Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 24


“So do I want to know what was with Joe coming into save you last night and acting like he knew you? Also that interview where you paused on his name?” Julia asked.

We had been recording Love Story all day and where now on a break. Julia didn’t know about me and Joe I just forgot to tell her.

“Nothing we are just friends.” I laughed.

“And I’m friends with Brittany, Ashley, Marissa, and Taylor but occasionally we make out.” Brian laughed.

“Yeah the way he looked at you clearly said something’s happened between you to.” Adam said jumping down next to Julia.

“I was waiting for you to kiss when he leaned in I though for sure there would be a kiss but he just hugged you.” Jordan laughed.

“So Ryan dish because we know you know him.” Brian stared me down.

“Ok remember how I got that great song idea out of no where or how I ran out of here like the place was on fire? Well I went to the roof one night and I ended up meeting Joe their one night, but we became friends and stuff. I never told him my name because he told me his brother liked me, so the day I auditioned for the tour he realized who I was when I said my name, which started a huge fight. Then I don’t know he has mood swings and like kissed me on the bunk. I told him no and then walked back to Kevin and it started another fight. Which ended I guess last night when he came in there and got me out their. So I’ve known Joe for almost two months. To answer you next question Brian I have made out with him.” I rolled my eyes knowing what he was going to ask.

“Holy shit you made out with Joe Jonas!” Julia.

“Shut up nobody in his family knows only you guys and Lola. Mike doesn’t even know about this so shut it.” I snapped.

“Mike doesn’t know what?” Mike said coming back into the room.

“That Ryan made out with a Jonas.” Brian smirked.

“Thanks Brian.” I said taking off my heel and throwing it at his head

“You know what I don’t even care, but one of them breaks your heart tell me, because their will be hell to pay.” Mike said hugging me.

“I’m not even dating one and I don’t plan to!” I yelled in frustration.

“Hunny you may not plan to but the heart wants what it wants and Joe’s wants you. Sooner or later everything between you two will come out maybe you should tell his family.” Julia said.

“I’m with Ryan on the not telling. What if she gets kicked off the tour, I mean she has pretty much played Kevin.” Brian shrugged.

“I did not play Kevin but I’m not telling the Jonas.” I said.

“Well I don’t care about all them damn Jonas, just don’t let it affect your work.” Mike said looking at me.

“Oh my god Jamie wants us to come down and hear the Jonas’s new song!” Julia screamed.

“Let’s go!” I smiled ad got up.

Mike shook his head in disapproval and Brian patted his dad on the back as we ran out of the room. As we got closer to the Jonas’s studio I could hear the lyrics Joe sang to me last night playing. We walked in and saw Big Rob and the boys singing as well as rapping. Julia screamed a little and I walked to Mrs. Jonas and Frankie then started dancing with them. Mr. Jonas was up playing with the sound board and moving his hands in motion to keep the boys on track.

“Sounds good lets...” Mr. Jonas had started but the boys where already running out of the studio.

“Ahh I missed you!” Kevin said hugging me.

“It’s been like 6 hours tops Kevin scents I last seen you.” I giggled.

“I know but…” Kevin stated but Nick finished.

“Give it up Kevin.” Nick said pushing his brother out of the way.

I laughed and hugged Nick. I looked around to see if I saw Jamie and I didn’t where the hell was she.

“Where is Jamie?” I asked.

“Jamie and Garbo are in the studio getting to know each other more.” Joe laughed.

I looked in the studio throw the glass and was Garbo had Jamie on his lap and they where going at it. I laughed and felt someone hug me. I looked and saw it was Joe, I hugged him back and smiled. I felt eyes on us both and let go of him, Mrs. Jonas was smiling.

“That’s a really pretty necklace Kourtney.” Mrs. Jonas said.

“Thank you Mrs. Jonas.” I smiled and started playing with my snowflake necklace.

“Who bought it for you dear?” Mrs. Jonas came over and looked at it.

“Lola.” I said.

“Wow you must have some friend because that’s very pretty. It looks a lot like the one my son Joseph bought this girl a little while ago. Whatever happened to that girl Joseph?” Mrs. Jonas smiled then looked over at Joe.

“I don’t know. Maybe I should go look for her.” Joe said nervously.

Nick and Kevin started dying laughing and held onto each other for support while everyone looked at them.

“Dude what happened to ‘I hate her she’s fake.’ now you’re going and looking for her.” Kevin laughed.

“I lied.” Joe shrugged.

“Pretty much mom he gave her the necklace they kissed had a magical time then the next day she or as Joe tells it he broke it off.” Kevin rolled his eyes.

“Well there is other girls out their. I meet your mom at your age and she was the only girl who stuck out to me. I dated other girls but I compared everyone to her and then after about a year I gave up trying to find the one because I already had.” Mr. Jonas kissed Mrs. Jonas.

“Yeah I know.” Joe said then muttered something I couldn’t hear.

I saw Mr. and Mrs. Jonas look back in forth between me and Joe. I just smiled and put the necklace down my shirt so it wouldn’t be seen anymore. I knew this wasn't good.
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I don't have anything to say today lol.

And thank you my fans, I love you guys. x3
