Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 28

Lost in this moment with you,I am completely consumed. - Big and Rich

It had been 3 days scents I’d found Joe in my bunk the night I hurt my foot. Thankfully my foot was better because tomorrow we were shooting the video to Love Story. Mazz and I where currently on the Jonas Bus with the boys while their parents shopped.

“Give me some pig.” Mazz said trying to get her hand in the Doritos bag.

“No!” I yelled putting some in my mouth.

Brian walked in with Julia and Julia set down next to Mazz. I continued to eat the chips and move them away from her.

“God Ryan can you eat anymore like a pig? Wait I know this! What fucking Jonas broke your heat was it…” Brian started rambling on but when he got to Jonas I took off my heel and throw it at his area.

“Nice aim girl.” Mazz said taking the chip.

“I know. Now you come with me!” I pulled Brian to the bedroom area.

“If you wanted to play rough you could have just asked.” Brian said overly loud.

“Whatever, but no Jonas broke my heart you dumbass and none of them know about what happened. So shut it.” I scolded Brian then opened the door and gestured him first.

“Nah you first I love to watch you walk away.” Brian smirked.

“God you’re a whore.” I rolled my eyes and walked back to Mazz.

“I love it when you talk.” Brian smiled as he walked out.

“I hate that guy why do you put up with him?” Kevin asked.

“He isn’t that bad just around girls he gets well horny but he never means it well with me anyways its some game to him. Plus in a way I owe Brian.

“Whatever he just inks me.” Kevin said.

“He’s harmless.” I laughed.

“He took out half the playboy bunnies in one night and he isn’t harmless dude has to have a huge cock.” Mazz laughed.

I started chocking on my chips and couldn’t breathe. I ran and grabbed a napkin then spit out what I had in my mouth. I coughed a little more.

“I can’t believe you just said that he’s like my brother.” I said holding my neck.

“Girl when you take a half the Playboys in one night your packing something.” Mazz giggled.


I was currently in my very short black dress that was not close to mid tight so who in the hell made this made it for a short girl, waiting for the guy to play the prince to show up. I was in a chair with my name on it watching some silly TV while waiting.

“Hey pretty girl can I get your autograph?” Joe asked rapping his arms around my neck and kissing my cheek.

“Nah sorry I only give it to cute guys.” I rolled my eyes smiling.

“Well that’s a problem what could I do to make myself cuter?” Joe laughed.

Joe hadn’t put much effort into his looks today other then putting his contacts in other then that he was in tight jeans a tee shirt and his hair wasn’t done. He looked cute I loved him when he looked like a little kid.

“Well if you made a few things different you could be hot like that Jonas kid, wait what’s his name.” I put my finger to my chin and laughed.

“Joe?” He laughed.

“No, I think his name was Nick.” I laughed.

“Oh yes of course lets all fall over the mighty Nick Jonas.” Joe rolled his eyes.

“Someone’s jealous.” I laughed.

“Trust me it isn’t Nick I’m jealous of today, but I have you get out there to watch you. You look beautiful Kourt.” Joe smiled and kissed my hand then ran out.

“What was lover boy doing in here?” Mazz asked coming into the room.

“Nothing wishing me luck and telling me I’m pretty.” I smiled putting on lip gloss.

“Well you may need more than luck they can’t find you a Prince the one they had booked couldn’t make it.” Mazz sighed.

“What!” I yelled.

I throw open the door and ran over in my heels to the director. I hit his arm with the back of my hand.

“Where is my Prince at?” I asked.

“In make up we found a last minute replacement that had the same sizes.” The director yelled.

A couple guys lead me to my spout on the balcony it was dark out and I smiled at all the stars. The director wanted all the night shots at night so here we where. I looked in to see Mazz and Nick dancing along with some of my other friends and actor’s I didn’t see Kevin or any of my band. I looked to see if I saw Joe and I didn’t. Where the hell was everyone?

“Places!” The director yelled.

The music started and I started talking to Mazz, Julia, and Jamie about random things while waiting for the cue to look at the elevator. The cast person sent the cue and I looked at the doors opened Joe stepped out first then Kevin and my band, they must have used them as extra’s like they did the girls but wait why in the hell was Joe walking here. Holy shit no way. Joe made his way throw all the people walked up to me.

“Hello.” He smiled.

“Cut!” the director yelled. “That was perfect!”

“How in the hell did you get the Prince Charming job?” I laughed.

“I had the right sizes.” Joe laughed.

I saw they had fixed his hair and it was now straight and he was in a tux. Just like I pictured in my dream for this video, Joe looked the part of the prince.

“Ok now places go back to the hello then take her hand and pull her out on the dance floor then everyone start dancing around them in circles. Then will have your dad grab Prince over their and push him away from you.”

“Hello.” Joe smiled then pulled me out onto the dance floor.


It was now about 2 in the morning and we where finishing up the last parts of the classy scenes. It was the ring and kiss scene that we had to do now. I have to say with everyone watching it was going to be weird as hell I mean we had got throw the part where we laying down in the garden and kissed but it was a peck this had be a full on kiss.

“Ok Kourtney you’re running out to him and then you pop the question and slide the ring on her finger and pretend she’s the girl of your dreams and say what you need to make it cute then say the line. Then you both kiss and we cut for the day.” The director said.

I ran out to Joe like he asked and saw Joe leaning against the car.

“Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone. I keep waiting for you but you never come. Is this in my head, I don't know what to think.” I started to walk away but Joe caught my arm and pulled me back.

Joe got on the grounded and put his hand in his pocket then pulled out a ring and held it out to me. He took my hand and started putting it on my finger.

“Marry me Juliet you'll never have to be alone. I love you and that's all I really know. I talked to your dad you'll pick out a white dress. It's a love story baby just say yes.” Joe repeated on cue.

“Yes!” I screamed.

Joe smiled and stood up and picked me up and span me around once then put me down. I knew it was going to happen within second and my heartbeat was in my ears beating faster then ever. Joe’s lip’s hit mine and he put a hand on my back and the other on the back of my neck, pulling my closer to him. I closed my eyes enjoying the kiss and put my arm around his neck and the other on his cheek. I felt him bite my lower lip and slipped my tongue in his mouth. I don’t really even know how long Joe and I made out in the middle of the street because the minute that kiss happened I lost all scents of time and where I was.

“CUT!” The director yelled.

I pushed Joe back and bit my lip.

“We called cut two minutes ago we got all the shots we needed! Listen to us why don’t you!” The director yelled at me and Joe.

I looked up to where everyone was standing almost everyone looked shocked. This wasn’t good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Looks like everyone just figured something out.
Joe and Kourtney kissed again.

