Sequel: Chasing Echoes
Status: Completed

Forever & Always

Chapter 29

Edward Cullen: I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.
Isabella Swan: Then don't

“Get it girl!” Mazz screamed from the balcony but Brian came and covered her mouth before she could speak anymore.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. Mrs. Jonas was whispering something to Mr. Jonas and smiled down at me. I turned and looked at Joe, he was just looking at me and had his hand on his neck. I looked at him trying to get and idea for what we could say to cover up are make out session.

“Kourtney I’m…”Joe started but was cut off by Nick.

“Kevin, that’s a not a good idea!” Nick yelled running behind Kevin.

Holy shit he was going to hit Joe, I could see this mess already. Kevin ran up to me and put his arms around my waist like Joe had a minute ago, I looked at Joe and he just looked confused. I tired to move back because I didn’t know what he was going to. Kevin grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me into a kiss. Abort! Abort! What the hell? I kept my eyes open and saw everyone with a horrified look.

“Oh my god!” Mazz screamed.

I tired to push Kevin away but I guess he took it as ‘move closer’ he wasn’t bad but it wasn’t what I wanted. He tired to put his tongue in my mouth but I wouldn’t aloud it. It got to the point where I couldn’t breathe and he finally let go of me.

“Kourtney I’m in love you.” Kevin said looking my in the eyes.

I bite my lip and slipped out of his arms and just shook my head. I started crying I didn’t want this any of it, I covered my mouth to muff the sound of crying. I hung my head and walked past a very shocked looking Joe. I saw Joe and Nick give Kevin disapproving looks and Joe put his arms around me and rubbed my shoulder.

“Come on lets go get you changed.” Joe said.

“Nice going Kevin. You’re so freaking blind!” Nick yelled and throw his hands in the air.

Joe held onto me tighter when he walked past Nick and Kevin and shot Kevin a dirty look. He just kept rubbing my arm and walked me into my dressing room and pulled out a chair for me. I set in it and just kept my head bent shaking from crying.

“Hey claim down every thing is already.” Joe said kissing my head.

“No it’s not.” I shook my head.

“Yes, it is Kevin will realize he did something crazy tomorrow and apologize.”Joe said softly.

Joe put his hand under my chin and forced me to look at him, he smiled wiped away tears.

“I’m not even worried about him.” I put my head down again.

“I’m not mad I promise where just…” He didn’t finish I don’t think he wanted to.

I looked up waiting for him to say it and he never did he just rubbed my cheek. He smiled and leaned in slowly then kissed me softly. I smiled against his lips and returned the kiss, it wasn’t fast or anything it was just sweet and soft. Joe pulled back slowly lingering and stealing another kiss before resting is head against mine.

“Go get dressed and I’ll take you back to the bus.” Joe smiled and pulled me out of the chair.

I laughed and got up then grabbed my bag and walked into the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and slipped out of my dress and put on my jeans and tee shirt. I throw my hair into a messy bun and took out my contacts and throw on my glasses. I opened the door and saw Joe had already changed back into his clothes from earlier.

“Wow someone changes fast.” I laughed and throw the dress over my chair.

“Yeah I didn’t want you walking in on me so I changed fast.” Joe laughed.

“Well ready?” I asked.

“Yeah let’s go.” Joe smiled and put his arm back around me.

Joe opened the door and we walked out together, I knew we had shooting again in a couple hours and then where taking a plane to Texas so we wouldn’t miss our show tomorrow scents it was already 2 in the morning it was a new day. I saw my band standing on the steps waiting for me to come out they started running and I held my hand out to say don’t. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas where yelling at Kevin, he started to run over to me and Joe.

“Kourtney...” Kevin started but Joe finished.

“Kevin you did enough damage just leave her alone.” Joe snapped.

“Please Joe what are her boyfriend you don’t speak for her. You barley even talked to her now you’re….” Kevin hissed.

“Enough Kevin!” Nick yelled. “Joe is leaving with her get over it and I’m going with them you can ride home with mom and dad. Come on Mazz.”

Mazz took Nick’s hand and Joe lead me out with them following behind. Once we got out of the filming area, Nick walked out to the street and got us a cab. I set next to Joe and Mazz set on the other side of me. I knew tomorrow was going to a long day.


We where all currently on the plane to Texas we had got done filming early today, Kevin hadn’t showed up which made mine and Joe’s job a lot easier and I didn’t have to worry about upsetting him. I looked back and saw Mazz and Nick were asleep with her head on his shoulder and his head on hers with their hands tangled up in each other’s. I smiled and turned back and Joe was staring at me.

“What?” I asked looking at him.

“Oh I was just wondering when I was joining the mile high club.” Joe smirked.

“Never and what happened to just friends?” I asked laughing.

“It’s harder than I though it would be. I'm stupid for taking that part yesterday and kissing you like I did but some part of me wanted to be that guy in the video so I just took it. I didn't want anyone else jumping in and take it. Something about you draws me to you. I don't regret yesterday though it was amazing.” Joe looked at me and smiled.

I smiled and put up the arm rest and moved over closer to him then laid my head on his shoulder. Joe put his arm around me then locked at hands together. I knew we looked a lot like Nick and Mazz at this moment. I felt Joe kiss the top of my head as I started falling asleep laying against him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know the ending sucked but oh well get over it.
This was a little of Mazz's idea she is always like what if Kevin makes his move and he did.
Well thats all I got to say.
