Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 20


I always liked you regardless of how I may have acted. - Chuck Bass.

“No that’s stupid Joe!” I heard Kevin yell.

I rolled over and looked for my phone. I flipped it on and saw it was 6 in the morning I had about 3 hours before we got to Vegas and I had to go to my interview so I needed more sleep. I put the pillow over my head.

“I like Joe’s idea it’s the best one in a while.” Nick said.

“See I told you!” Joe screamed.

I couldn’t take it anymore I got of my bunk and glared at all three of them.

“What hell is this fighting about because if you all don’t shut up soon I’ll kill all three of you.” I pointed to each of them.

“If you killed us the fan girls would just kill you.” Nick laughed.

“See this is why you need coffee.” Kevin smirked.

I glared at Kevin and leaned back against the door the Jonas’s parents where staying in. I saw Joe, Nick, and Kevin all looking me up and down, I looked down and saw I just had on pink booty shorts and a black tank top on. I rolled my eyes they where looking at me like they where wanting a pole to pop out of thin air and me to dance on it. I pushed past the boys and walked into the kitchen and looked for something to eat. I found a bagel and put it in the toaster while I waiting I flipped the radio to Ryan Seascrest’s radio station.

“Hello everyone I’ll be having a special guest here with me today she’s the new upcoming artist on tour with the Jonas Brothers. Kourtney Ryan.” Ryan said. “Tune a 10 this morning to hear the interview.”

I screamed and jumped up and down, I felt someone’s arms rap around me and spin me around. When they put me down I saw it was Joe, I looked at him we hadn’t talked scents yesterday’s kiss. I didn’t care though I was so excited about my first interview I jumped and hugged Joe tight.

“What’s all the screaming about?” Mr. Jonas came running in.

“I’m sorry I just heard my name on the radio and got excited.” I said letting go of Joe.

“Oh it’s fine you should have heard the boys when they heard their names on the radio it sounded like someone was committing murder.” Mr. Jonas laughed.

“Well I’m still sorry.” I apologized.

“No, its fine, really just keep it down kids your mom and Frankie are asleep.” Mr. Jonas said looking at his boys.

After Mr. Jonas left I ran and jumped on Kevin who picked me up into a big hug. I laughed and hugged him back.

“Oh I get no love.” Nick laughed and turned to fake cry.

“Sorry sweetie you’re younger than I go for.” I laughed and hugged him.

Nick laughed and hugged me back. I heard forever by Chris Brown come on the radio and pulled Nick out to the middle of the small tour bus leaving room and started dancing with him. It was a little weird dancing with a 15 year old even though he was 2 feet taller than me. We danced back and forth nothing dirty just fun in a way Nick was like the little brother I never had. I laughed when the song was over and then saw Joe eating my bagel.

“Hey that’s mine.” I said taking it out of his mouth.

“It didn’t have your name on it.” Joe tired to take it back.

“I didn’t know I was living with someone who inhales any food they see.” I said turning my back to him.

“Give it I’m hungry!” Joe yelled tickling my sides.

I started laughing and dropped the bagel on the tile floor. Joe stopped tickling me and bent down and picked it up.

“Joe don’t you dare eat that we can stop at Starbucks and I’ll buy you a new one.” Kevin said taking the half eaten bagel and throwing it away.

“Now I’m tired so I’m going back to bed. Oh and whoever looks at my ass when I walk away will have a broken hand got me?” I asked.

I pointed to each boy and they nodded well Joe just smirked so I took that as an ok. As I walked away I saw them all looking and turned around, as soon as I did they all turned and acted like they where doing something. I just laughed and closed the door behind me and fell onto my bunk. I rolled around and tossed and turned many times. I finally realized I couldn’t go back to sleep so I got in my travel bag and pulled out some jeans and a hoodie. I went to bathroom and changed when I came out I saw Joe in the bedroom with his shirt off changing, I didn’t want to look but I couldn’t look away. Joe turned and looked at me, he smiled and walked towards me. I backed up against the bathroom door this was the second time in two days I’d been alone with Joe in the bedrooms and last time turned into him using me because I was upset for a make out session. Joe walked up to me and pinned me against the bathroom door I tired to slide out from under him but he slipped his hand onto my hip and kept me pinned.

“We need to talk.” Joe said.

“No we don’t.” I said pushing him back.

“So where going to act like we didn’t know each other for a month, like I didn’t give you that necklace, and like that kiss didn’t happen yesterday?” Joe asked following me around the bedroom area.

“Exactly and keep your hands to yourself.” I said throwing my old clothes on my bed.

“What if I don’t want to?” Joe asked.

I felt him move my hair and breathe slowly on my neck and slid his hand up and down my hip. I bit my lip and moved his hand off my hip.

“Stop Joe I don’t like you what happened back in LA was two very different people just leave me alone I don’t need this. To answer yesterdays question Yes, I like Kevin.” I pushed Joe away from me.

Joe fell back and hit his head on Kevin’s and Nick’s bunks. He just looked at me shocked and hurt, I couldn’t take it anymore and opened the door and slid out so they wouldn’t see Joe staring at me. I ran to Kevin and hugged him tight. Kevin was a little taken back for a moment but hugged me back.

“You ok?” Kevin asked.

“Yeah I’m just fine.” I faked a smile.

I knew I didn’t like Kevin as more than a friend but it was the only way to get Joe to back off. I couldn’t take it where he would find moments to trap me and use my emotions against me to get a kiss. I knew what happened back in LA had chanced everything. I wish I never went to the roof that night, I wish I never kissed him. I saw Joe walk out in jeans and a blue zip up hoodie, he had sunglasses coving his eyes but I knew he was glaring at me and Kevin. I had a feeling the word slut would be coming out of Joe’s mouth more than it had the first time.
♠ ♠ ♠
awww here we go again.
:( poor Joe.

