Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 11


I kept crying and was so pissed that my best friend of 6 years just told me to get my shit and get out. I pushed open the door to the roof and walked to the edge. I looked at Lyndie’s text once again and it made me even more upset. I couldn’t take it I throw my phone off the top of the roof and down into the La traffic. After I watched it fall I fell to my knees and started crying harder. I had never been this hurt by anyone other then my parents when they disowned me. I felt someone put their arms around me and pull me close.

“What’s wrong?” A velvet voice asked.

I knew it was Joe.

“My best friend just kicked me out.” I said crying even harder.

“I’m sorry.” Joe whispered.

It felt like I couldn’t breathe and everything just hurt. I leaned back on Joe and felt him play with the ends of my hair. I kept replaying everything that happened with Lyndie it made me feel more like shit and cry harder. I felt Joe pick me up and bring me back from the edge, he was probably afraid I would jump to my death because I was so upset. Joe was really warm and that was nice because it was so cold out.

“How about I get your mind off whatever happened to you.” Joe said softly.

“I don’t think it will work.” I sobbed.

“Well let me try.” Joe started wiping the tears coming down my face.

I looked at him I didn’t understand why he was being so nice I had only talked to him twice. He didn’t even know my name all he knew was I worked here and I liked snowflakes. He pulled out a box and handed it to me.

“I saw it and though of you. I came up here a couple times to give it to you and I never saw you. Then I knew you worked her so I talked to the girl I think her name is Lola but I didn’t have your name so I couldn’t find you. I though scent your parents…” Joe rambled on but I stopped him.

“Thank you.” I said putting my hand over his mouth.

I smiled a little and took the paper off the box. I slid off the lid and saw it was a snowflake necklace. It was a little sliver charm that had what looked like diamonds in it, I picked it up and watched all the colors of the busy city light it up. It was so pretty, I couldn’t even speak.

“Sorry if it’s weird. I just remembered you said you liked snow and we don’t get any here. You know what its cool I’ll just take it back.” Joe was rambling again.

“Joe, no it’s perfect I love it. Thank you.” I smiled and kissed his cheek.

“Want me to put it on?” Joe asked taking it.

“Yeah but wait I want to give you something.” I smiled.

I reached and unlocked the necklace I was wearing. Mike gave me guitar pick when I learned to play guitar, Mike had gotten my initials engraved in it. I handed it to Joe.

“What’s this?” Joe asked running his fingers over it.

“Something I got and it gives you a hint to who I am.” I smiled and let Joe put the snowflake necklace on me.

“KAR?” Joe asked confused.

“My initials, yes I know they spell car. “ I laughed a little.

“Thank you and see I got your mind off everything.” Joe smiled pushing my hair out of my face.

“Thank you, you didn’t have to but it was nice of you.” I looked up at him.

“Well I wanted to.” Joe looked back.

“Don’t you have to get home its kind of late, from what you told me your parents will be worried.” I asked.

“Shit.” Joe muttered.

He reached into his pocket and took out his IPhone. Of course the rockstar had a killer phone it didn’t surprise me one bit. He must have been texting someone because I watched his fingers move fast and heard a click everytime. After a couple minutes he put his phone away.

“Let me guess you missed a hot date?” I smirked and leaned backed on my hands.

“No.” Joe laughed. “Just texted Kevin to tell him to tell our parents I was with a friend and would just meet them here tomorrow.”

When Joe said Kevin it brought me back to the day I got my phone signed. I remember flirting with Kevin and seeing him a couple times.

“So are you close with your brother’s?” I asked.

“Yeah, we do everything together.” Joe smiled.

“That’s cool.” I smiled.

“So do you have a boyfriend?” Joe asked randomly.

I though back to over a year ago when I dated Ethan, I hadn’t even dated anyone scent I moved out here.

“Nope. What about you?” I asked.

“Nope, I haven’t found anyone worth liking.” He smiled.

“I’m sure you I mean your Joe Jonas.” I laughed.

I was kind of sad he didn’t like anyone but just waved it off.

“It’s cold up here.” I said rubbing my arms.

“Come here.” Joe said pulling me close to him.

“Thanks for everything Joe, tonight was what I needed.” I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder.

I felt him start playing with my hair again. I finally realized how tired I was, all I know was the next thing I saw was pitch black.
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Aww I like this chapter its deff one of my favorites.

Ok this is werid I have so many people reading but not many subscriptions and comments.
So get cracking lol jk.
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