Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 23

we're all addicted to something, that takes away the pain.<3-boyslikegirls

“Cause our lips, Can touch. And our cheeks, Can brush. Our lips can touch, Here…” I heard my phone start blaring. I looked up and saw I was asleep on Kevin, I couldn’t remember how it happened but I didn’t care I was tired. “Cause our lips, Can touch…” stared over again, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone and saw it was Mike. I moved away from Kevin and leaned on the other side of the sofa.

“Hello?” I said.

“Hey I just talked to Brian he said it went well. I though I would call and ask you.” Mike said.

“It went well but I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I just hung up.

“You still up?” Joe asked coming into the living.

“Yeah, Mike’s an asshole and woke me up.” I sighed getting off the sofa.

“Well you did amazing tonight.” Joe smiled.

“Thanks its all because of you. Why are you up though?” I asked playing with my snowflake necklace.

“Just couldn’t sleep I’m trying to write song.” Joe eyed my necklace then smiled.

“Want some help?” I asked walking back to the bedroom area.

“Yeah I could use some I’m stuck on some parts.” Joe said claiming up to his bunk and grabbed his laptop.

“Well let me see what you got.” I said taking the laptop and setting on my bunk.

“Well move over.” Joe said setting next to me.

I looked at the song Joe wrote it was called Burnin’ Up. I heard Joe start singing it softly in my ear as I followed with the words.

“I'm hot
You're cold
You go around
Like you know
Who I am
But you don't
You've got me on my toes

I'm sinkin' into the lava
And I'm tryin' to keep from going under
Baby, who turned the temperature hotter
'Cause I'm burnin' up
Burnin' up for you baby

C'mon girl

I fell (I fell)
So fast (so fast)
Can't hold myself... Back
High heels (high heels)
Red dress (red dress!)
All by yourself
Gotta catch my breath!

I'm sinkin' into the lava
And I'm tryin' to keep from going under
Baby, who turned the temperature hotter
'Cause I'm burnin' up
Burnin' up for you baby”

“Wow that’s all you have got its really good though.” I said looking at him.

“Yeah but I can’t come up with anything else.” He sighed and laid his head on mine.

“Walk in the room
All I can see is you
Oh, starin' me down
I know you feel it too” I sang.

“Wait! Were did that come from?” Joe asked looking at me.

“Just though of it I mean it fits.”I said.

“You’re a god I love it.” Joe kissed my cheek and wrote it down.

I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. We brainstormed ideas off each other for the rest of the night. I felt myself getting sleepy and I remember Joe talking about Big Rob but I just fell asleep.

“Kourtney you need to get up where almost back in LA.” Someone said.

“Joe?” I asked wiping my eyes.

“No Kevin.” Kevin said looking at me confused.

Shit! Wrong brother, I looked at my bunk and Joe and his computer where gone. I turned and looked at Kevin he had glasses on and I could smell that he had just showed, plus his hair was still a little wet. I smiled and got out of my bunk. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and fixed my hair the little I could and sprayed myself with some Love Spell so I at lest smelled good. I walked out and saw Joe and Nick arguing and Kevin shaking his head.

“What did I miss?” I asked taking a set next to Kevin.

“Their debating on who is going to ask Big Rob to come on the song with us.” Kevin frowned at his brothers.

“Well whose idea was it?” I asked looking at them.

“Joe!” Nick yelled.

“Well then Joe should do it.” I shrugged.

Joe sent me an evil look and Nick laughed.

“Joe can you make me a bagel?” Frankie asked running in and jumping on Joe’s lap.

“You want the bagel stealer to make you a bagel?” I asked Frankie.

“Dude Joe makes the best bagels he knows how to time it just right and put the right amount of cream cheese.” Frankie laughed and pulled Joe up.

“He really does I swear he should work at Starbucks.” Kevin laughed.

“It’s a talent.” Joe said putting a bagel in the toaster.

“So Kourtney what all are you doing when back in LA for 4 days?” Nick asked.

“Well today as soon as I get back I have to go record more they want to throw Love Story on my album. Then I think we have the photo shoot today.” I said.

“Nope that’s tomorrow.” Nick said.

“Oh well tomorrow it’s that then I got a photo shoot the next day for my album then I have to approve everything. Then probably shopping with Lola, Jamie, and Julia. Then back on here with you guys.” I said.

Now I bet your wondering about Jamie, yeah the girl who I caught banging Garbo. Well Garbo liked her a lot and she was from LA so she was riding home with us on the band’s tour bus. Last night was also Demi’s last night she had to record her album I guess she had just started. I hadn’t talked to her at all though except maybe a hi now and then.

“Wow busy girl so I guess I won’t see you unless I go to your studio?” Kevin asked.

“Nope and you can’t see me then. Mike doesn’t want any boys in their other then the ones in the band. He says he don’t want boyfriends hanging around because Julia and Adam don’t work and are to busy making out so Mike has to yell and he banded me from being a boy in.” I laughed thinking of how mad Mike gets.

“Boyfriend’s? Well I’m not your boyfriend but I’ve been….” Kevin started.

Oh hell no he was not asking me out in front of his brothers, I already had one Jonas liking me that I couldn’t control I didn’t need two.

“Kev were just friends.” I said looking at him.

“Crash and burn.” Nick said shaking his head.

Joe and Frankie where laughing when I looked over at them they had their hands over each others mouth trying to muffle the laughs.

“Kevin I really like you, you’re a really cool friend but I want to stay in the friends zone I don’t want the hassle of a boyfriend. I’m sorry.” I hugged him.

“Why is it girls hate the word just friends but if a girl says it, its all good.” Nick asked.

“I have no idea it just works that way, but are we ok Kevin?” I asked.

“Yes where fine.” Kevin said kissing my cheek and hugging me.

I smiled and got up as we stopped. I looked out the window and saw Lola and Mike out their waiting for us. I smiled and closed the blinds. I saw Joe about to eat his bagel and though I would pay him back for the other day. I ran and grabbed his bagel from him.

“Hey!” Joe yelled chasing me.

I started running and opened the bus door and took off down the steps. I ran all the till I was close to Lola, I couldn’t feel my legs and I couldn’t breathe so I stopped. That was a mistake. Joe must have not realized I had stopped because he ran into me causing me to fall. I felt him turn me so he wouldn’t land on me but I ended up landing on top of him sending the bagel flying. I looked down at him and started laughed. I rolled off him and helped him up.

“Damn I was going to eat that.” I said looking at the bagel.

“So was I till you stole it.” Joe said frustrated.

“Kourtney!” Lola yelled hugging me.

“Lola!” I yelled back.

She pulled me away from Joe and down to Mike. I hugged Mike as my other band members got off the bus Julia ran to Lola, Brian ran to Mike. It was a big love fest, I looked around and saw that I finally had a family again. I just smiled and hugged them all.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is not the end people I still have alot more planned for Joe and Kourtney scents this is their story. I mean their not even together.
I just wanted Kourtney to realize she had a family and its her recording buddy's.


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