Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 19


“Get him back.” Lola whispered.

That would be hard because of how much crap he was saying about me but I couldn’t take it anymore and went with Lola’s idea.

“Please Jonas I can top that story any day.” I smirked.

“Really why not tell your story then?” Joe hissed.

“Well I was on this petty date with this boy and he kept singing, he by far had the worst voice I have ever heard in my life. Then he like kissed me and eww gross his mouth was all watery I think he drooled on me.” I laughed.

Lola started dying laughing and fell onto me. I looked over at Joe and he looked pissed, his face was as red as a cherry.

“Aww that’s so gross I’m sorry that happened to you.” Kevin said coming over and hugging me.

I knew Joe wanted me to stay away from Kevin but I wasn’t going too simply because it pissed Joe off.

“Nah its fine there is way better guys out their.” I smiled and kissed Kevin’s cheek.

“Aww you guys are so cute.” Lola smirked.

“They kind of are and their names sound good together. Kourtney and Kevin.” Nick said laughing.

“That’s stupid Nick.” Joe glared at him.

“Be quiet Joe.” Kevin said pulling me onto his lap.

I smirked and set on Kevin’s lap. I put my arm around his neck and played with his curly hair. I knew it was pissing Joe off to no end because I had done this to him. I started giggling, Kevin’s hair was actually fun to play with and I was having fun. I felt Kevin pull me closer and he kissed my cheek, it made me smile.

“You’re telling me that isn’t cute Joe?” Nick asked.

“Whatever.” Joe rolled his eyes and put his feet up on the sofa.

“Why are you in such a bad mood dude?” Kevin asked looking at Joe.

“Nothing just forget it.” Joe got up and walked back into the bedrooms.

Joe slammed the door and it made me jump. Everyone just looked back and forth and I saw Lola giving me the go talk to him you made this mess look. I untangled my hand out of Kevin’s hair and then stood up.

“Maybe I should talk to him with me being a girl where more sensitive then boys are.” I said.

“Ok but if you’re not back in 10 minutes I’m coming in to get you.” Kevin smiled.

Kevin pulled me back down and kissed my cheek again. I moved away as soon as I could before he went for a kiss on the lips. I walked back to the bedrooms and closed the door behind me. I heard Switchfoot blaring from the right top bunk. I climbed up and pulled back his curtain, he rolled over and saw it was me then pulled the curtain back. I sighed and pushed it back open.

“Will you freaking stop!” Joe yelled.

“No, so give it up.” I said claiming into the bunk

“What did you come in here for slut?” Joe hissed.

He was pissing me off to know end he had no right to call me a slut. I smack him hard after I did it I felt horrible and moved away from him and back against the wall. Joe rubbed his cheek and looked at me almost shocked.

“I’m sorry.” Joe said.

I just nodded and bit my lip thinking about earlier. It annoys me to no end how a guy can make my feelings for him chance within seconds. I started crying I felt bad for everything because in a way everything was my fault.

“Joe I was going to tell you and I though you knew when you said my name that night but then you went on about Kevin and me. I didn’t want you to think I was using you but I guess it didn’t work because now you do think that. I’m so….” I whispered but was cut off.

Joe’s lips hit mine. I didn’t know what his deal was one minute he was calling me a slut then he was kissing me. I didn’t want to give in but it felt amazing like from the other night so I let my hormones get the better of me and kissed him back. I felt him bite my lower lip a couple times and pull me closer to him. I put my hand on his cheek and depend the kiss while he ran his hand throw my hair.

“Kourtney are you ok?” Kevin called throw the door.

Joe and I broke apart and I moved away from him. I got off his bunk and claimed down, he followed behind me.

“Yeah Kevin I’m fine where just talking.” I said.

“Ok well Lola has to leave and where about to go so get out here!” Kevin yelled.

I was about to open the door when Joe pulled me back to him.

“I’m sorry.” Joe said.

“You’re just like every guy I have known you use me when you know I’m hurt so you can get some. I hate you. I can’t believe you would do that to your brother you know he likes me.” I hissed and pushed him away.

“But do you like him?" Joe asked.

I just opened the door and walked out leaving him alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
awwww she left him.

Happy New Year.

