Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 10


Everyone was setting in their chairs facing the door.

“Damn Ryan I see you fixed your hair. It looks hot.” Brian smiled.

“Only you would say that Brian.” I rolled my eyes and took the seat next to Mike.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to show you Miss. Vance.” Lola smiled.

Lola moved out of the way and held the door open. In walked a short blonde girl who had hot pink on the bottom and throw out the top there was purple and blue high lights. I noticed she had in blue and half pink contacts that made her eyes look like cotton candy. She was wearing a pair of jean shorts and a half lengths top that was yellow and she had a white zebra scarf to tie it together. She had on yellow flats that matched her top; she walked in like a model.

“Damn.” Adam chocked out.

“Wow.” I smiled and ran to hug Julia.

“Ok now for my second surprise.” Lola smirked.

“What now?” I asked kind of fearing what she would bring out.

“Now I would like to show you Mr. Vance.” Lola smiled.

In walked Jordan his blonde hair was now a little darker and spiked up, he had on sunglasses. I noticed he was wearing a leather jacket, a tee shirt, and some jeans. Jordan kind of looked like the Edward Cullen I pictured when I was reading Twilight, I’m sure Lola made him look like Edward because she loves Twilight.

“Wow.” I smiled.

“Dude this is bull we never got make over’s.” Brian whined.

“Get over it B.” I said patting Brian on the shoulder.

“I’ll get you three make over’s if we get the tour.” Mike said looking at the newest members. “Good job Lola.”

“I know I do amazing work.” Lola smiled.

“Yes you do Lola.” I smiled and hugged her.

I now officially had a band and we all looked amazing.

It had been two weeks scents I had seen Joe, I figured he just got on with his life. I was a little sad about it but I couldn’t dwell on it because we where working on getting a tour. I had to perform live in coffee shops and small LA concerts so I would be ready to rock out in front of millions. Mike had everyone working their asses off I actually think practicing for the tour is harder than recording an album. We haven’t got the tour yet but in two weeks I have to perform in front of the artist and they decide if I get to go on tour with them. Mike still won’t tell anyone who the tour with he said it would freak us out then we would lose focus. Everyone is taking bets on who it will be, my bet was Mazz or Demi Lovato they where both going on tour. With all the madness Julia and Adam had started dating, Lola and Jordan have been out on a couple dates. I always here Lola calling Jordan her Edward Cullen but every time I ask her about Jordan she blushes and giggles. I had actually gotten close to Julia and Jordan scents we where working together everyday they where really cool, plus I had to give them props on dating two people close to me. Brian wasn’t happy with Julia and Adam dating though he complained about them together all the time, secretly I think he was scared he was losing his best friend to a girl. Lyndie was a little pissed to when she got back and saw Julia hanging with me and Lola, she claimed we where replacing her. It didn’t help mine and Lyndie’s friendship with me working late all the time. Mike had actually let us out early so I could write something amazing for my performance next week, so I figured it would be a good time for Lyndie and me to bond.

“Lyndie!” I yelled walking into the apartment.

“Wow someone home before midnight.” Lyndie snapped walking into the living.

“Yeah Mike let us out early so I though we could have a girls night.” I smiled.

“Can’t, I’m going out with friends.” Lyndie looked at her nails.

“Wait when did you get friends here?” I asked.

“Why do you care you never freaking home anymore.” Lyndie walked out of the room.

What the hell?

“What’s your problem tonight?” I followed her.

“You! All you do it work and hang out with your new friends I haven’t seen you scents I got home. It’s like where not even friends anymore you just come and go! “Lyndie screamed.

I was working I had to I wanted the tour bad. She couldn’t blame me for doing my job.

“What the hell I have a job Lyndie! I have to work to pay the fucking bills, so that means I can’t always hang out with you. I’m trying to get a fucking tour so I can become big and show coming out here wasn’t a waste of time!” I screamed back at her.

“That’s all I hear about that fucking tour! I hope you don’t get it so you can finally tell your parents you didn’t make it and go back home and do something with your life. “Lyndie screamed then walked out.

I stood their just looking at the door. I couldn’t believe my best friend just said that. I sighed and walked into my room, I took out the suitcase I had and started to put my clothes in it. I wasn’t going to come with Lyndie asking like she was she wasn’t the person she was when she left for break. I asked her many times if something happened when she was up with her parents but she would always shake her head no and go to bed. After I finished getting my stuff packed I pulled my suitcase behind me and walked out of the apartment and down to my car. I knew everyone would be working tonight with it being the start of a new year people would be going crazy trying to get new albums out and done. When I got there I left my bag in the car and just walked in. I saw Mike leaving.

“Hey Mike can I use your key to our room?”I asked walking up to him.

“Sure, don’t lose it though.” Mike handed it over.

“Thanks Mike.” I took the key then walked to the room.

I put the key into the slot but I couldn’t turn it. I didn’t want to be in the room that was the reason I was in a fight with my best friend it would just remind me of how much I hurt her. I took the key out and started walking up the stairs. I knew I wasn’t the best friend I could be but I tired my hardest. I felt my phone go off and saw it was a text from Lyndie. I smiled she must be ready to talk and forgive me. I flipped it open and started to cry.

Kourtney I’m sorry but I don’t think we can be friends anymore. You’ve changed too much. I want you to move out when you get back home. – Lyndie.
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This Chapter just sucks I know.
but the next one is better and will have some Jonas action back in it.

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