged. I didn't need to rehash the whole screaming like a maniac part.

"And why isn't he coming today?" Mikey asked.

"Because he has Ramona and Frankito for once today. They're in the teen years so he's gonna treat them like kids today. He's taking them to Six Flags and the beach I think,” I told him and he seemed satisfied.


"What's all the black stuff?" Apollo asked Gerard, picking at his terribly burnt French toast.

"Nothing. Just your imagination,” he lied, taking a big bite of it himself, then gagging.

"Daddy?" Apollo asked in concern.

"Do you want to go out for breakfast son?" Gerard asked, downing his entire glass of orange juice I'd finally got him in the habit of drinking, without the champagne.

"Yay! Can we go to Denny's?" He asked excitedly, completely forgetting the disintegrated French toast.

"Sure thing. Hey! Where are you going? I’m hungry. Let's go,” Gerard shouted, starting towards the door.

"But daddy, we're still in our PJs you silly. We have to get changed before we go,” Apollo grinned a gap filled toothy grin.

"Says who?" Gerard asked.

"Mommy. She'll get mad if she finds out,” Apollo told him with big eyes.

"Well, she doesn't have to find out, does she? It'll be our little secret. Now come on, Denny's won't wait forever,” Gerard teased him before throwing him over his shoulder and carrying him to the car.


"This is going to be a little cold,” the doctor told me before inserting the lubed up invasive ultrasound thing. I gasped because I hadn't understood that by cold he meant dripping with icecicles.

"Quit whimpering,” I told Mikey who was hiding underneath the table and sounding like a lost dog.

"Where is your husband today? He's usually here,” the doctor commented, concentrated on the monitor overhead projecting nothing yet.

"Busy today. He'll be here next time though,” I told him before trying to relax my lower muscles so he wouldn't have to push it so hard. It was starting to hurt, "Mikey! I never said you could look! Get back in the chair now mister,” I scolded a scarlet faced Mikey.

"What? My brother gets to see more than this on a daily basis,” he complained.

"Well your brother and I are engaged. There is a difference between the two of you, you know. For example, he's grown up and you, well you never will,” I sighed and the doctor laughed.

"Aha!" He said at long last after moving the cold tube all around in my vagina, "See? There's the head. There's where the brain is starting to develop. But- hmmm…" He murmured.

"That's it? It looks like a fish or something,” Mikey complained, tilting his head to see it from a different angle.

"Well that Mikey, is my baby,” I sighed, surprised to find that I was actually excited about it for the first time.

"Sir, would you mind waiting outside for a few minutes? I have to talk to Ms. Dirnt about a few practicalities,” the doctor smiled, but I was worried already. Mikey, being the carefree kid at heart he is just nodded and left the room. Once the door had closed the doctor turned to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, to let him know I wanted him to get straight to the point.

"Well, see that?" He asked pointing to the grainy picture on the screen. I nodded.

"What's wrong with it?" I repeated.

"The fetus is having some developmental problems. Because it is having them this early on we can only assume that it will come out as either mentally or physically handicapped. Most likely both,” he whispered, sharing the same notion I had that Mikey was pressed up against the door trying to hear what we were saying.

"I-is there anything we can do?" I managed, keeping the tears at bay. They would have to wait.

He shook his head sadly.

"Then, I'd like to t-terminate the pregnancy,” I stuttered. It was one of the hardest things I'd ever had to say.

"I think it would be a wise choice. As much as I hate to see a life being ended before it begins I think this will relieve a lot of misery later on. I am sorry though,” I nodded. I didn't trust myself to talk.

"We'll schedule it next week, February the fourteenth alright?" He asked, without his smile for once and I nodded once more. I knew how I was going to be spending my Valentine's Day.


Apollo and Gerard walked into the Denny's, which was packed full. Apollo in his space jammies that my dad had gotten him a couple months ago and Gee in his black and red checkered boxers and black shirt.

"Table for two,” Gee requested, waiting for the receptionist person to see him.

"One moment please sir,” she said pushing a few buttons on the computer then studying a map of all the tables in the restaurant before finally looking at Gee with a shocked expression.

She looked at him up and down and he kept a straight face.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked innocently.

"Are you aware you are in your underwear?" She asked slowly, refusing to take her eyes off of his obvious bulge in his boxers.

"I'm in my PJs, along with my son. We're here to eat breakfast, aren't we?" Gerard asked, like it was to be expected. She nodded and managed to take her eyes off of little Gee long enough to lead them to their table.

"Your server will be right with you in a moment,” she told them curtly before retreating back to the cash registers where she'd come from.

"Daddy. This is so much fun,” Apollo laughed as all the elderly people in the vicinity turned and stared. Gee just grinned and nodded before returning to read the menu.

"Hey. Aren't you Gerard Way?" A boy, about seventeen, asked Gee who turned around and faced him.

"Depends on who's asking,” he replied.

"Just a huge fan of My Chemical Romance,” the boy grinned, managing to show off his huge gage in his right ear, tongue barbell, and snakebite in one move.

"Well then, yeah. I am Gerard Way,” Gee nodded smiling.

"What's My Chemically Romantic?" Apollo asked, struggling to remember what the boy had said.

"My band. You went to my concert with your mom, remember?" Gee asked before turning back to the boy who was wide eyed.

"Who is that?" He asked.

"My soon to be adopted son,” the boy looked at him in clear confusion, "My fiance's kid."

"Oh yeah. Didn't she get married to Tre` Cool from Green Day or something?" The boy asked.

"In a word yes. But it was a lot more complicated than that,” Gee sighed.

"Mommy got married?" Apollo asked in disbelief.

"No no no. Mommy just went on vacation with Tre`. Remember?" Gee snapped back to reality and Apollo shrugged in reply.


I got back to the house with a sleeping Mikey in the car to find two cars parked in the driveway. Once was Tre`s minivan, the other was a small Volvo that had seen better days whose owner was unknown to me.

I got out of the car slowly, prodding Mikey away and pushing him towards the front door. I knew something was going to happen involving Tre`. I just didn't know what and I wanted Mikey to not be involved. As soon as I'd gotten him through the door and he'd made his way to the couch I turned around to face an anxious looking Tre` less than an inch from my face.

"What's going on?" I asked slowly and quietly, seeing two other figures walking slowly towards us.

"I'd like you to meet my parents,” he murmured, looking down at his feet.

"Frank! How could you never introduce us to such a charming young woman?" The woman, who I assumed was Frank's mother.

"Wow. She's gorgeous. How'd you manage to get such a beauty?" Tre`s father asked in total disbelief. I could see where he'd gotten his sense of humor.

"Well, I'd invite you in, but the house is such a mess right now-" I started, but Tre`s mother cut me off.

"It's quite alright dear. We're used to messes. How else do you think we could deal with Frankie's room? Now that was a disaster zone. Cereal bowls always went missing in his room, turning up days later with rotten milk and Froot Loops in them,” she sighed, pushing past me and into my house.

I waited for Frankie's father to go into the house before grabbing Tre` by the ear and resisting the urge to slap him. Apollo and Gee were probably there, hopefully asleep though. What was I supposed to tell his parents about Gee and Mikey? Huh?

"I thought you said you had Ramona and Frankito today."

"Yeah, well I meant I have my parents for the day,” he shrugged.

"You have a lot of ass kissing to do mister,” I informed Tre`, dragging him into the house behind me.