Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 18

He broke her heart though she will never admit how much that hurt her. - Unknown.

It was the morning the bus would be leaving for tour. I was originally support to stay with Demi but her band was staying with her. Then there was another two bus’s full of mine and the Jonas’s band so I was stuck staying on the Jonas bus. After last night I’m sure Joe just wanted to kill me all he did was look at me and a couple of time he mouthed slut. Other than being an asshole I had an amazing night I spent most of it dancing with Kevin but Lola stole me away and I got to meet Demi and Selena. Demi was really nice I would have so much rather stayed on her bus.

“Kourtney can you help us load all this?” Brian asked throwing the luggage into compartments.

“Nah, I’m good.” I smiled leaning back on the tour bus.

I looked around and saw a black limo pull up. Nick stepped out first and went to the trunk and pulled out some suitcases. Then Kevin came out holding coffee, he waved me over. I walked over and smiled.

“Hey Kev.” I smiled.

“Hey I didn’t expect you so perky so I grabbed you some coffee but I guess you don’t need it.” Kevin said setting a coffee on the car.

“Eww I hate coffee now if you bought me and amp I would have loved you forever.” I said making a face at the coffee.

“Wow your weird.” Kevin laughed.

I saw a very tired Joe step out. He didn’t look as graceful as his brothers had coming out of the limo, his hair wasn’t done and he had thrown a baseball cap on. He also had sunglasses coving his eyes he didn’t help anyone get anything out of the car he just walked onto the bus.

“He’s not a morning person.” Kevin said drinking his coffee.

I laughed and helped the Jonas’s carry their stuff on the bus. Joe was passed out on the sofa with his hat and sunglasses still on, he looked really cute. If we where still how we where before he freaked when he found out my name I would have probably just laded down next to him and kissed him. But we weren’t and after being called a slut all night by him I wanted to kick him but I didn’t because I wanted to be the mature one in this whole deal. I set on the sofa across from where Joe was lying and opened up my computer.

“Kourtney you can have any bunk you like if one of the boys have it just tell them to move their stuff. Also Frankie will stay in mine and Paul’s room at night.” Mrs. Jonas said coming out to the bus living room.

“Thank you.” I smiled.

“Joseph get up and let someone set down.” Mrs. Jonas hit him with a towel and he shot up.

“I so hate you!” Lola squealed and jumped on top off me.

“Aww I love you to.” I said pushing Lola off.

“Well you’re going to love me more in a second.” Lola smiled holding a present out to me.

Kevin and Nick came out from the bedroom and set down next to Joe. I smiled at them then took Lola’s present and opened it.

“Twilight! Edward Cullen! Glitter! Bella!” I screamed picking Twilight out of bag.

“I know you loved it so I though it would be something fun to read on the bus and it may spark some ideas.” Lola smiled.

“Thanks but I don’t know I can get a song out of this, what am I going to write about a hot vampire who owns a Volvo?” I laughed.

“Yeah didn’t think of that but we can talk about it.” Lola smirked.

“I know I love when their like in her room and he leans in and kisses her then like wants to give in but then breaks the kiss. Me and Cullen would have had a hell of a fight I wouldn’t have let him break it. Also I love when she has to go away from him and he is like you’re my life now. Also the heroine part was the sweetest thing I ever heard. I would probably die if someone told me that.” I sighed dreamingly.

“Sure you would Kourtney.” Lola rolled her eyes.

“What you’re saying I wouldn’t?” I glared at Lola.

“Kourtney be real if someone told you that you where like their heroin or that you where their live now you would probably just be like your weird or ok cool. It seems like a good idea in books but hearing a guy say it to you would probably be creped out by him and break up with.” Lola laughed.

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes.

“You want a real love story read Romeo and Juliet now that’s a bad ass love story. They gave up everything to be together and it all happened in like a week. I love when she is on the balcony and talking about him and he over hears its. That would be you would thing you where alone and be bragging about him and he would be behind you.” Lola laughed.

“I remember reading that book freshman year. I remember when they got married and then like two hours later he killed her cousin. Also I remember the movie with Leonardo when him and Juliet are in elevator making out and keep turning around in it that was cute.” I smiled.

“I know I love how they sneak to see each other.” Lola smiled.

“Wait you just gave me an Idea for a song and the video.” I stood up.

“What how?” Lola asked confused.

“Romeo and Juliet!” I yelled.

I grabbed my laptop and started typing as fast as my fingers would move. I saw everyone looking at me like I was nuts. I just shook my head about them all looking at me. I had gotten stuck on the last part so I did the only thing I new to do when I was stuck and that was sing out loud.

“I said Romeo save me I’ve been feeling so alone I keep waiting for you but you’ll never come is in my head I don’t know what to think...” I put the computer down and pulled Lola up. “He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said marry me Juliet you’ll never have to be alone I love you and that’s all I really know I talked to your dad you’ll pick out a white dress It’s a love story baby just say yes…. Cause we where both young when I first saw you.”

“Wait you did Romeo and Juliet with a modern twist?” Lola asked.

“Yes, I talked about oh never mind just read.” I handed her the laptop and Kevin and Nick ran over to see it.

“So what’s video idea?” Lola asked.

“Ok I was thinking like an upscale party you know black dress and black tie. Well we have the guy walk in and I could be talking to a bunch of friends and like are eyes meet and then it goes to like a flashback and you have me in like a pretty old looking dress and standing on a balcony watching everyone inside and have him make his way over and says hello. Then cut back to future and have him pull me away from my friends and start dancing in front of everybody and have like the guy who would play my dad push him away and like a fight breaks out. Then it cuts back to the past and me chasing him on the stairs and crying and begging him not to go and then go into the chorus and they start running off. Then for the garden cut back to the future and have them walking and meet in the middle. Then just lay in the grass holding onto each other. Then have a kiss on the scarlet letter part and then cut back to the old fight from the past and have me chase him again and do the Romeo part again. Then on that have it keep cutting back and forth from the dances and have them about to kiss and keep flipping. Then leave it in the future and have me waiting out on a balcony then a sliver Volvo pulls up and he steps out. Then like show me running down the steps then get outside to the car and have him pop the question with everyone watching then we can have him spin me around. Then as the kiss have it cut back to the past and show the kiss and keep flipping from the night and have it cut back to them in the car and like have me throw Romeo and Juliet out the window!” I said out of breath.

“Wow that’s a great idea.” Nick smiled at me.

“Thank you.” I smiled.

“I like the idea Kourtney forward me the song and I’ll have you cut a demo then will set up a video shoot on a day when you’re not on tour. Good Luck.” Mike said smiling.

“Now all she needs is someone to play the Romeo.” Lola said looking at Joe.

I shook my head and jumped on Lola but as I did she pushed my off and I landed on Kevin.

“Hey that’s a pretty necklace.” Kevin said leaning down so he could see it better.

“Hey Joe it kind of looks like the one you bought that mystery girl for Christmas.” Nick said looking at it to.

I set up and put the necklace down my shirt so it wasn’t hanging out anymore.

“Who bought you that Kourtney?” Kevin asked pulling it out again.

“Lola.” I chocked out.

“Oh damn I swear it looks like the one Joe bought. Doesn’t it Joe?” Kevin said pulling the necklace around my neck so Joe could see.

“Yep, I’m sure there was more than one made.” Joe said sarcastically.

I knew he hadn’t bothered to look I could tell his eyes where closed still. He knew what it looked like I mean he bought it for me.

“Did you ever see her after that amazing kiss you bragged about for like two hours about?” Kevin laughed.

I saw Lola about to die laughing she knew it was me that made out with Joe. Nick was laughing to but probably just at his brother. In fact I wanted to laugh to.

“I did not brag about it and it wasn’t that great. Also it wasn’t two hours it was two seconds. Yes I seen her after but I realized she wasn’t worth it.” Joe snapped taking off his sunglasses.

His brother’s went into a fit of laughter falling all over each other. I just put my head in my hands and shook it I wanted to get in his face and scream I knew he was enjoying this he knew I wouldn’t come out and say I was the girl. Lola looked shocked and I saw her flipping him the bird.

“Please Joe all we heard about was this damn girl and after you kissed her you where like so in love. There is no way she wasn’t worth it to you what did she do call off the little romantic?” Kevin asked.

“Yeah seriously Joe I felt like I knew the girl after how much you talked to her. And you’re the biggest liar about the kiss you said it was the best kiss and blah blah. Oh and Kev don’t forget their dance!” Nick laughed remembering it.

“Grow up guys and leave him alone. What are you both 5 and 6? Do girls still have cooties to you?” I asked.

They where both pissing me off to no end I really didn’t like being talked about.

“Whatever she is still a slut I wish I never wasted my time.” Joe rolled his eyes.

I bit my lip I just tired to stand up for him and he throws it back in my face. I needed out of here fast it hurt to be in here. I just realized how long this tour would be. I sighed and laid my head on Lola as the boys continued to joke about Joe’s girl and how much he was trashing her. Well I guess he was trashing me. I saw him look over at me as he talked and I just turned my head away. Asshole.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awww Joe is an asshole.
poor Kourtney.

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