Living In A Shadow Of A Phenom

I Wanna Rock N Roll All Night!

Pulling up to Johnny's Bar was an interesting ride. I was pushed up against the window next to my brother and Zacky. Johnny was in the center of the passenger seat where Jimmy sat, and Matt drived. I was squished, but I didn't mind. I continued to look out the window, when we pulled into a spot in front of the bar. We all filed out and walked in to get a booth. As we sat down at the booth, Jimmy and Matt both went up to order a couple of beers. I sat in between Brian and Zacky on one side, while Johnny sat in between Matt and Jimmy on the other. It was quiet until Johnny decided he wanted to play pool.

"I want to play..." said Jimmy slowly standing.

"Yeah...lets play teams...Brian's on my team!" laughed Matt.

"Um...yeah....I'll be there in a minute." said Brian.

I rolled my eyes and watched the three of them walk over to the table and pick up the sticks to chalk them. Brian turned to me.

"You want to watch...or do you wanna stay here..." he asked, glimpsing over at Zacky.

"I can watch from here...I'll be fine..." I said smiling.

He nodded and got up to go over to the table. I put my head down on the table, when Zacky spoke.

"I just don't understand..."

I looked up at him with curiousity, but also with ignorance.

"I just don't understand what happened..." he said.

"With what?" I asked.

"With us...." he said under his breath.

I looked at him and shook my head.

"It happened a while ago over a stupid fight...." I answered quietly.

He then put his head down on the table, when there was a loud cheering from the pool table.

"'s in the past...." I added.

He looked back up at me, and for the first time in four years....I felt in love again. He smiled weakly, as I looked back down shyly.

"We totally beat your ass!" yelled Matt.

Zacky and I both looked up to see Matt and Brian doing a little dance. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. They then all came over and sat down. I squished next to Zacky, so I could give Brian some room, when I felt Zacky put his arm around me. I looked up at him.

"Sorry...old habit...." he laughed lightly as I shrugged.

"It's okay..." I smiled.

"Alright...I think we've had enough time here..." said Johnny.

We all nodded and left some money on the table as a tip. We walked outside into the cool ocean breeze.

"Let's just chill out here for a bit...maybe start a bonfire or something." suggested Matt.

"That sounds like a good idea..." said Jimmy.

I nodded, as we walked out onto the sand to start the fire.
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sorry for the wait I have been trying to get to a computer since I lost power at my house for a week, but now its back so here's the update!

Image Sunset at Huntington Beach, California!