Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 16


I woke up and looked around, Joe was gone. I saw a little note on the ground next to me and picked it up.

Dear KAR,
I wish I could have stayed longer with you, but I had to go to work. I didn’t want to wake you so don’t be mad at me because I didn’t wake you. Thank you for last night it was amazing and I forgave you. Meet me back up here tonight.

I smiled and took out my phone. Holy shirt I had 10 minutes to get down to my recording studio for the tryout. I grabbed Joe’s note and my phone then ran down to my recording room. I saw Lola holding a make up kit.

“You didn’t come home so I figured the sex was amazing and I would bring you make up.” Lola smiled.

I walked over to her and laughed. Lola started wiping yesterdays make up off my face and then started applying new. She also fixed my hair so it was curly. Mike came down the hall with coffee.

“Get in their Kourtney!” Mike yelled.

I ran into the room and as soon as I ran in I realized the floor was waxed. I slid on the newly waxed floor and fell into a chair causing me to hit the floor. I stood up fast and brushed my hair out of my face and looked at the artist I mite be going out. Holy fucking shit it was the Jonas Brothers! Fuck My Life! Joe looked at me confused, I had never told him what I did or even my name for that matter. Kevin’s face lit up and he smiled at me. Nick waved and looked at me. I waved back and just looked at them with a confused look on my face. I saw what I knew as the Jonas’s parents walk in with their little brother Frankie, Mike followed behind them.

“Sorry we had to get our little man ready.” Denise said taking the set next to Joe.

“Its fine I was just getting ready to introduce myself.” I smiled sweetly. “I’m Kourtney Ryan.”

I don’t know why I bothered to introduce myself I mean they all knew me. Just one didn’t know my name but he knew me more than the others did. I bite my lip and looked at Joe he was staring at me he looked like he had last night with his hair wild and his glasses on. It made me bite my lip even harder I though about last night and how amazing the kiss was. I wanted to walk over and kiss him again but I needed to be professional.

“Miss Ryan if you’re ready we would love to hear you.” Paul Jonas said.

I couldn’t think of my song I had a blank in my head. I looked at Joe he was pale white and had a shocked look on his face. I looked him in my eyes and bit my lip. His face flipped from shocked to pissed in seconds. He must have remembered the night when he tired to kiss me and kept saying Kevin and Kourtney. I turned and looked at Kevin he smiled and gave me thumbs up. Mike us telling me to go. Oh god this so wasn’t good.
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Sorry its like really short because my Microsoft hates me right this seond. lol.
I'll post more later because this one is so short.
but guess sombodys secrets out.

Comment Please.<3
