Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 21

"Even if I said I didn't care a million times over again, you'd know that I still do." -Laguna Beach

All the Jonas’s had decided to come down with me to do the Ryan Seacrest show, Ryan was up in Vegas today and said we should just do it while he was here. We would be back in LA tomorrow and I had to go to recording sessions to put Love Story on my album and then go to a photo shoot with the Jonas’s. I guess he found it better to do it here. Whatever he wanted I just wanted to get it done. We where all waiting till Ryan was ready for me, I was setting in between Kevin and Nick. Joe hadn’t taken off his sunglasses at all scents we had been out but he was setting in the chair across from me just glaring, I could feel his eyes burning throw me.

“Ryan’s ready Miss. Ryan.” One of the ladies’s said giggling.

I got up and Kevin and Nick both did to.

“Good luck.” Nick said hugging me.

“She’ll be fine, don’t scare her Nick.” Kevin said hugging me.

“Good luck Kourtney.” Mr. and Mrs. Jonas said.

I smiled and gave them thumbs up then walked into the room. Ryan Seacrest waved to me and offered me the seat next to him. I set down and a lady held up 5 fingers then started counting down to one.

“Welcome back everyone! Today were here with Kourtney Ryan, now for those of you don’t know her and Demi Lovato are on tour with the Jonas Brothers. Hello Kourtney thank you for joining us today.” Ryan said in a perky voice.

“Thanks for having me Ryan.” I smiled.

“So how is it touring with the Jonas Brother’s?” Ryan asked.

“Well today is my first day but so far it’s been great.” I laughed.

“That’s always good. Now the question everyone is wonder are you single?” Ryan asked leaning into his mike a little.

“Yes, I am single.” I laughed.

“So you’re not with Kevin Jonas? Because there are pictures of you two walking the red carpet together at last nights party.” Ryan said holding up a photo.

“No me and Kevin are just friends.” I answered.

The answer was true Kevin and I where only friends.

“So you’re not dating any of the Jonas’s?” Ryan asked, putting emphasis on the last part.

“No, I’m not two of the four are a little younger than my liking.” I laughed.

“Oh so the two oldest Jonas’s still stand a chance with you?” Ryan asked, I knew he was interested in my answer.

I didn’t know what to answer but I had paused on this and it wasn’t a good thing. Ryan’s people and Ryan where rolling their hands telling me to just keep going.

“So is that a yes?” Ryan asked.

“Well no I’m just friends with the two oldest Jonas’s and that’s all I ever plan to be.” I said coolly.

“Well do you have any celebrate crushes?” Ryan asked looking throw the glass at the Jonas Family.

I knew he wanted me to say one of the Jonas’s but it wasn’t going to happen, I didn’t like them. Ok maybe one but it wasn’t the one Ryan wanted to hear.

“Yes I mean what girl doesn’t but mine would probably be Shia Labeouf, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden, and Zac Efron.” I laughed at the last one.

“Well if you like will set you and Shia up we have his number.” Ryan laughed.

“I’m fine being single for now.” I laughed.

“Well why don’t we take some questions?” Ryan said pushing bottoms on the phone.

“Hi I’m Brittany and I’m from Texas but my question for you is which Jonas is your favorite?” Brittany’s bubbly voice came throw the phone.

“That’s hard but I don’t have a favorite.” I laughed.

“Hey I’m Matt from California and I just wanted to say you sound really hot. My question for you is what is your favorite color?” The Matt guy asked.

“I would say Pink or Red Roses. What can I say I’m a romantic.” I smiled.

I saw Ryan mouth last caller then I nodded to let him know I seen it.

“Hi I’m Katie from New York. My question for you is what’s your favorite song?” Katie squealed over the phone.

“I would say I’ll Be by Edwin McCain.” After it came out I realized what I said.

That was the song me and Joe danced to on roof the night we kissed.

“Well why don’t we play a game I say some words or name and you say the first thing that pop’s into your head but you can’t pause or you lose ok?” Ryan asked taking note cards from a woman.

“Ok bring it on.” I smiled setting up.






“Diva.” I rolled my eyes at her name.



“Shia Labeouf?”



“Chuck and Blair!” I almost screamed.






“Don’t need them.”

“Frankie Jonas?”

Oh here we go with the damn Jonas’s again. Give it up Ryan.

“Bonus Jonas.”

“Nick Jonas?”

“Dance buddy.”

“Kevin Jonas?”

“New Best Friend.”

“Joe Jonas?”

I didn’t know what to say and I was drawling a blank I didn’t want to say something that gave anything away. I wasn’t aloud to pause I needed something quick.

“Umm….” I bite my lip and shook my head.

I knew I just paused and lost. Shit why didn’t I just saw tight pants or sunglasses. Hell I could have even said bagel but no I just paused and lost because I couldn’t think of anything. There wasn’t just one thing about him there was a 100 and I couldn’t have said one.

“Well you paused so I’m sorry but you lost. Now why don’t we go over some answers?” Ryan smirked.

I knew why I paused on Joe’s name was going to come up.

“So what’s with the Chuck and Blair answer?” Ryan asked.

“Well you said the first thing to mind and I though of Chuck and Blair in the back of the limo making out. It was my favorite Gossip Girl episode.”

“Now I’m sure you know the next question. Why did you pause at Joe Jonas’s name?” Ryan asked leaning in.

“Actually I don’t know.” I said playing with the snowflake necklace Joe gave me.

“So if there is nothing going on with you and Joe Jonas’s why no answer for his name? I mean you answered all the other questions just fine.” Ryan questioned.

“Well I don’t really know him well enough yet, so just nothing came to mind.” I just laughed it off.

“Well sorry everyone but where out of time. I would like to thank Kourtney Ryan for coming out here, tune in tomorrow when I interview Katy Perry.” Ryan’s bubbly voice came back.

Ryan clicked off the mikes and the on air sign went off. I breathed a sigh of relief when the music started playing again. Thank god this was over I couldn’t take anymore questions. It’s like Ryan knew Joe’s name would be hard for me to answer that’s why he waited to use it last, I shook my head there was no way he knew about me and Joe’s past. I got up and shook Ryan’s hand.

“Thanks for being here Kourtney you did wonderful for your first time.” Ryan smiled.

“Thank you I had fun.” I smiled and waved as I walked out.

As I walked I heard the next song start playing it was I’ll Be by Edwin McCain started playing. How fucking ironic? I looked at the Jonas family to see what their reactions where and they started clapping.

“You did amazing girl.” Nick said smiling.

“See I told you Nick.” Kevin said hugging me.

“Yes, you did lovely for your first time.” Mrs. Jonas smiled.

“You did very well Kourtney I’m proud of you.” Mr. Jonas smiled.

“Yeah that was the best interview I heard.” Frankie said.

I saw Frankie was now setting on Joe’s lap with his sunglasses on. I laughed he looked like a younger version of Joe with his sunglasses on. I walked over to Frankie and Joe and bent down to Frankie’s level.

“Aww thank you Frankie.” I kissed his cheek.

“At lest one of us is getting lip action on this tour.” Nick laughed and hit Kevin.

I saw Mrs. Jonas glare at Nick. I laughed and walked over to Nick and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then did the same to Kevin.

“There you all got kisses.” I laughed.

“Well not all of us.” Joe said pointing to himself smirking.

Shit. I knew he was doing this to fuck with me. I just walked over to him and bent down and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“There you all finally got one.” I stood up straight.

“Well we need to get to practice so everyone grab your stuff.” Mr. Jonas said picking up his papers.

“Sounds good to me I need to warm up.” I said.

I grabbed Kevin’s sunglasses and put them on as we walked out. I saw Kevin about to grab my hand and took that hand then put it in my pocket and pulled out my phone. I heard Nick and Joe start laughing from behind us as I texted Lola. I just bit my lip and kept texting people as we walked to the rental car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lol she paused.
Anyways the next one will be the performance.
also some of you are like wait Demi on the when you look me in the eyes tour.
I just realized When you look me in the eyes and burning up where two different tours but I dont care.
She wont be on the when you look me in the eyes one for long.

let me know of any mistakes.

Comments? x3
