Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 2

It was about 4 hours after we had finished the last song and Mike was at a meeting with the head honchos of Hollywood Records. The boys had left to get Taco Bell leaving me here by myself. It was boring I hated being alone it scared me, I never knew why though maybe it’s just the alone factor. The door busted open and I flipped off the chair and onto the floor.

“Damn record people.” Mike yelled.

I’m guessing he hadn’t noticed me flipping out of the chair and now laying on the floor. I quickly stood up and looked over at him.

“Something wrong Mike?” I asked preparing to get my ass ripped.

“No just they want to cut like 4 tracks off and have 4 new ones put on the cd.” Mike sighed falling into his chair.

“What songs?” I asked.

“Alter ego, Rain, Baby boy, and Hot Stuff.” Mike answered.

I wanted to smile those were the songs I hated most they where lame and not what I wanted for my first album. I wasn’t allowed to do much on my album it was all Disney owned so they approved what got on my cd, and they wanted a clean image for the newest Disney signer. A lot of what they wrote me was crap and I hated performing it. Mike promised me that if my album did well on my sophomore album I would have control over.

“I’m going to higher some writers and see what we can come up with in the next couple days.” Mike said.

“Ok.” I didn’t know what to say.

“You can write some to if you like.” Mike smiled and handed me a hot pink laptop.

“What’s this for?” I asked surprised.

“Well it was a surprise for when we finished the album but if I get you on tour I want you to write and not on that notepad. Plus you’ll need to stay in contact with your manager and I wouldn’t make you use snail mail.” Mike took the notepad I used and threw it in the trash.

“Ahh my songs are on that!” I yelled in a panic.

“All on your laptop we had them programmed on it.” He smiled.

“Thanks Mike.” I smiled and hugged him.

“Now get to work girl we need this done by Friday.” He laughed.

I jumped up and down and bounced out of the room with the hot pink laptop. I pulled out my phone to text Lyndie about the good news but as I was sending the good news someone bumped into me and knocked my pretty little laptop out of my hands.

“I think you need this.” The boy who was holding it had coving his face.

“Thanks.” I took it from him and it was Nick freaking Jonas.

I wanted to scream but as soon as I opened my mouth I couldn’t speak.

“N…” I managed to get out.

“Nick what’s going on here?” Kevin Jonas came up.

“I think she is star stuck.” Nick smiled sweetly.

“Would you like a picture?” Kevin smiled.

“No sorry actually I work here I just never though I would meet half the Jonas Brothers.” I laughed.

“Oh really what do you do?” Nick asked.

“Singer.” I answered.

“Sweet. I’m Kevin by the way.” Kevin waved.

“I know, and I’m Kourtney.” I smiled.

“Well we better get going we're late.” Nick sighed.

Someone else is late besides me today surprisingly. I smiled mentally. As they started to walk off I knew Lyndie would never believe I meet half the Jonas Brothers so I need something to prove it.

“Hey wait!” I called.

Both boys turned around and looked at me.

“Yes?” Kevin asked.

“Can you guys sign my phone my room mate would never believe me if I said I meet half the Jonas’s.” I smiled pulling out my pink razor.

“Sure.” Nick smiled and took a sharpie out of his pocket.

I laughed I couldn’t believe I had the Jonas Brothers signing my cell phone.

“We carry sharpies everywhere you never know when a crazy fan needs a cell phone signed.” Nick laughed.

He must have though I was laughing about him carrying a sharpie in his pocket. Nick handed it to Kevin who signed his name and Joe’s.

“Since Joe is no where to be found I just wrote his name.” Kevin smiled.

“I could have lived without it.” I smiled back and took my phone.

“Well we can’t let the pretty girl tell a story without one Jonas in it. It can just be our little secret.” Kevin winked then closed the sharpie and walked away with Nick.

I waited till they where out of view and screamed. Even though Joe was my favorite Jonas I was starting to have a new one and his name was Kevin.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahh two in one night.
I can't stop writing I love this dream well now turned story.
I have 4 readers and 1 subscription.
So thank you.

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