Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 26


“Yeah I’m fine.” I didn’t bother to look at Mazz.

“Really you don’t seem fine. I seen everything Kourtney that look when he left you, tells me that wasn’t the first time something had happened between you.” Mazz said.

“Mazz you don’t know anything about me or Joe so stay the hell out of it where just friends you didn’t see anything!” I yelled at her.

“Oh you looked like great friends when you started kissing each other and you pulled him down or how about when you took off your shirt and let him run his hand on your back? Let me guess you guys are super close friends?” Mazz smirked.

“Shut up!” I screamed in her face.

“I over heard you talking about him to your friends I know you where with him a month before this tour then he found out got pissed and from what he said it’s been back and forth between you to. Kourtney he doesn’t want to hurt you. He’s falling in love with you!” Mazz shot back.

“What? How do you even know something like that?” I questioned.

“Because you didn’t see the look on his face when he walked out!” Mazz yelled.

“What the hell is going on in here?” Julia asked.

“Go to Adam’s room and take Jamie to I need to talk to Kourtney alone.” Mazz demanded.

Julia looked at me I just nodded and waited till she got Jamie up and left. I stared at the door and wished they would come back.

“If he is falling in love with me why didn’t he stay?” I still looked at the door.

“Because his brother likes you I seen the way Kevin looked at you to when you performed he likes you but no were near the way Joe does. He kissed you before he left, Kourtney I don’t think he is giving up. Joe just needs you on the same page as him.” Mazz said softly.

“But I am on the same page as him!” I sighed dramatically.

“Ok I know in that head of yours where everything is overly dramatic that it seems that way but its not. I can tell by how you look right now you’re not on the same page your way behind him! You may like him a lot but you’re not close to even falling for him like is has fallen for you. He’s ok with it he’s giving you time. I know where Joe is your falling for someone but their hearts not their yet, he’s a lot better at it then me.” Mazz pulled her legs up to her chest.

“What how can you relate to him?” I asked looking at her.

“I’m in love with a Jonas to.” Mazz said biting her lip.

Oh my god please don’t let it be Joe!

“Claim down it isn’t Joe.” Mazz said putting her hand on my shoulder, it’s like she had read my mind. “It’s Nick.”

“Nick! He’s 15 Mazz!” I yelled.

“I know I’m a little old for him.” Mazz looked at me.

“A little your 18 that’s, the same age as his brother.” I looked at her like she was crazy.

“Ok you’re the same age as Kevin but it didn’t stop you from kissing his younger brother.” Mazz smirked.

“But I’m only two years older than Joe!” I throw my hands up in their.

“I’m only three from Nick because his birthday he’ll be 16 soon.” Mazz rolled her eyes.

“Still it’s different at lest Joe is legal!” I shot back.

“Ok but lets switch this what if you and Joe where mine and Nick’s age would Joe be worth it still?” Mazz smirked she knew my answer.

“Yes.” I sighed defeated.

“See age is just a number girl.” Mazz smiled.

“Ok I got the point.” I looked at her.

“I want to say I’m sorry about the limo the other day I didn’t know your ex cheated on you then his best friend used you. Also the comment about your parents was out of line.” Mazz looked at me biting her lip waiting for me to answer.

“Its fine I don’t tell people.” I said.

“Well why don’t you tell me the story?” Mazz asked.

“Ok.” I set and told Mazz about the whole relationship from start to finish when I got done she was setting their shocked.

“Wow. What an asshole.” Mazz said shaking her head. “No wonder you’re not on the same page as poor Joe.”

“I’m on the same damn...” I started to yell but there was a knock on the door.

The door started to open and in came Joe and Nick, both where dressed in pajamas and where carrying their bags. Joe kept looking back and forth between me and Mazz, I smirked and hugged Mazz.

“Did hell freeze over or am I dreaming?” Nick asked Joe.

Joe just shrugged and looked at my bed then me. I knew he was remembering the events of last night by the look on his face. I looked at Mazz who was looking at me with an all knowing smile which pretty much mint I told you so.

“Joe, Joe!” Nick said pushing Joe causing him to fall into the lamp and it fall to the ground.

“What the hell Nick?” Joe pushed him back.

“Hey stop it.” I said getting up.

“Kourtney don’t…” but before Joe could finish I was already screaming in pain and there was blood coming out of my foot.

I felt the sharp lamp piece cut my foot and go into it. I screamed even louder and was about to fall when Joe grabbed me.

“What the hell did you do to her Joe?” Kevin asked running in the room.

“Nothing she stepped on the broken lamp.” Joe fired back.

“Give her here.” Kevin said coming over to me.

“No!” Joe said setting me on the bed.

“I said give her to me!” Kevin pushed Joe.

I looked at Mazz and begged for her to do something, she stood on the bed with her hand on her hip.

“Shut up! Stop pushing him, Kevin you guys are acting like a bunch of idiots, Nick take her down to your parents’ room and tell them so she can get a doctor.” Mazz demanded and Nick ran over then picked me up and carried me down to his parents’ room.

Everything started to get fuzzy from the pain and the next thing I saw was all blackness.
♠ ♠ ♠
I decided to end the Mazz and Kourtney fued and to bring the closer by having Mazz see everything that happened.
Mazz is the Shit.

anywas comments?
