Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 15


I woke up in Lola’s guest room, I told her I had to be at work early and I wasn’t lying. It was 3:30 now I had an hour to get ready. I walked to the bathroom and toke a shower and then did my hair. I just put on some eye make up and lip gloss. I walked back into guest room and looked throw Lola’s amazing closet. I picked a pair of skinny jeans, a light blue tank top and I throw a pink v neck sweater over it. I grabbed my silver uggs and throw them on. I looked at myself I wanted to look good tomorrow I would be performing for a shot on tour and I needed to make up with Joe. Otherwise tomorrow I wouldn’t focus and I would be fucked and Mike would be so pissed. I grabbed my bag and keys then walked out to the living room. I saw Lola was lying on the sofa and there was a moving playing, I walked over and covered her up. Lola didn’t have any idea I had been kicked out I didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t want them to worry about me. I think in some ways Lola knew though she had invited me over every night for the last week but she wouldn’t come out and just say it I think she wanted me to. Nobody ever asked what happened to me last week, Mike told them not to it was my life not theirs. I smiled at Lola then walked out of her apartment as quietly as I could so I wouldn’t wake her. I ran down to my car and drove to Hollywood Records. Lola lived a little feather then my past place but I didn’t mind, I was to excited to care. As I got there I parked in the same spot I do everyday then ran out of my car into the building. I walked down to the Jonas Brother’s studio it was dead quiet. I looked in the window and saw Joe setting there with glasses and mess hair like the day I woke up on the couch. I smiled and bit my pit as I pushed open the door. Joe looked up and seen me standing in the door way he didn’t look pleased to see me.

“Can we talk?” I asked softly.

“Can we talk? What in the fuck would you want to talk about?” Joe snapped and turned the chair.

I was kind of taken back I mean I didn’t expect him to be nice when he saw me but he just seemed like an asshole now.

“I’m sorry. I want another chance I have mint to hurt you.” I said.

“Another chance wow isn’t that just sweet. Chance is up hunny you missed it.” Joe said turning back around.

“Joe I messed up I wanted to kiss you that night.” I said moving behind his chair.

“Then why didn’t you?” He got up and yelled in my face.

“I was scared and other stuff was happening that night and I couldn’t kiss you. Give me a chance to make that night but just once and if I can’t then you can forget about me.” I said biting my lip.

“Fine.” He rolled his eyes.

“On top of the roof at 10 and please don’t change you look cute.” I smiled.

“Just stop it I’ll meet you there now go.” Joe waved me off and went back to work.

I knew he wasn’t happy but I had to make it up to him.


“This guy must mean something if your willing to put this much effort into this apologize. “ Lola smiled.

“He does and I never realized I liked him so much.” I smiled.

“Well who is it?” Lola asked as she finished the lights.

“I’ll tell you tonight when I get home.” I smiled and hugged Lola.

“Bitch, you better get amazing sex out of this for how much work we did. I want details to but I’m going to leave before he comes.” Lola smiled and pulled in the lights and the place let up.

I watched Lola leave then span around and looked at this place there was lights everywhere and I had set a table for two with takeout. I wasn’t a cook and if he didn’t like it he would just have to get over it. I looked at my watch it was 10:30 I had been waiting for 30 minutes now. I knew he was pissed but I didn’t think he was mad enough not to show. I sighed and ran a hand throw my hair.

“You did an amazing job.” Someone said.

I turned my head and saw it was Joe standing by the door. I smiled and stood up then walked over to him.

“Like I said this morning I’m so sorry about the other night and I needed to make it up to you.” I bite my lip.

Joe just looked around and didn’t bother looking at me. I held my breath and bit my lip even harder.

“Please say something, look at me something.” I said on the verge of making my lip bleed.

Joe still didn’t answer or even look at me. I sighed and I felt his hand slip into mine and he pulled me to the middle of the roof. I smiled a little and looked at him.

“Dance with me.” He said looking at me.

“I’d love to but there is no music.” I smiled.

“Well let’s see I’m your own personal music box.” Joe laughed.

“So did I get forgiven?” I asked hopeful.

“The nights not over but you’re doing a great job.” He said pulling me by my waist to him.

I smiled and ran over to the radio and turned it on I’ll be by Edwin McCain came on. Before I had a chance to speak Joe already had his hands on my waist dancing with me and singing along with the song in my ear. I smiled and put my arms around his neck and danced with him. I’m sure most girls would kill me right now if they knew I’m on the roof top dancing with Joe Jonas and getting a private concert but I didn’t care. Joe span me around a couple times then brought me back to him. I smiled up at him I knew this time it was going to happen there was nothing to stop it now. I slid my hand up to his face and he put his arm around my waist and the other on my neck. He leaned down slowly I’m sure he was making sure I wasn’t going to like freak and run away like last time. I smiled and closed my eyes the closer he got, I felt his breathe tingle my lips then it happened. His lips hit mine, his lips where warm and soft which was nice because I had been up here for over and hour and was freezing. I was instantly warmed and up and my heart melted right then and their. Once we pulled away and I was able to breathe for 5 second Joe pulled me back in and kissed me again. He licked my bottom lip asking to enter and I gave him permission mostly because I needed the air from are last kiss. He started kissing me more passionately and held me close to him, I tangled my fingers up in his hair. I couldn’t breathe at all he had made it harder to breathe.

“Joe …I…n.eed…..air.” I said in between kisses.

“Sorry.” He laughed and rubbed my cheek softly with his thumb.

I laughed and shook my head this had to be the best night of my life and I knew it could only get better.

“Enough air time for round 3.” Joe laughed and his lips hit mine again.

I giggled against his lips and I could tell he was having a hard time not laughing to. He pushed me back against the table and I heard the something spill over I figured it was the food so I didn’t care. I felt something wet hit my back and I knew it wasn’t anything from Joe. I moved away and saw we had knocked over the water and now my back was wet from it.

“Oh shit I’m sorry.” Joe said looking at the back of my shirt.

“Give me your shirt.” I said crossing my arms.

“That’s fine.” Joe took off his shirt and I saw why t was fine asshole had a tee shirt on.

He threw the shirt at my and I glared at him. He laughed and turned away so I could change. I smiled and looked at him he looked adorable with his glasses on.

“You better not look Jonas or I’ll de ball you.” I said pulling off my shirt.

“I’m a gentleman I won’t look.” Joe laughed.

I put on his shirt as quickly as I could and throw mine at him.

“I saw you peeking Jonas.” I laughed.

“I did not! But you do look good in my shirt” Joe yelled.

“I know.” I smiled and looked at my phone.

It was getting late and Mike wanted me well rested for tomorrow so I couldn’t spend all night up here with Joe.

“Sorry Prince Charming this Cinderella has to go so her boss doesn’t kill her tomorrow for being sleepy.” I smiled and grabbed my purse.

“Sorry Cinderella you’re not going anywhere tonight you mine.” Joe took my purse and dropped it.

“I can’t...” I started.

“Shut up.” Joe said.

Joe grabbed me and kissed me again. He set me down on the blanket making sure he wouldn’t hurt and then got on top of me. He never broke the whole time. As we kissed I knew I wasn’t going anywhere so I just ran my fingers throw his hair and enjoyed the kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awww Joe got his kiss. =]
Wonder what will happen with her and Joe up on the roof all night?

Comment Please. <3
